Stopping Levothyroxine (Page 5) (Top voted first)


I have been taking Levothyroxine .88mg for the past two years. I just left town on a three week vacation and realized I left this prescription at home. Should I be concerned?

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147/92 and Pulse 102 is sky high?

the only one sky high is the pulse that you are concerned about right? That one is high and sometimes mine is when I take it because I think about it for some reason when I have been zooming (ha I dont zoom anymore, but I get out of breathe) picking up the house. So when I take it it is a bit high. After I sit and relax a bit it goes down to the 80s usually. One of my blood pressure pills actually regulates my pulse also or is suppose to.

Now the blood pressure is high if your doctor wants you at the 120/70 mark but mine runs around what yours is and no one is ever concerned. They get concerned a bit when its in the 150's+90+ a bit, and then usually take it later in my appointment and its gone down. Mine goes up and down a lot due to my pain level at the time and just going to the Doctors I guess cause nothing is ever going to be done in my lifetime that will cure me :/ So its not like its a happy time.

But if your blood pressure is HIGHER then it normally is I would definitely see your doctor because that is the main thing that everyone needs to do. "If anything in your health changes from what it usually is day to day then see your doctor immediately". Like a super bad stomach ache and because we are old and know it all we think Oh no ER for me, its gas, those cucumbers got to me and then we end up in ER and its our appendix or a blocked intestine, something serious.

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Just now I read a whole series of reviews that included many comments from consumers complaining about Armour thyroid because it was sold to a new company. The texture and color of the pills changed at that time, about a year ago, and many new side-effects never experienced on Armour before began to be reported to both consumer affairs sites, the FDA, and patient websites.

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I recently stopped taking only because I lost my ins. and I started feeling nausea, off balance and feeling like withdrawls, and felt like I was slowly dying!! I recently started to take again and I am hoping to feel normal soon! I never read up on this drug and would I have known I would have found a way to find a script! from my experience do not stop taking this drug by all means!

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I never felt any difference going on it so many years ago now. On 100mg a day I think it is. Actually have gained 140lbs but that is mostly due to steroid use for RA as nothing else touches the pain and inflammation. But then I get fatter and fatter. As far as energy etc. all the same, none.

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Within normal limits bUT low doesn't mean there isn't an issue. I went undiagnosed for years because it turns out I have Hashimoto's, autoimmune thyroid disease where your body attacks the naturally produced hormone and destroys it. Since it controls every cell in your body, it's extremely important for it to be optimal.

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I don't have medical insurance and had to stop taking L-Thyroxine
(88 mg - been on it for over 3 years). I am super cold and have the shivers, depressed, puffy face and legs....what can I do to help me thru til can get my health insurance up and going again? Is is dangerous? I have high blood pressure too and it has seemed worse since I stopped.

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Yes my side effects are very much the same dizziness, lightheaded, foggy brain, and i have had tingliness in my arms and hands. Also I felt like I was going to pass out. So my coworker brought me to a hospital. They ran a bunch of diagnostics and couldn't find anything wrong with me.. Therefore I know for sure it's the side effects from this medicine, which I've been taking for 2 years 75 mcg of Synthroid.. Going to change my meds to Armour. There is suppose to be less side effects and it's a more natural medication...

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Did you use a different manufacturer of the med?

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To be honest, I'm not sure, but I think this was a generic drug.

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I have been feeling the same, I went to the hospital thinking it was heart problems but all the tests came back normal so I just tougher it out through most of the way so far and I'm only 19

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I've been taking Levothyroxine since I was 5 years old (1994) and I'm 26 now. When I was 10 years old I got told I would be on the medication for the rest of my life, I was also on Hydrocortisone, Genotropin (the needle injection) and Estrogen (I had low estrogen so I had to take that in order to start my periods - which didn't start till I was 18, then I had to go on to Loestrin 20 which would help regulate my periods each month.) When the doctors told me that I was like I really don't fancy taking meds right up until I'm like 60 odd hehe but when I went to my annual hospital check up back on the 25th of November 2015. I told my consultant the truth that I haven't been taking my meds properly apart from my pill as I call it (which it is as it's also known as a contraception pill) and he said well it's entirely up to you what's best for you as I can see that you look happy in yourself blah blah (won't go in to much on what he said) and he said to me that I can come off them altogether just stay on the pill. So 2 months later I experienced some side effects like dizziness, heart palpitations (irregular heart beat - fast paced), unable to speak properly, hot flushes, sweaty (So I took my coat off as I was out with my friends but bear in mind it was winter time) blurred vision and shortness of breath. It took me 20 mins to get back to normal and I phoned my consultant the following morning but since he don't come to my hometown that often he wasn't at the hospital, so I made an appointment as I would be due for one in February / March 2016 time, they was fully booked due to Christmas period been really busy so I got an appointment to see him in May 2016 and I'll be telling him what I experienced and I don't mind if he put me on something similar to stop me experiencing those side effects again as I had them again at the end of February, but I did get told by my local GP that I could have diabetes which I don't see how because I'm healthy, I don't eat much sugar (due to sensitive teeth) and I don't drink many sugary drinks as I always drink diet coke (Well not always, I have at least 4 litres of diet coke a week, I know it sounds a lot but it's not really), but I do smoke and I got asthma.

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I went to see a locum gp and in his wisdom of knowing me all of 10 seconds due to my latest bloods being normal stopped my Levo over a week ago I feel awful depressed bloated constipated cool at night it's horrid I have to put up with this for 6 weeks untilmy bloods will be done again ....God help him if they say I need another prescription!!!!

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I suddenly stopped taking my Levothyroxine 125mg because I could not afford my medicine due to heavy debt. I was diagnosed with Graves Disease in 2014 and had radiation twice on my thyroid. I am gaining weight almost daily and I've always been a light eater, my hands and feet are cold even though its 95 degrees outside and my sleep and thinking is way off. To say the least I just refilled my script and am restarting my meds and soon as they are shipped.

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Tsh is .02 TF3 is 3.6 Tf4 is 2.0. Have been on levothyroxine for 3 years .088. Had no symptoms except thin end brows and borderline readings so was put on this. Want to stop
Packing on pounds. Nothing i do stops weight gain
Can I stop?

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What was the end result of your issues I am in the same exact boat not sure how old his post is but I'm in the same boat taking those pills are like a free ride to panic attacks and insanity

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HELP I have been takeing Levothyroxin 50 MCG for 7 years in the past few weeks i am haveing left arm pain into my neck raceing heart it comes and goes all day and night . I dont have insurance .

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I have been on 74 mg levothyroxine for 4 months now before that I was on 50mg 3 week after first taking them I had heart attack I have never been so I'll as I am now taking this

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Thyroxine is normally given why thyroid gland is not working as well as should with resultant clear symptoms As this is son, stopping without medical advice and blood checks is not wise.. The results of stopping will become clear over time, slow process normally , and severity dependent on degree of thyroid dysfunction . But given the thyroid role as the power house of οver all body function , its results will be generic and increasing.

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I was on levothyroxine since March 2016 I started on a 100mcg and in june after tests had gone back to normal so I started on 50mcg then in early August my thyroid was completely normal so I started on 25mcg but in al this I was already tired and already had very bad constipation. I withdrew a week ago but the withdrawal symptoms are bad worse than hypithyrodism itself.

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Want happened if u stop talking your thyrioxine tablets for a year

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