Stopping Lisinopril (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I have been taking 10 mg/day of Lisinopril for 3 months and have developed a tightening in the chest and flu like symptoms. Within the past 3 weeks I have felt progressively worse and would like to stop. Is it ok to just quit or must I wean myself off?

127 Replies (7 Pages)

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Thank you so much for sharing your experiences. Your insights did help me. I just want to give you a hug for all you have been through. I think you are amazing!

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Hi Elizabeth, I just stopped taking lisinopril. It just kept making me feel worse and worse. Now I feel great, well almost lol. I even went to sleep one night when things were getting really bad and in the morning I noticed something wrong. So I went to the mirror and shut one eye saw fine, closed the other and I couldn't see my hand in front of my face. It's improved also, but I filed a complaint with the drug maker and they filed it with the FDA. It's not fun when one day you see normal and wake up almost blind. I found that can be a side effect also. I promise as bad as I was getting if I hadn't stopped taking lisinopril, by now it would have killed me.

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Thank you for your imput. I have been taking generic lisinopril for a few years..first at 20mgx 2 now 2.5 x1. I always have my dr. Write the RX with DAW and the manufacturer's name. That way I know it has the same ingredients. I hope.

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Hi Sami, I think the lisinopril pills are pretty much the same from manufacturer to manufacturer. One thing I did learn is that whoever invented the stuff took Brown Viper Venom (the snake is from Brazil), pulled the venom apart and took proteins out of it. And of course then made the drug. I learned also that any blood pressure medicine with a PRIL on the end has the same basic quality SNAKE VENOM. I learned this after my eye went whacky. I'm sure there are people who can tolerate it, and i'm at the other end of the scale. Good Luck, I sure hope it doesn't mess with you.

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I've been taking lisinopril for over 4 years now and just last month I noticed I started getting short of breath. . So I stopped the med for 2 days and took it the 3rd day and bam I was gasping for air. Wow after all these years now it gives me allergic reaction.

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Yes, I had the same thing happen years wise. I just kept getting sicker and sicker from using Lisinopril. I stopped and felt much better in two days, just now the cough is backing off and I stopped last November early in the Month. As I've said before, if I hadn't stopped using it I'm positive I'd be dead by now. I'm going to start using hawthorn berry, look it up and see if it's right for you.

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Hi, I've been on Lisinopril/HCTZ for years…… for the last year+ I've noticed I've been feeling tired…. I don't mean just "tired" I mean like death!!! I'm under doctors care approx. every 6 months so I told the NP how I was feeling and they started bloods, etc. (Keep in mind, I'm Lisinopril for my kidney pressure as I don't have high BP) Well….. the lisinopril was working ok….YUP…. my BP was 98/52 and the renin my kidney was putting out was soooo high at 66. So what was the Lisinopril really doing for me except killing me? My question is this: I was taken off of it IMMEDIATELY, my bloods are being monitored every month right now….. but instead of me having severe pains ON the Lisinopril, my joints are KILLING ME off it….. Anyone have any insight on that??

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Michael how long were you on Lisinopril? I have been taking it for about 4 or 5 years 10mg a day I want off but can't seem to get a straight answer about how to do it properly. So I decided to cut the dose in half this is only the second day and I have noticed at times I feel short of breath mostly when I lay down. Wondering if anyone else has experienced this and if so how long did it last? My Doctor does not listen and just wants to put me on more medication. So I have not told him I am taking myself off. So I guess my question is do these side effects last long? Days, weeks , and how long before I can cut the next dose.
Has anyone else out there gotten short oh breath while getting off this drug?

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Hi Paula, I never could find an answer to weaning off either. I was feeling SO BAD that I just quit. Two days later I felt great. Ok, here's what I found in my research on after effects. They can last a few days or months. I quit using that poison the end of last October and I still have a little cough left. I can't remember the name (I'm a guy) of what is left, but the article I found was by a doctor. He said that there is a little left over that irritates your lungs, after that is gone the cough will be gone. Do a google search for lisinopril cough. As far as your being out of breath or feeling light headed, remember you are STILL taking Lisinopril. My sickness went away in two days after I stopped, like I said before. Good luck, do a google search and feel free to yak at me all you want to.

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Hey Paula I, like you, went against my doctor and have been weaning myself from lisinopril. From 5 years at 20mg to 10, and currently 5mg. I was afraid to just stop all together. I had shortness of breath, but more noticeable is I couldn't get a deep breath. I think it took a few months and got better. I am supplementing with raw garlic, Hawthorne tea and yoga to try and get completely off. I have several other symptoms that I blame on the medicine.Good luck!

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Hi again Paula, I forgot to say they put me on Lisinopril I'd guess about 4 years a low dose of it. I think that is the reason it took me so long to have that terrible reaction to it. As Jo said, hawthorn berry is good for you in many ways. And as I said, I just quit using it as I was getting so bad I'm positive it would have killed me. I feel great now, just have the after effects to deal with as Jo has.

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Thank you Michael and Jo for getting back to me I really appreciate it. Jo do you you mind if I ask how long did you stay on each does before you went to the next lower dose? Thank you again

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We have to try and help each other, we seem to know more than the health professionals at times! Michael's comments helped me gain confidence to wean myself. Paula I think I took 10mg for about 9-10 months (from 20mg for years). I've been at 5 mg for about 2 months. I still have times when I just feel like crap and I think it's like Michael said, snake poison in the lisinopril! I want to get all the way off, but know I have to keep the alternative changes up as sometimes my BP is too high.

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Could the problems with lisinopril be that they have changed its composition? Since it is generic do you get the same manufacturer each time you get the RXfiled?
You took it for 4years and no problems (?)It coukd be the fillers were changed or it is a diffferent less scrupulous mfg.

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Hi Sami, you can tell who made them by the color of the pill and sometimes the shape of them. Mine were pink and round, but yes lots of places make them. I'll just assume that the main ingredients are the same as the FDA controls them. I was taking 10mg pills, if you google Lisinopril there is a lot of information and sites like this one out there. After hours of digging when I felt my most terrible (there's a new one most terrible lol), I found tons of bad stuff when searching. I'm going to use hawthorn berry, I read up on that a lot also and found it does good things for you including blood pressure.

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Jo read up on hawthorn berry like I did and see what you think, I'm going to give it a shot. Also there are other BP medicines that aren't made with snake venom, and I bet there are generic brands also. I've read that doctors that prescribe certain medicines get a kick back from pharmaceutical companies. And I bet there are a bunch that do it! Is it wrong YUP but there is no way to prove it. If a doctor reads this I said a BUNCH, NOT ALL.

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The instructions that come with lisinopril say that most can take it with no problem and I think it may be the most prescribed blood pressure medication. Unfortunately, that leaves one up in the air. I have had a bad experience with it. Blood pressure rising rapidly, other symptoms vary depending on the person, but if you have swelling of any kind don't just think it will go away. Maybe it will, but then again, the chances are it can kill you. If you can, go to an ER or doctor quickly.
Some people have trouble with ace inhibiters. I'm one of them. I'm not alone in bad experiences with lisinopril.

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I'm with you. If I had kept taking it I wouldn't be here now. It may be ok for most, but we are the ones that have a big problem with it.

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Hi Sue, yeah we would be. My cough is almost all gone now after a few months. As bad as that crap is, to me it was living death. My knees used to hurt all the time, but not now.

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I have been taking lisinopril 40 mg for 4 yrs now and the only problem I've had has been some light headedness once in a while when I get up from sitting suddenly. Otherwise my blood pressure is perfect. You should ask Dr to try something different.good luck.

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