Suboxone 8mg/2mg And Roxicodone 30's (Page 17)
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I am currently taking Roxicodone 30's each day. I have suboxone 8mg/2mg to help get off of these. I know the suboxones are the best pill made to help with the withdrawals but I'm wondering if for the firsrt 3 to 5 days when I'm having trouble sleeping and feeling clammy, if i should take like half of a Roxicodone 30 (which i have done in the past), as it helps me to sleep and takes away the clammy feeling? Any other suggestions that you may have? Thanks to anyone answering this for me.

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I would say at LEAST 18-24 hours. You want to be in pretty significant withdrawals. Meaning : cold sweats, goosebumps, runny nose, restless w/irritability, and stomache cramps. I would not risk precipitatedo withdraw so in my worst enemy. Hooey that helps. It is easier to stop in the afternoon so you sleeo thru most if the time. Use ambien or at least tylenol pm for sleep and and anxiety med if possible to helput the remaining hours your awake.

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Well I took them recreationally for 10 years and then got hurt and had to take them everyday for the past year and a half. Sick of it. It is prescribed but I'm still tired of it don't want it any longer. Also and still in extreme pain. I will try until I find something that work. And I have fun larger mountains then this.....grumpyass

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If you are ok with just a quarter of one suboxone and only needed it for less than a week then my guess is you never were strung out to begin with and didn't need suboxone to kick. I got off of 80 mg. of juice that I swallowed for 7 years and before the juice I was shooting dope. The suboxone at 3 8/2 mg. a day didn't take enough of the sickness away to keep me comfortable for the 1st 3 weeks I was not real sick but I felt bad enough. Sounds to me,like all you

woneeded was a good meal and a warm bed
to sleep in for a day or tw

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Hey I have been paying 90 milligrams of roxy cotton a day. I am done I have five 8/2suboxins strips. should I cut them up how should I space them out so I don't get sick

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Hiya all. I'm 40 and have been using heroin for 15+ years and oxy for the last four years, loading gear on top... I have been on suboxone for 17 days now and I'm on 30mg a day. I'm on a program (voluntary) through ATODS (Australia).
I also suffer from chronic back pain and sciatica, hence the I was/am an addict first and foremost.
I've tried everything not to be a user and at last I have found an answer-suboxone!!! I'll stay on this forever if I have to.
The idea is to live life to the fullest. My life is getting to that point. I don't feel guilty using suboxone and enjoying the high it gives me, as well as relief for my pain. Also my friends and family can rest assured that I am now not in any danger do or getting myself into any trouble trying to support my habits.
Keep on fighting the good fight...

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I don't know why people keep saying you can't take suboxone and normal narcotics at the same time. I took both within hours of each other for a whole year before just being on suboxone. I would take one to undo the bad reaction from the other. It's rare but, I think this could happen when you go from small amounts of painkiller to a higher amount of suboxone. A doctor told me though at a low dose of sub taking a stronger painkiller will eat the suboxone up. DON'T DO THIS! You just go from one withdrawal to the next. I wish I could help, Im trapped on 2mg myself, the only thing that gives me very little relief is smoking pot, but that doesn't help everyone. You are not a crybaby, I would rather go through almost any other pain, than to keep going through this. Some people have minor symptoms, while others get deathly sick People who don't understand another's pain or care to, are weak and will suffer bad one day. Everybody gets sick at one point or another. I wish everone success.

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You have just started taking the suboxone? if so make sure you get to 16-24 mg as quickly as possible and maintain that dose for at least a month. Also your doctor should be instructing you to only take the medication ONCE DAILY! This is important because it breaks the cycle of the drug addict behavior. (taking doses multiple times daily) Once you maintain a dose you can talk to your doctor about graduall step down of dose. like 1 mg a month, oh and ask for the strips they are the easiest to dose when dropping doses, i measure and cut with exacto knife, works perfect when going from 16mg to 15mg. I hope this helps, it has truly changed my life and i never turned back, I'm on 8 mg once daily now and i started at 16mg last year. My life has turned around 180 degrees. I was bad too i was in the streets of NYC every night all night and I'm lucky to be alive. suboxone treatment is the way if done correctly see if your doctor will prescribe the way i described in my post.

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How long after taking 30 mgs of roxies can I start suboxone?

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Hi PLEASE HELP, I was on Percocets for 3 years my last year I got all the way up to 20 a day anyways I finally opened my eyes last Nov. Started going to a methodone clinic for 3 months started at 8 mg of suboxone and on the last month I was there I went down kinda fast to 2 mg I had plan that I would quit subs on my own n not owe any more money , so I did I stopped going. Now my question is I want to know when will I fill normal I feel depressed I try my hardest to keep my mind off of it by leaving the house, I can't sleep I have pains, I had such a bad stomach ache last night I went to the er thinkin it was something bad but knowing in the back of my head I was going to get something for pain. So they ended up giving me some dillauid. Now I'm freaking out cuz am I gna go thru withdrawls again. I have a few 2 mg subs but don't want to take them I just want to be free and happy!!!! If you have Ny information please inform thanks for takin the time no one understands me right now.:( my husband just thinks I'm a crybaby n its all in my head witch can be true but when Ur depressed with pain how can It all be in my head ...

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I DID 1 AND A HALF OF ROXY, THEN SMOKED.. im guessing u had the same affect. Eyes rolling back in ur head, high as hell , and like nodding in and out. been on the 30 mils for 5 months, Just getting clean now. rather be clean nd save 20 bucks a day..

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I am new to these suboxone forums however I have done intensive research on this. Most people I know got hooked on opiets due to being prescribed them for pain. As we take them more and more our tolerance goes up and the addiction sets in. I knew that my pain would not go away and always caused me to go back to opiets to relieve the pain and give me energy to function. Finally I said enough is enough and did research on subs. I found out that not only do they get you off opiates but they also work great for pain, depression, and anxiety. Everyone I was reading about complained about the cost. I found out that when prescribed for pain any dr can write the script and ins covvers it. It does help my original pain I was in so now I use it as pain management. Hope this helps.

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I was being verbally abused by my suboxone doctor so I requested a new one and was currently at 24mg suboxone (3 8mg) per day, I recorded the abuse on tape and now he has cut my perscription by taking off 8mg in the first 3 days, Im currently not well, and have no doctor supervision, Im in Ottawa Canada and looking for a good doctor who can take paitents. It's getting worse by the day, Im scared and dont know how Im going to take this taper, if anyone has any helpful info please get back to me. Thank youxox

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Yo so I am taking like you. How did the suboxone help? i got the 8mg one but i guess im gonna cut them into quarters. is that what you did? how many days it take for u to be completely fine

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So I am quitting 30 mgs blues. Ive been doing them since september now and it February right now, Im excited to be clean and looking forward to it. Im down to just 2 blues a day 30 mgs each. so 60 all together. tomorrow im taking my last Roxy then im starting up the suboxone. let me know when i should start it up and everything. the suboxons are 8mg so should i take them in qurters? how will i feel on them. Let me know dude. Thanks so much!

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Hey i saw this and I was like OMG. Im 22 years old, but for years this has happened to me, I "wake up", but i guess im not really awake, but im completly paralized and can not move at all. Its so so so scary, and I have absolutly no idea what its from, for me it happens randomly, and its not because of drugs, but is this what youre experiencing??

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I was doing the same. I realized I was over chasing roxy. Try to wat at least 12 hrs. Take 1 or 2 roxies and xanax go to bed everytime u wake up take more xaxax don't go crazy just enough to make u sleep after u wake up 12hrs or more take a piece of a subuxone maybe 2 mgs. I found subutex for my first day. They don't make u hae instant withdrawal if u take em too soon. There was no was I could of waited 24hrs to take a subuxone. It took me to have no money in my pocket and 1 subutex and 6 suboxone to get clean. I'm on day 2. I feel good. The frst ay is hard keep taking the suboxone. I had to take 2 and half yesterday to feel somewhat ok. I still got the hot and cold sweats alittle not that bad. I woke up this morning covered in sweat. We didn't become addicts over night so we cant come clean over night either. There will be some points u will want to give up but just think ahead u can get clean. I did this yrs ago off of 4 oxy 80s a day when I was 19. I wasclean for 4 yrs wish I never touched a pill after. I used to be so happy no I'm sad and depressed. I want my life back and you need yours back too. Its not easy but be strong take the suboxone. U wil need more. If u can afford 10 to 15 roxy a day u can go to a dr. Hope this helps

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I have been taking 10 -15 Perc 30 for 6 weeks and have lost my supplier. I have to stop anyway. How much Suboxone N8 would you recommend, How often....any advise would be helpfull, Thanks

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Pleasehelp ,,,,,,,,, I have been taking 10 to 15 Perc 30s a day for about 5 weeks know and have run out of them. I am horrified. My Detox just strated last night and I don't know what to do. I got my hands on 20 Percosets ( M 362 white oval pills 10mg Percs ) and 20 aderall 20 Mg ( COT 135 orang round pill ) My friend just stopped by with 4 Suboxone N8. Thats all I have and I am sick as a dog. Stomach empty feeling, headach, I feel like I'm crawling out of my skin, cold then hot. Any suggestions would be great, I cant even move arround I hurt so much, How long will this last ? What is my best bet for suboxones ? I want to stop the Percs and be sober / stright for a while. I have not found a Detox in my area, Boston, as of yet

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I have been taking 10 to 15 Perc 30s a day for about 5 weeks know and have run out of them. I am horrified. My Detox just strated last night and I don't know what to do. I got my hands on 20 Percosets ( M 362 white oval pills 10mg Percs ) and 20 aderall 20 Mg ( COT 135 orang round pill ) My friend just stopped by with 4 Suboxone N8. Thats all I have and I am sick as a dog. Stomach empty feeling, headach, I feel like I'm crawling out of my skin, cold then hot. Any suggestions would be great, I cant even move arround I hurt so much, How long will this last ? What is my best bet for suboxones ? I want to stop the Percs and be sober / stright for a while. I have not found a Detox in my area, Boston, as of yet

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Today will be my 3rd visit back to the Dr. I went in for help because I was taking anywhere from 60-80 vic/percs a day. I've been taking 4mg every 8hrs. I just dont think it's enough, starting to get cravings, heart racing, diarreha again . I also get the pounding headaches which I take Excedrine migraine pills, B/C or Goody powders. I also take at least 600 Ibuprofen once a day, too.

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