Suboxone 8mg/2mg And Roxicodone 30's (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I am currently taking Roxicodone 30's each day. I have suboxone 8mg/2mg to help get off of these. I know the suboxones are the best pill made to help with the withdrawals but I'm wondering if for the firsrt 3 to 5 days when I'm having trouble sleeping and feeling clammy, if i should take like half of a Roxicodone 30 (which i have done in the past), as it helps me to sleep and takes away the clammy feeling? Any other suggestions that you may have? Thanks to anyone answering this for me.

369 Replies (19 Pages)

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Suboxone doez help for pain. pm clinics use it all over they are called butran patches.. its the main ingrediant in subs.

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first off you should go to a dr and get an exact dose from them a friend of mine takes 2mg a day total another friend takes 8mgs a day. I take 16mg a day I take 2 8mg strips everyday and have for the last 2 years. its all how you look at it. I do not ever get sick im never looking for money to get my next fix. Im not a screw up and I have already hit rock bottom when I was using pills, now I go to my sub dr everymonth get my script of subs, and take them as prescribed. I have a full time job a husband and 2 little girls, I can say that my life is finally back to normal being on sub maintaince .. like I said before there is a huge difference between being an addict and being dependent... if you are calling everybody you know trying to pawn whatever you got just to keep from getting sick then you need to go on suboxone or methadone. if you don't have a heavy problem then you could prob just take suboxone to detox for 5 days then be done with it.. but be strong and don't ever take a pill or sub again.....if you cant stay away from pills then you decide if being on subs is the right decision for you. because for me I don't mind taking subs everyday.. I do not get f***ed up from them at all anymore but it keeps opiates out of my body and keeps me motivated and drug free.. Everyone's different!

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I was taking 8 30's a day and 10 mg. 10/325 in between for off set pain, and My Doc gave 8 of those also.I used to never think I had a problem cause " I was getting them prescribed from a Doctor" I was only kidding myself. Yes, I honestly am in pain everyday between neck and back,left arm, tingling and numbing fingers, a lot of arthritis etc. My Doctor just picked up one day and LEFT!! I was seeing him10 years! I go to my day as usual, they didn't even call anyone and let them know, but a sign was taped on the door, SORRY, due to illness in Doc's Family he had to move out of state where his family is and wont be back, everyone needs to find another Doctor!!!???What did I just read? Everyone panicked, that's when the reality of being an addict set in!! I Could NOT find ANY Doctor who would give me what he did. So I just had IV's in my spine. I HAD to do something for the pain!! If one more Doctor tells me to go home and take Motrin Im going to tell them to shove it up their ass. It made me sick cause I had to take so many a day cause I had no other choice and actually threw them up!!! So after explaining all that, I went to Suboxone,8mg.-2mg. They helped with the withdraw, NO WAY did they help for PHYSICAL PAIN,and my advice to you is IF you HAVE to take suboxone which it sounds like you do like me, take it and get off of it AS SOON AS YOU CAN!!!! You will drag ass for a while cause I did for a good 2 months, but I could lay around and do it cause I don't work. My husband cant get off them cause he works and there is NO WAY he could feel the sickness from the subs or oxycodone 30,s . Hes off the 30.s and is on the Subs.but as I said, he has to stilltake the subs. at work just to feel normal so no one can tell.I just keep telling him to still try to wean while he does it, if he needs another little piece than try it that way. He is a half of case of beer drinker a night if not a whole case, at least about 15 beers a night, so I think that's also the reason hes having a harder time than me, and he smokes MORE cigs. since he got on the suboxone. I can only advise him,than we end up arguing cause he says Im nagging him to leave him alone. Plus I think hes sneaky!!! Hes NOT trying to slow down or wean off!!!! I KNOW it, Im NOT DUMB, But theres still no darn reason to HAVE to take 2 a day!!!!! I tried to tell him 1 a couple days, than half a couple days etc. I explained the way I did it and it WORKED GREAT!!!!! NO WITHDRAWAL AT ALL!!!!!!!! I was so, so, HAPPY, cause I was scared something could happen like seizure etc. cause Im on Psych. Meds. too. 1mg.Klonopine 3 times a day and a lot more id rather not say all , Im sure you understand. Well, GOOD LUCK< and I HOPE THIS HELPED!!!!!

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Hi Dave, I hear what ur saying and believe me they already consume my life I am 50 and been doing the monthly dr trip for way to many moons! I want to be done, hell can't go on vacation, r anything actually without making sure got my script, it's ridiculous! And I'm sick of it! Plus my mother is a real bad alcholic and that started with a pill and now I'm terrified of it all. I do not want to end up like that. So thanks for the advice. I will differently not try to fool myself into thinking it's all ok cuz let me tell it sure as hell doesn't feel that way right now!!!
Thanks Again.

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I have been on roxy 30 for a year, taking about 5 a day. A friend gave me suboxone 8mg/2mg. how long do i need to wait to take a sub after taking a 1/4 pill of roxy 30 My friend told me that i would get sick if i did not wait 24 WDs start 5 hours later so waiting 24 hours is not possible. I realy need to be off all drugs completely. Please help

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Hi PLEASE HELP, I was on Percocets for 3 years my last year I got all the way up to 20 a day anyways I finally opened my eyes last Nov. Started going to a methodone clinic for 3 months started at 8 mg of suboxone and on the last month I was there I went down kinda fast to 2 mg I had plan that I would quit subs on my own n not owe any more money , so I did I stopped going. Now my question is I want to know when will I fill normal I feel depressed I try my hardest to keep my mind off of it by leaving the house, I can't sleep I have pains, I had such a bad stomach ache last night I went to the er thinkin it was something bad but knowing in the back of my head I was going to get something for pain. So they ended up giving me some dillauid. Now I'm freaking out cuz am I gna go thru withdrawls again. I have a few 2 mg subs but don't want to take them I just want to be free and happy!!!! If you have Ny information please inform thanks for takin the time no one understands me right now.:( my husband just thinks I'm a crybaby n its all in my head witch can be true but when Ur depressed with pain how can It all be in my head ...

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You have just started taking the suboxone? if so make sure you get to 16-24 mg as quickly as possible and maintain that dose for at least a month. Also your doctor should be instructing you to only take the medication ONCE DAILY! This is important because it breaks the cycle of the drug addict behavior. (taking doses multiple times daily) Once you maintain a dose you can talk to your doctor about graduall step down of dose. like 1 mg a month, oh and ask for the strips they are the easiest to dose when dropping doses, i measure and cut with exacto knife, works perfect when going from 16mg to 15mg. I hope this helps, it has truly changed my life and i never turned back, I'm on 8 mg once daily now and i started at 16mg last year. My life has turned around 180 degrees. I was bad too i was in the streets of NYC every night all night and I'm lucky to be alive. suboxone treatment is the way if done correctly see if your doctor will prescribe the way i described in my post.

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Hiya all. I'm 40 and have been using heroin for 15+ years and oxy for the last four years, loading gear on top... I have been on suboxone for 17 days now and I'm on 30mg a day. I'm on a program (voluntary) through ATODS (Australia).
I also suffer from chronic back pain and sciatica, hence the I was/am an addict first and foremost.
I've tried everything not to be a user and at last I have found an answer-suboxone!!! I'll stay on this forever if I have to.
The idea is to live life to the fullest. My life is getting to that point. I don't feel guilty using suboxone and enjoying the high it gives me, as well as relief for my pain. Also my friends and family can rest assured that I am now not in any danger do or getting myself into any trouble trying to support my habits.
Keep on fighting the good fight...

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If you are ok with just a quarter of one suboxone and only needed it for less than a week then my guess is you never were strung out to begin with and didn't need suboxone to kick. I got off of 80 mg. of juice that I swallowed for 7 years and before the juice I was shooting dope. The suboxone at 3 8/2 mg. a day didn't take enough of the sickness away to keep me comfortable for the 1st 3 weeks I was not real sick but I felt bad enough. Sounds to me,like all you

woneeded was a good meal and a warm bed
to sleep in for a day or tw

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I would say at LEAST 18-24 hours. You want to be in pretty significant withdrawals. Meaning : cold sweats, goosebumps, runny nose, restless w/irritability, and stomache cramps. I would not risk precipitatedo withdraw so in my worst enemy. Hooey that helps. It is easier to stop in the afternoon so you sleeo thru most if the time. Use ambien or at least tylenol pm for sleep and and anxiety med if possible to helput the remaining hours your awake.

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IMO I would not take anything your addicted too after starting subs. I found that my first day I had to take 32mg of subs to get where I had only some slight symptoms such as cold chills.and runny nose. I have found that as addicts no matter how we got started on this journey i.e. injury or rec use, we are very intelligent so if you have done that in the past and are asking others if you should I think you know the anwser. I do the same thing b/c I am really searching for approval. In summary, no. when u are really done only then should u start subs and let it be the, beginning of a new life! BTW going on and odd subs is not good. They will not work and give you the same results as u had the first time. God bless!

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Me too! I got 2mg subs, ten per package. Definitely not enough to make withdrawals go away entirely but makes them tolerable. Staying home and smoking mad weed (prescription cannabis is best) really helps. I still feel the withdrawal but it makes the creepy crawlies and the restlessness tolerable. I do yoga and mediation with cannabis and realize it's merely me landing thus giving kicking a positive outlook

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In reply to Stephanie, Im 55 and have experienced that paralized feeli.g while Im asleep for many years. Not every night but once in awhile. It is a scarry feeling because no matter how hard I try to move or scream, I can't. I use to think I was the only person that experienced that but as it turns out quite abit of people experience the same thing. I've learned that if I relax and not try to move or scream it goes away quicker but when it does go away I don't just lay there or else it returns so I get up, drink water and regain my composure. I usd heroin for many years but I don't think that has anything to do with the situation. Hope u learn tp relax.

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i'm sorry but i'm curious if you've attempted to get off suboxone and actually be "Clean"....its an absolute nightmare. suboxone does everything the roxys or whatever opiate you use do, besides the high or euphoria. Suboxone is a hardcore pain killer as well. Just works differently when you have a tolerance or habit to opiates.

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Hi everyone I'm a 24/ female.
I was the one who posted the original post asking for help about a year ago.
I wanted to come back and say this : I have been completely and totally clean since the day after I posted on this board. I started suboxone, I took about 6mg my first day and 4 my second day and since then I've been taking 2mg a day almost every day. I am not around any drugs and I have no wish or craving to do the roxys (only drug I've ever abused - I was on 3 a day for about 6+ months) I just want you guys who are here posting or even just reading know : THIS IS DO-ABLE! U can kick the habit in the ass and get ur life back. U will feel great, happy, healthy and u will have MONEY! I was wasting a fortune on roxys. Every single person has the strength to beat this. It might be harder for some and a bit easier for others but ultimately we can all do it.
My one question/problem now is HOW do I get off the suboxone? I've been on 2mg for almost a year and its a waste of money and I don't feel that I've needed it for months already. My doctor told me to stay on but I think that's just bc the cases/patients he usually deals with are ones that are either constantly surrounded by friends/addicts etc or perhaps they may easily relapse. I know I won't. With G-ds help of course. Now I just want to get OFF suboxone but I can't seem to do it. If I stop for 2 days I start feeling very anxious, irritable, antsy, heart racing etc. Does anyone have any advice on how to get down from 2mg to 0mg?
I wish each and every one of u the best of luck. I promise u CAN do it. Ur worth it, ur friends and ur family, ur job, everything is worth it. Once u quit, never look back. If anyone needs any help or has any questions please feel free to ask me. I wish I had ppl around to help me when I was going thru what a lot of u are going thru now.
Please, if anyone has any advice for me please post.
Thanks and G-d bless :)

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Do not mix them. Take the suboxone as prescribed. Get through it. Once you are on the other side of those pills, you will feel better. I stayed on suboxone for 2 months... then got off it all. My doctor also prescribed an anti-drepresent, Lexapo, and klonopin. The combination in my opinion was necessary to help with the feeling you are concerned with.

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Takes one to know one. I've been shooting up then decided enough was enough. Been through several medical detoxes, orthodox rehab, methadone, even an Ibogaine detox. Always went back to the needle. Not any more. Took 2mg of subs for 3 days and medical cannabis. Yeah, I felt withdrawals but I just came to the conclusion that I am going to feel terrible for awhile but I know the body heals itself and let myself cross over. Woke up to a withdrawal today in fact but I just won't let my thoughts go towards executing drug-seeking behavior. Maybe the weed caused enough introspection.

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I've been taking 3-8 roxys a day depending on how much money I had or got for free. I just got 5 strips of suboxone 8mg/2mg today was my first day taking. I feel like s***,major headache nd I keep getting a sharp cramp in my stomache. I feel like running to get me a blue. I need help. Should I take more than the one or what I'm so f***ing confused nd ready to do what I know to get this feeling gone. What do I do? I got a kid nd I need to be able to have energy to do stuff wit him nd for him. HELP!!!!

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Chinadoll: u need to WAIT as long as possible between the time u took ur last roxy and the time that u take ur first suboxone. Doctors say to wait 18-24 hours. U have to be feeling pretty bad withdrawls from roxy before u can/should take suboxone. The strips are 8mg each, I personally take 1/4 of it (2mg) but the first day, a lot of people take more. Take 1/4 or 1/2 strip at a time ur first day and wait 15 min, see if ur withdrawls go away, if they don't then take a little more. Hope this helps u, let me know if u need anything else! Wishing u the best of luck!

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I really want to get of of percocets. My mind want to, but my body won't let me. I was prescriped, Suboxone 8mg/2. Now I don't have any cravings for opium for 23 to 24 hours. Will it be possible to take My suboxone every other day if I don't feel the need to take it, or should I just take it the way it was prescriped. I don't want to get hook on it.

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