Stopping Levothyroxine (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I have been taking Levothyroxine .88mg for the past two years. I just left town on a three week vacation and realized I left this prescription at home. Should I be concerned?

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I was on .75 mcg of Levothyroxine for approximately three years during menopuase.
I noticed last year I was having periodic insomnia, so I started withdrawing from it and have not been taking for nearly six months now. No adverse reactions; I have had a slight weight gain (5 lbs.), but I am sleeping like a baby again, and my energy level is the same (up at 6:30 a.m. and to bed at 10:30 p.m.).

I will be meeting with my doctor in May to see what the lab results hold and will report back then !

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I posted earlier this year that I weaned myself off of Levothyroxine - with the exception of a few pounds of weight gain, which have now come off by walking everyday, I feel better than ever. Again, I was going through menopause when my gynecologist prescribed it, but after three years of using it I decided it was not helping with what it was intended to do - stronger nails and hair, weight loss, uninterrupted sleep. I've now been off of it almost a year and feeling better than ever. Do the research - it takes some time to come through the withdrawal process...

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I stopped taking Levothyroxine after 20 years of being either on it or Synthroid. I was diagnosed with Hashimotos right after my daughter was born and eventually I went on .175 MCG. I hate this medication. I have NEVER experienced any of the so called benefits from taking it and so as a gift to myself, I am done. It has been a month now and yes I am going through withdrawal, but the withdrawal is nothing compared to the side effects of this medication. I am an extremely active person who is very careful with my diet and yet I am 30 pounds overweight and have been since starting this medication. Since stopping I have pretty intense body aches, increased urination and a tiny bit of weight gain. The good news is that I also have my life back. I am happier than I have been in 20 years, I am almost bouncy with the energy I have and my libido is back (I am 49). My fingernails are stronger, my eyebrows stopped falling out and I know that once I have this medication out of my body, I will finally be able to lose the weight. My own endocrinologist suggested that I stop taking Levothyroxine and take probiotics instead. I am taking his advice and I am so happy that I am!

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I've been on this same medicine since i was 8 i am now 14. A while back my prescription ran out because i missed an appointment. i was off my medicine for 3 months then i started to get the effects. But even though u didn't get any side affects its not good to miss that many days. after while i could feel my stomach starting to shut down because I've been on it for so long that my body is ammuned to it.

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I am away and have run out of my medication as I have been on levothyroine (150mcg.) for ever, I have concerns. I will be without for a week and unless I am misunderstanding, I should not be experiencing bad effects in that length of time. I will resume taking it as soon as possible. I am grateful for the " chat" ,it has eased my concern. I am 72 years young and am always hearing that effects may be different for the " elderly", but for now I will accept what I've read. Thanks.... N

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Try to find a natural doctor. Becaful with the endothey might tell you to keep taking the levo medicine. You are having these symptoms because the levo is synthetic and it does not come close to the hormone that our bodies produce. Our bodies know the difference between fake a natural. Try and look for natural vitamin for thyroid. And also do research on the levo and take the information to your doctor. Because all the doctors do is right out prescriptions and do not know what half the ingredients that are in the medicine they perscribe

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I'm so fed up with this levo ,I'm on 100mg. I don't know when it's best to take it,morning or night,I'm rubbish at taking tablets anyway. I also take 1000mg of metformin once a day but am supposed to take 2000. One has to be with food metformin and the other apparently not. I'm so blimmin tired all the time and have gained a lot of weight. My body aches all the time and I am depressed big time. If I have a .gd day it's very rare and does not usually last all day. I had half my thyroid removed in may.large growth lots of small ones. Still some on the other half. I want to stop all my medication fed up with it

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Hi i wanted to see if you have been to see the endo yet? And if so what was the outcome?
I also have been experience all of those same symptoms anxiety like no other, heart palpitations very bad , depression and yes i feel crazy lol
Another thing my thyroid is swollen and has been for about a year!! The endo is supposed to be calling me to schedule a appointment hopefully soon...ive noticed their not much in a rush ugh this is so aggravating...ok well hope to hear from you Erin..thanks

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I also stopped it because I was having anxiety, and high blood pressure

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By chance have you been checked for Fibromyalgia? That can cause the weight gain, tiredness & pain. Do you have knots all over your body?

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I have been on levothyroxine for about a year. 3 months prior I was diagnosed with depression/anxiety & began taking pristiq. I felt immediately better with the pristiq. When I got on the Levo I did not feel better & have thought it's caused some fatigue & weight gain. I also questioned the diagnosis because I appeared more hyperactive thyroid weight wise. I've gained about 5lbs which isn't so bad except I feel low energy & am not working out which I have enjoyed my whole life. I stopped taking the Levo to see if I'd feel better a week ago. Now I have a bad headache. And so I googled Levo withdrawal & now see that even if my dr put me on it prematurely or it was wrong diagnosis that stopping the meds suddendly can cause hypothyroidism! So I'm going to start back with the pills in the am & confess to my dr what I have done. Hopefully no permenant damage. Next time I'll speak to dr first.

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I've been on levothyroxine since July 2014. My levels were never horrible, just slightly low. I started off on 25mcg, then bumped to 50mcg after a few of my levels were still borderline. Now my levels are fine and my doctor wants me to stop the medicine. I thought the medicine was why my levels were fine. I don't get it. I'm still losing hair, exhausted, etc. Plus I have bipolar, anxiety issues, depression all the time. I had those for years before thyroid issues though, not sure if related. But still anytime I say I am so tired all my doctors chalk it up to having 3 young children. I'm 29, I shouldn't feel this awful! Thinking of just stopping my levothyroxine since I'm almost out anyway. Day 2 without it I've been fine, no worse than usual. Before levothyroxine I lost 20lbs and since getting on it I've gained it all back. Going to get back to eating healthy and exercising regularly, nothing made me feel better than that.

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Mamabear are you menopausing.....your symptoms sound like you are. I've been on Levothyroxine for 22 years and been going from 150 to 137 back and forth, because of my labs results, my thyroid is high or low at times. I wanted to find out, if I stop taking the meds, how would I feel. I felt cold... sad... confused... tired.... SO, THAT was not good for me or my body.. I had to go back on the meds. I feel pretty good now. That, means; I can not stop taking the magic matter if I am up and down. GB

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Sheila, stay away from Kale and Broccoli. They inhibit thyroid function. I am currently taking Levothyroxine. I've been on it a little over 2 months. I have an appointment with the doctor next week. As far as I can tell the only thing the medicine is doing for me is helping with the dry skin and giving me a little more energy. I want to come off the medicine and give a healthy lifestyle a chance, but the possible effects of not taking the medicine scare me.

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Well.......that was a waste of time! Never mind.........feeling the same. Will just get on with it myself then!

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Has anyone changed from taking levothyroxin from morning to night

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well all in all i started natural desicated thyroid and all is much better lost the weight and changed mmy eating it turns out its my thyroid i have auto immune thyroid is stable that drug levrothroxine and syntroid suck and are the cause of my past problems

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I have been on 125 levothyroxin for 25 years. Last checkup was late June. Dropped me to 112. I've gained 14 lbs. Yicks. They want to do an uptake and take me off for 6 weeks. I don't think I can go without. I want to go back to 125. Waiting for doctor to call.

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I have been reading a lot about the Iodine supplements. They are said to be helping us with HypoT, much better then just the prescriptions alone, or together. Saying the prescriptions are not enough and that adding the Iodine, over the counter, gives people a huge difference with all the symptoms of Hypo T. Since you added the IODINE, have you now noticed a large, huge, or even a small improvement of your symptoms along with taking the Levothiroxine? I would like to hear from someone who is NOT on an advertizement page taking the Iodine that they have felt a remarkable or at least noticeable improvement in their symtoms especially the ankles, feet, and calves with dryness, swelling, pain. If this Iodine Works I will try it, so please give some more feedback, Ty so much.

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about levothyrozine 25mg/I am 70 year old male always athletic,healthy. 5'10 145 lbs. into high nutritious ,but good elimination diet..v.a tracked my low thyroid levels for 15 years,due to reyneauds and being cold blooded. then put me on this med from june to august..2015.severe constipation.weak.dizzyness,nausea,yes lost 15 lbs due to not being able to eat enough. was a 5 then cut my pill in half.but tsh went to 10. but now have near normal elimination and,my dizziness,weakness,nausea have reduced by 60 %.and by the 2nd week off of this med, am now just starting to gain weight. My judgement for myself,i felt 50 a few months ago then 85.4 out of 5 symptoms I don,t fit. my theory, the communication between my pituitary and thyroid will somehow quit overreacting .and if I eat,sleep, exersize right,my body will heal itself.

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