Suboxone 8mg/2mg And Roxicodone 30's (Page 4)
UpdatedI am currently taking Roxicodone 30's each day. I have suboxone 8mg/2mg to help get off of these. I know the suboxones are the best pill made to help with the withdrawals but I'm wondering if for the firsrt 3 to 5 days when I'm having trouble sleeping and feeling clammy, if i should take like half of a Roxicodone 30 (which i have done in the past), as it helps me to sleep and takes away the clammy feeling? Any other suggestions that you may have? Thanks to anyone answering this for me.
Chinadoll: u need to WAIT as long as possible between the time u took ur last roxy and the time that u take ur first suboxone. Doctors say to wait 18-24 hours. U have to be feeling pretty bad withdrawls from roxy before u can/should take suboxone. The strips are 8mg each, I personally take 1/4 of it (2mg) but the first day, a lot of people take more. Take 1/4 or 1/2 strip at a time ur first day and wait 15 min, see if ur withdrawls go away, if they don't then take a little more. Hope this helps u, let me know if u need anything else! Wishing u the best of luck!
Are you that ignorant? You can't be...
I really want to get of of percocets. My mind want to, but my body won't let me. I was prescriped, Suboxone 8mg/2. Now I don't have any cravings for opium for 23 to 24 hours. Will it be possible to take My suboxone every other day if I don't feel the need to take it, or should I just take it the way it was prescriped. I don't want to get hook on it.
You really need to wait at less 24 hours before starting the Suboxone after taking any opium. If you don't you will feel like crap and go into overdrive withdrawals symptoms. This is what you are feeling. Because the suboxone remove the Roxys from your system. So basically you are in withdrawal mode right now.
Maybe you could snort it and trick yourself into the feeling. or just to have the flavor. but I would stick to the suboxins. if you were someone that takes pills out of habitually just getting up and taking them in the morning. try replacing the pills with vitamins. they won't get you high but it will take your body into thinking that you took something and then you go about your day. sincerely lov
SuboxoneHelp, try cutting the 2mg in half. then only take half of it for a week or two. then cut the half in 1/2 for 1 to 2 weeks. then you should be down to 0. that might work. If you have to do it for longer until you feel comfortable taking the lower doses.
Sooo...I'm the good looking work out great body very ambitious graduated from cosmotology school 3 months ago and am a single mommie gurl. Long story short, my bf couldn't get any pills one day and he introduced me to the wonderful world of heroin was downhill from there and I was doing up to a half a g a day...and NOONE knew I did it. NOONE. After awhile I was chasing it just to feel the "normal" and he was such an a** to me that some days he would get mad at Mr n not give me any so id go into major withdrawls then he would feel bad come get my high n do it again to me the next day so my body has been through HELL and I am now. I managed to cop like 4 sub films over a long period of time so I could finally tell him to yo F*** himself. Well I did all that yesturday I sent him a text telling him where to go and to leave me alone. I waited exactly 6 hours after I snorted my last tiny piece of dope. And I mean it was 530 pm when I took an eighth of a film. A sliver ...I didn't sleep worth a s*** even though I took 3 benedryls but today has been a good day. I woke up at noon and took another eighth a sliver and I feel normal today. My question is how should I taper myself down when I only have 2 1/2 pieces left?? It is what it is I can't get anymore and insurance is s***ty so anyone please help. I am DONE with that s*** never wanna go back I've came clean to my mom and my sons (4yearsold) and they both support me 100% but as bad as I wanna say they know its heroin I abuse they think its pills and I choose to keep it that way as of please any help would be appreciated thanks so much for reading :)
And good luck to everyone fighting this battle..
Thanks POWERMEUP I'm in middle of tapering off and I think I'll be ok :)! And to SASSYNICCI: first off, you did something strong and amazing by kicking this guy out of ur life, no one deserves to be treated the way he treated u. And its awesome that ur clean :) the advice I can give is that u did something great by taking very little suboxone right from the start, it will be much easier to taper off, just do as "powermeup" suggested to me below but in less time, u've just started suboxone, chances are u aren't addicted yet, rather stop taking it and have a crappy day or 2 than to get addicted and have a rough time getting off. I'm not saying you SHOULD get off, bec I don't know anything about heroin but I do know its a tough and aweful habit to kick, it might be better to get a few more suboxone or even a legit prscription just to make sure you stay OFF of heroin. Suboxone is like a miracle pill, u won't crave the drugs u did, u won't even think about them. It will help ease u into normal clean sober happy life :) u sound like u have a hell of a lot going for u! Good luck and if there's anything else u need, or if my advice isn't the best, post again! Good luck
It's now day #2, I've been completly off roxies. I feel wd no subs nothing. I just take 4 Advils in the morning and three before bed and a cup of coffee, a lot of oranges and I feel ok. I wish I had subs tho .. :/
JayHeezy - go out and buy some tylenol extra strength take 3 of them and it will help ease Atleast some of the w/d pain. I've tried everything, FCk aspirin and everything else. I got off Roxis a few times using only Tylenol (before I started using H). And Melatonin + benadryl for sleep. Melatonin is all natural and it works! Use 3mg Melatonin and 1 Benadryl you will be asleep...the Benadryl knocks you out but the melatonin makes you STAY asleep as well as helping to knock you out also.
Never start taking suboxone on such a high dose, 8+ mg is CRAZY! Ive been to many sub doctors but finally found one that I feel very comfortable with. He told me right from the start that every licensed sub dr needs to attend a meeting and go thru a bit of "training". In this meeting, they explicitly tell doctors that they WANT PEOPLE TO GET ADDICTED TO SUBOXONE because it's better than having a heroin addiction. I always knew they was something strange going on-- every doctor I met with tried to get me on Atleast 8mg subs a day without even hearing my drug history. This is insane, don't fall for their money profiting schemes. These doctors are obviously getting "benefits" when they give subs. Don't you wonder why 90% of sub docs only take cash? They are greedy rich bastards who really don't give a FCk about u!
Ive been using 2.5+ Mg of H daily for years. This is hell of a lot of H if you didn't know (25 bags, 2 and a half bundle at minimum add Opanas ontop of that on the weekends). Believe it or not, I take 2MG subs to kill w/d. That's it! The people on here taking 3 Roxie's a day habit shoukd not be using more than 1MG sub! Even that is more than enough trust me.
I have crazy experience with blues, lean, subs, and D. So if you have any questions let me know and ilk try to get back to you ASAP. If you want to leave email address or phone # It will be easier for me to contact u. I'm always here to help someone who's ready to bring themselves out of a negative situation and into a positive.
Please help how can I. Contact u???????
Well I just wanted to say that you are NOT suppose to be taking Excedrin while taking Suboxone, and if you are getting prescribed Suboxone by your doctor, then he was suppose to make you sign a contract like deal saying what medications you can and cannot take with Suboxone. And you are not allowed to take ANY migraine medication, sleep aides, or extra strength ANYTHING!!!! It can have bad side affects with your Suboxone, and this is something that you should seriously bring to your doctor's attention if he hasn't already brought it to yours.
I'm sorry, I meant to add that this reply was for Nichole, but also for anyone else who learns anything from it.
Suboxonehelp: thank you so very much for taking the time to write me :) since I posted that I have went to my Dr and told him nothing but the truth and he was amazed that I was saying I'm done I don't this anymore please help me. And thas where I'm at now. He started me on .1 mg of the chlonodine every 8 hours n told me to stop taking the sub since I only took it that week..then he is adding another medication in a week and he is hoping with my mind set and determination that we can work closley together and get me back to good without subs. Scared me at first but I am willing to TRY it. He did tell me he would give me my referl to the sub Dr but I'm gonna use that as a plan B lol I have been clean since the day I said goodbye to that jerk and I can honestly say I feel pretty good mentally and physically other then NO sleep!! Jeeez! Thank you again for your kind words and anyone else I can help please let me know!! Much <3
Hi this seems like a really great discussion board! I just want to thank anyone who takes time to respond) I would love to get as many answers as possible! I'm trying to get off of suboxone I been taking 2mg for past 10 months to get off of roxys and now I'm stuck! I try to get off subs but I go into withdrawls I get very anxious and edgy and my heart starts racing and I feel awful until I take suboxone again! I have 10 of the orange 8mg pills can someone please help me get off? I have no drugs around me and no risk of ever going back to roxys and suboxone makes me exhausted no matter how much I sleep! I'm a 24 year old female (in case that makes a diff) I run a multimillion dollar company and can't deal with the crazy work hours AND my constant exhaustion! I find myself almost falling asleep at work and I'm used to working 18 hour days I never had an issue until I started subs! Thank you so much! Good luck to everyone on their journeys!
SASSYNICCI: wow that sounds awesome! I'm so happy for u and so happy to hear all the good news :) never doubt urself, ur definitely strong enough to do this and soon this hellish part of ur life will be just a distant memory and a lesson learned :) I don't know anything about the meds you mentioned but I DO know that suboxone is extremely tough to get off of so its great that u can use something else! Please stay strong ur going to get all ur sh*t together and feel amazing! keep us posted :)
Hi everyone. This forum has helped me tremendously. It is such a relief to know that I'm not the only one in the world dealing with a problem. This is my story. I have been doing 3-5 roxy 30's a day for about 5 months now. I never thought I would lead myself into this mess. I knew I liked doing pills for recreational use and it just got way out of hand. You always go into it thinking "oh this will never happen to me" well guess what it happens so fast and traps you. I feel so helpless and I actually hate myself right now that I have done this to myself. I already have bad anxiety and worry a lot and pills have made it worse. I am moody all the time and crazy thoughts run in my head. I have a good job and worked so hard for that job and I don't wanna mess it up over some stupid pills that don't even get u high anymore. I have been trying to get the courage for awhile now to quit but I'm terrified to feel these withdrawls because I can't be sick looking at work. When I wake up I feel achy and immediately have to take a pill to feel better. I also get a bad stuffy/runny nose and pain in my stomach. Well tomorrow I have off from work and I have to work the following two days. Well I have one 8mg suboxene strip that I'm gunna cut into 2mg each do I will have 4 little pieces 2 mg for 4 days and then plan to stop using te suboxene and deal with that pain bc I feel it will be way less worse then just coming off the Roxies well....I'm just terrified. Will this work. I plan to wait as long as possible tomorrow to feel withdrawls bc I know everyone says to wait bc I don't wanna go into precipitated withdrawls and get even more sick. I'm just worried I will feel like hell for work and I can't be like that l. I'm also terrified about getting piss tested at work and losing my job I worked so hard for and then my life is over. I just want any advice at all if anyone can PLEASE help in anyway. Will my withdrawls be gone? Will I have energy for work? Will people be able to tell something is wrong with me. I also have some xanax to help me sleep and with anxiety. I'm just SCARED OUT OF MY MIND to feel these withdrawls and I know I have done this all to myself and deserve to feel this pain. I just wanna be the same person I was. I wanna be normal. I look at all my friends and just want to be like them not depending on something to make me feel ok. This is not fun anymore. I will never ever touch another pill again. Please anyone reading this that just started pills don't do it!!! Look away from it. It is seriously the devil and just sucks you right in and in a blink of an eye you have a problem. Please I'm begging someone to please help. Im just scared this suboxene will not work and I will feel terrible and will end up in the hospital. Ive talked to people that do way more than me and they say the suboxene works and I will be fine I just have to stop worrying bc I'm just making myself sick. Which is true. I know the best thing is to not think of it. I just have to get past these 2 days of work. And does anyone know how long it will take the pill to come out of my system for a clean urine test? I can't wait till this is in my past and I can say its over and start a new life and wake up feeling like myself again and happy and motivated. This has turned me into someone I never want to be. I have Gatorade stocked up and I know I need to drink a lot of water. I also can't wait to be able to go to the bathroom normal not to sound gross but I have been so constipated and scared I will never poop normal again. Please someone any advice I will be happy to hear from you. I'm starting this tomorrow like I said. So I need it ASAP. I will also keep all of you updated to how I feel in hopes it will help someone else. It's good to know I'm not alone. Even though I feel like it. Excited to hear from anybody with any thoughts or advice. I wanna be able to breath again and feel alive. I feel dead inside. Thank you everyone for listening and taking their time to read this. It means the world to me. Good luck to everyone fighting this. I will keep each of you in my thoughts and prayers.
Sorry my post was so long everyone. I just had to get it out. But like i said I have been doing 3-5 Roxys a day for 5 months and have one 8mg suboxene strip that I'm going to cut into 4 pieces to make 2mgs each and take 1, 2mg, strip each day and then stop. Will this get rid of my withdrawls I'm terrified I need to stop bc of work and I have off tomorrow and work the next 2 days scared im going to be sick at work or will the suboxene help me to feel normal at work bc I can't look sick. I work with people. I know people that do way more than me and say the suboxene will help and that I just worry to much. I don't wanna lose my job I worked so hard to get where I am today. I just NEED HELP ASAP!!!! Im starting this tomorrow so someone please respond:( I just wanna know if I will feel ok and I can do this I'm trying to think positive but it's so hard:( please somebody help me would love to hear what anyone has to say! HELP!!!!!!!! Hopeless:/ I will never feel human again I ruined my body.
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