Stopping Lisinopril (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I have been taking 10 mg/day of Lisinopril for 3 months and have developed a tightening in the chest and flu like symptoms. Within the past 3 weeks I have felt progressively worse and would like to stop. Is it ok to just quit or must I wean myself off?

127 Replies (7 Pages)

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that is the same way I felt, getting worse and worse. I just stopped and the sickness went away in a couple of days. I did have the cough for a few months after, but it was not even close to how bad I was feeling.

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Hawthorne is a natural ace inhibitor an it strengthens the heart muscle. Skullcap is great for anxiety an supplying the heart with nutrients that are depleted by other blood pressure medicine. Always check with your doctor if you add herbs to your diet.

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Please share what "natural remedies" worked for him. Although all of our bodies are unique in our reactions (an idea that seems foreign to some medical doctors) many of us have been on a medication roller coaster for years and are willing to try other options. Thank you.

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Re: sheryl (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

I have had the exact same thing while on Lisonopril
I’ve had a constant dry cough so hard that I throw up sometimes doctor put me on antibiotics thinking it was bronchitis or Pneumonia I am on my second set of anabiotic’s because the first that didn’t work I am so sick of coughing I really thought I had COPD I’m a bit angry that it’s taken me this long to figure out it’s the blood pressure medicine. I started looking online because I was so afraid it might be something worse I want to take myself off but it looks like that is not wise to do I am only on 10/12.5 mg tablets
I must be really slow to figure this out because I’ve been on Lisinopril for over six months I’ve had this cough for at least three months but under a lot of stress just thought it was the fact that I wasn’t taking better care of myself

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I started the keto diet the same day I stopped my lisinopril I have a home blood pressure monitor and my blood pressure has been great without any medicine I stop cold turkey I don’t know if I recommend that but that lisinopril made me so sick I couldn’t stand it I was getting dizzy my face was swollen my body was swollen my chest felt compressed I couldn’t breathe I hated my doctor did prescribe another medicine that I’m going to have to look up it starts with an L as well but I have not taken it either I just monitor my blood pressure daily and this diet is helping immensely

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Re: Michael Adomeit (# 41) Expand Referenced Message

I have been on it for a couple of years now. About 6 months I acquired a cough that will not go away. I have been to several doctors and had both antibiotics and steroids which helped while taking but eventually my cough would always return. They also have me using a nebulizer which doesn’t help. I cough all night long and have not had a good nights sleep in months. I recently remembered that a couple of people told me they couldn’t take lisinopril because it made them cough so I started doing research and found that it is a common problem with this medication. I have also started to wheeze bad with it Just wondered if the cough should started so long after I have been taking it?

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I am half way through my nursing program and currently in Pharmacology. If anyone is experiencing a dry cough from Lisinopril, than it is likely that all of the other ace inhibitors will cause a cough also, and you need to tell the Physician immediately, so he or she can prescribe another type of blood pressure medication. When taking blood pressure medications it is important to change positions slowly! If you are jumping out of bed in the morning, your blood will rush from your head to your feet and you will become dizzy; instead take 5 minutes and sit on the side of your bed, let your feet dangle before standing up.

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Talk to your Dr. first. You are on it for a reason.
What is your BP now? What was it before? Do u know what caused it to be high in the first place? Was it high as a side effect from another of your meds???

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My husband had open heart surgery for a bad valve in April. He now has a cough so bad he chokes & gags. Coughing til he throws up is very common now. His Dr said its the lisinopril & to deal with it. That he has to stay on bp meds & coughing is fine. They don't live with him & see how bad the coughing is.

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Hi Scott: have you weaned off of Lisinopril? I'm currently weaning off Toporil, and next I want off of Lisinopril because of all of the side effects...I've been cutting Toporil in half every week, etc

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Are you still having the burning mouth symptom? Are you by chance taking high doses of vitamin d

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I am in the same boat as you it seems. Been on lisinopril 20mg for 11 years. Cut to 10 mg a few months ago. I am concerned about the long term use liver damage, and also wonder if the weird health issues I have could be from this long term drug.
How are you now that you've stopped taking it? Do you do anything else to help your BP? I k ow I need to exercise, been a couch potato forever. Thanks!

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Hello, everyone we are in the same boat I see. I have been on 10mg of Lisinopril for a few years. Last summer I started having a mild cough, that has progressively gotten worse. I feel fine except for that damn cough, it even wakes me like it did last night and last for at least half an hour. They treated me for bronchitis TWICE NOW. The pills helped for a week. No symptoms at all except for that terrible cough. I need to know if it's dangerous to just stop taking it? The cough is so bad that I'm worn out all the time.

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I was just asked by my primary care to stop taking my 20 mg per day Lisinopril dosage cold turkey, and though concerned about my heart and stroke risk now (I am 59 and not exactly healthy), research online seems to point to her concerns about my kidneys and liver being warranted. Both my potassium and kidney levels have been running very high (and my C reactive protein), and I recently went through back pain similar to a kidney stone attack, but the CT scan showed no stones. Since I do have a cyst on one kidney already, having a drug like Lisinopril potentially causing damage is certainly of concern - but so is high blood pressure.

As for the burning mouth, I find the comments on that interesting since I too have been dealing with on and off ulcers in my mouth, my tongue "burning" and this morning, my lips, mouth and tongue hurt - first 24 hours off the drug.

I also take 50,000 units of Vitamin D (prescription) twice per week for the person who asked someone else, it's due to my malabsorption issues.

Certainly hope we all find some correct, healing and helpful answers. Definitely hope my getting off Lisinopril is the right thing to do. "Getting off of" ... feels like I am a junkie! ;)

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Thanks Michael, my doctor doesn't want me to be off completely, but I'm going to continue halving my doses and monitoring my BP. I want off! I wonder if my joint pains, systemic inflammation and high liver enzymes are do to this?! I will up my zinc too, thanks. I'm glad you're feeling better, and I strive to be off of lisinopril and feel good as well!

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I've been on lisinopril for 3 years and now I developed hives everyday and swelling of my lips. Welts all over. I recently nearly lost my life because my tongue and throat swell up and blocked my airways. I spent a night in icu. Lisinipril is a death pill.

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I want to say thanks to all of you who took the time to post their reactions, or rather withdrawal symptoms from the blood pressure medication LISINOPRIL. I myself unfortunately have numerous other health problems, complications from drugs and many surgeries (all the surgeries were necessary) over many years of my life. Needless to say I hate all of the prescriptions I am on, have been for years and I am stuck with most for life. I keep reminding myself that things could always be worse. I pretty much 99 per cent am in constant pain every day of my life, so when I have wound up really sick with severe things Expecially the last six years it doesn't phase me Because that's how I feel all the time. But I looked up two drugs, one being the BP meds and their I read you comments about those side effects. The last two years or so my GP asked why none of my doctors, who are all specialists, ever put me on BP meds because it was always normal years before then the last two years and mine was always coming up like 184/114 and around that range. He said,"Adrienne, you mean to tell me not one of your doctors ever mentioned trying a BP medicine before? He told me I had to start and get it down because I was a few points lastly away from a stroke! He put me on three the past eight months and here come more unpleasant symptoms. I am carrying myself with water retention really bad. I am currently 209!!!! After having four beautiful boys at me heaviest I was 155. In these months no one could explain this water retention. So I gained this weight. A one week ago I stopped taking the LISINOPRIL and my vision has been very, very bad. I too have severe calf pain and leg pain, my excruciating migraines came back, dizziness was always another bad reaction I developed ( imagine the eye doctor asking me to read the eye chart they have and to continue until things were blurry looking and all I could see well enough to read was the first letter on top. The big "E" and that is it. I really have so many things wrong so to me instead of some bad days, it didn't phase me at all, the symptoms I wrote about because I already have them anyway, minus any dizziness. I just get myself through as much as I can one day at a time. This past September was worse than most of last year because the dizziness got much worse. I must have gotten so dizzy when I want to my kitchen sink to wash a glass, but this one time I actually blacked for about all of a few second because the drop from he sink to my floor is only three feet at most? When I hit the kitchen floor my body weight must have fallen on my right foot and I guess the horrible pain woke me up but my right foot hurt like hell. I didn't stop cursing for a few minutes because it's nothing new, but this time it was my foot that hurt me not a twisted ankle like I've had so many times, but you know within a few hours it goes away. I tried to get up, my youngest son Anthony helped get me up but it hurt like hell this time. So I hoped around from noon until about ten at night, took my son and a bunch of friends to the movies etc. long story short I still went through my whole day and the pain was getting worse. To the point that I not only couldn't step on it, was hoping around all day and night with my BFF who was with me. Long story but Zi finally asked her to go get herself and the kids some dinner I'm just going to stop at the ER and I told them I don't need a wheelchair, I could hop and when the ER Doctor looked at it he said something was definitely wrong because it was painful and so swollen I couldn't even fit a flip flop on my foot. I explained what happened send said it was just twisted or sprained and I had very busy plans so I figured I would get crutches to get around on the weekend. And he said just to be sure was it ok if someone took a quick X-ray so he could see how it was. He comes in a nicely sys, "well the good news is you didn't sprain it" and I was like good then it will just go away. He said but you do have three broken toes and fractured four of the bones in my foot". I said no when he wanted to admit me, but it would be five days before I came back to get admitted because I had to have surgery! Seriously??? Add it to the list. He wrapped the whole foot and lower leg sending me home with pain medicine and crutches and said, "ok" then I will see you next Tuesday back to the hospital so we can do surgery". Ok. Admitted on Tuesday, orthopedic doctor did surgery on Thursday. I have a big plate now on the top of my foot, along with pins and screws holding my foot in place. Got out about another five days later. To go home with yet another thing to my Add It to the list, list. Today, February 20th I still have a lot of pain and it still hurts. I also had to still use the crutches along with one of those big black boots for months and I couldn't drive for those first four months either. Just another problem, no big deal but a huge inconvenience for me. I used to set off those airport alarms just because of the surgical metal clips in my abdomen, now with all the permanent metal in my foot added, well you can guess. The permanent damage in my foot was another setback but my life can't be put on hold because of it. Another side effect caused my a BP medicine. It helped me realize or confirm that those symptoms I have been having for months, were worse and some were new. Especially the weight gain and my eyes got so much worse. Neither of which I had before the LISINOPRIL. It did way more harm than good, by a long shot. My mother always says I should write a book. And I believe in God, but my faith got weaker over the past few years. I feel I have finally had enough. I have to believe with all these serious things I have wrong, and all that has happened to me and still does that God wants me here for more than just my kids, but all I can explain is that he feels I'm strong enough to still be here AND that in some ways he wants me to be here because If I lived through so much, it was so somehow, someway I can help people through a lot, in many ways just to share my story to even help a few or one by sharing my whole history, I may be able to pass along information here and there that I could keep them from going through anything I did and not have them suffer the ways that I do, then that's what I do. I should be a doctor already because I teach them things they never even knew until I became their patient. And save them from going through a ton of crappy doctors by referring them to these wonderful specialists that I ended up with now, only after years of going through four to seven or eight of them before having the ones I do now. They are the only reason I am here today. And maybe that was the reason God wanted me her still. Was to just pass along my knowledge of so much, I can prevent them from being frustrated by referring them strait to mine. That alone makes a difference in their lives. My doctors always feel bad for me and all I go through because they care very much, but I said," well if I have to endure all I have now, and all I did in the past and it helps just one person NOT go through all that I have then it's OK." God Bless all of you. And thanks again for sharing your comments. I knew that this BP medication was making me feel worse, and I know a lot about my own body to know what's wrong with me way before my doctors do, then that is why I may even start a blog because I know I can share a lot and in the process help these people so they don't suffer like I do. I can't think of any other reason that I am still alive, so for now I help anyone when I can and still live one day at a time.

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Hi I developed the same things it just took longer for me because I was on a low dose. I stopped taking it when I started to sweat for some reason (cold sweats). So after doing lots a research on the net I decided to just stop taking it. In two days I felt a thousand percent better. I don't know about anyone else but I still have some side effects from it even though I feel good. They have been going away little by little, mainly what I have left is the cough. But at least it doesn't hurt anymore! I never did find an answer to your question and it was the same as mine was. So I quit like i said.
I do take extra vitamin C and a Zinc pill as I did find out Lisinopril robs your body of Zinc. I hope I helped, good luck.

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I've cut my 10mg to 5 mg, but blood pressure is still borderline. I take vitamins C,D, coQ 10 and raw garlic. I hope I can be like Michael and be off of it soon!

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