Stopping Levothyroxine (Page 6)
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I have been taking Levothyroxine .88mg for the past two years. I just left town on a three week vacation and realized I left this prescription at home. Should I be concerned?

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My name is Deanna I went on levothyroxine 50mcg because I had hypothyroidism I was on it for 6 months now my tsh levels are very low so dr said don't take the medicine now I feel like I am gaining weight should I go back on the levothyroxine.i want to lose weight not gain

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@Les I do not normally recommend this but I would find a different endocrinologist. Synthroid aka levothyroxine is something that should be taken the same time every day and at least 30 minutes before the ingestion of anything containing iron, calcium or magnesium.

It has a half life of 6-7 days and so taking it whenever you happen to feel like you need it is terrible advice, It takes too long to get into your system and too long to eliminate from your system

Have your levels checked T3 T4 and TSH at a minimum and see what a doctor then advises.

As for other people's questions as to alternatives the only other alternatives on the market are:

Armour AKA Desiccated Porcine Thyroid (Dried pork thyroid gland) it does have the advantage of containing T3 and T4 in near idea ratios but can be more difficult to get balanced right.

Cytomel AKA T3. Most doctors will not prescribe T3 since it is what results when your body first pass metabolizes T4, but can be necessary in some instances.

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Hiya please help, I have been on levothyroxine 14years now it's been up and down I feel I'll all the time can't think straight headache blured vision, pains in joint hair loss, am taking 50-25 my doctor says take it when and how I feel, but my life is just not mine any more, what can I do ,

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I'm a 72 year-old who was given levothyroxine for a very minor deviation in the thyroid test. My previous tests were all in the middle of the normal range. My PCP gave me some name-brand 50mcg to take for a week and a half, and then a Rx for 100mcg, which in retrospect was too high. After a few weeks my body began getting very hot, without a rise in temperature. Then a few days ago, fever and chills set in. (No other flu-like symptoms.) I went to urgent care clinic and they tested my blood and said my THS was low, but still within the acceptable range. I discontinued the medicine until I can talk to my PCP (two weeks out) but I'm still having symptoms, particularly fever, sluggishness, and inability to sleep well. I'm hopeful the symptoms will pass in a few days, and my PCP cuts my dosage to no more than 25mcg, if we continue at all.

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I'm having similar thyroid issues. How are you doing? What was the final result? Were you able to reduce your levothyroxine dose or stop taking it altogether? I'm at the first panic attack stage and am hoping this won't be a downward spiral...

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I went off Levothyroxine about 5 weeks ago and just began experiencing the following symptoms a few days ago:
-Bouts of depression
-Appetite swings
-Confusion (ie. I'm having trouble remembering if conversations and events happened in real life or dreams)
-Hot flashes
-People have been remarking how uncharacteristically quiet I've been

Levo takes a while to leave your system (3-5 weeks, according to a few Google searches I've done), so this is perfect timing to be experiencing the effects of thyroid crash. I've messaged my doc to advise. I have a refill pending, but don't want to go back on full dose in case that's a bad decision. I'd recommend consulting with your MD/OD before doing anything.

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Erin, I am currently experiencing the same symptoms you described. I actually had to be taken to the ER after a dosage increase of levothyroxine. I quit taking the meds after that. When i take the medication i am swollen, dizzy and have shortness of breath and sometimes trouble swallowing. I am now extremely fatigued and cold, also dizzy. It's been six days. Did you get your levels under control and if so how was that done?

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I am away and have run out of my medication as I have been on levothyroine (150mcg.) for ever, I have concerns. I will be without for a week and unless I am misunderstanding, I should not be experiencing bad effects in that length of time. I will resume taking it as soon as possible. I am grateful for the " chat" ,it has eased my concern. I am 72 years young and am always hearing that effects may be different for the " elderly", but for now I will accept what I've read. Thanks.... N

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I am 32 I have been taking levothyroxine for almost two years. At first it helped with my cold hands and feet and tiredness. My doctor decided to up it to .5 mcgs in the summer. I then experienced my first panic attack ever. I felt like I was going to die. Well she kept me on same dosage bc my blood work was fine. We'll after my recent blood work it showed too high. She kept me on it anyway thinking it would help me loose weight (Dr did this with out telling me). Well one week before my honeymoon I started feeling anxiety heart palpitations short of breath and hot. I went to Dr she took me off it completely and told me to take half when I returned from Barbados. Well nine days after being off meds (still in Barbados) my body went hay wire. I had heart palpitations dizzy mess anxiety like never before and shakes. I went to the medical center and they told me to start taking it again. So I did and I was starting to feel better but now a week later I'm feeling occasional anxiety and dizzyness. It happens in morning usually. I vs been taking my meds at night. So frustrated it makes me feel crazy or that I have a heart problem. I also have had weird tingles in my legs and my left arm. Anyone else experience this? Needless to say I made an appointment with an endocrinologist but can't get in til June 3rd. I'm also looking for a new primary dr.

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Ive been on levothyroxine for 6 months. I still feel a lot of fatigue, hot flashes, and have gained about 30 pounds. My moodswings have gotten better but still these bad side effects. I am considering stopping this medication because all my doctors keep telling me is my bloodwork comes back with normal thyroid levels. Why the side effects? Any answers would be awesome!!!!

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I've been on this same medicine since i was 8 i am now 14. A while back my prescription ran out because i missed an appointment. i was off my medicine for 3 months then i started to get the effects. But even though u didn't get any side affects its not good to miss that many days. after while i could feel my stomach starting to shut down because I've been on it for so long that my body is ammuned to it.

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I have been taking levo 88mcgs. for about 4 months due to underactive thyroid. I gained weight and have not been able to lose. Prior to the 88 mcgs. I was on 100 mcgs. and was doing well, when my TSH level went down I was put on 75 mcgs. and then changed to 88 mcgs. This is the first day I didn't take it and want to know if this is good or bad.

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I also have been off for almost 4 weeks as I didn't note the exact date. First two days was really off but after felt great . Better than ever. Now I feel horrible. Headache slight vertigo. I gained weight due to a 4 day overindulge holiday. Now will be the test if I can shake it off.

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I decided to stop taking my levothyroxine because my doctor has informed me that my levels are low, but withing the "normal" levels. She prescribed it to me because I had told her that I am not able to get pregnant and she thought it might help with fertility. However, since it was within the normal levels, I felt that taking an additional medication while trying to conceive may not be wise. Also I have not been able to gain any weight (am under-weight) and it may be because of the meds. I have been taking 25 micrograms for about 2 months. I plan to increase my iodine intake, and hoping that I haven't messed anything up. If I'm in the range, it feels strange to take the medication.
Thoughts? Will I have horrible withdrawal symptoms?

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Have been off levothyroxine for 4 weeks now and two to go until I have the thyroid uptake test. Has anyone experienced this before and I have not felt any ill effects as yet, but sluggishness. I was on 150 mcg and have been on thyroid med since 1980.

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I tried going without my Levothyroxin and after a week or so had a blood draw and saw i was sliding back down so i'm back on it plus a supplement of iodine.Doing good now.

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I would call your pharmacy or doctor's office.

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I have found that my body reacts very differently to the various generics and name brands of Levothyroxine. I had always done well with the Levoxyl brand, but now that product is being discontinued. I have had adverse reactions (feeling like I have the flu) with one particular generic made by Lannett. I am trying to determine if the other generics are still on the market or if I will have to pay the higher copay ($45) for Synthroid brand.

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Sorry Daniela, I typed your name wrong

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Hi Daneil,

How bad did you feel? I took 75mg for one week from 50 mg. I feel depression, very dry throat. So I go back to 50mg and see how it works.


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