Stopping Levothyroxine (Page 4)
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I have been taking Levothyroxine .88mg for the past two years. I just left town on a three week vacation and realized I left this prescription at home. Should I be concerned?

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KAY I sure wish someone who has been taking Armour for the Thyroid would RESPOND to us here!!. We need feedback from someone who is taking it who is NOT on a ad on the internet. Sure they say they are real customers who really take the medications but I still like a person who has no tie to the Armour maker, or any ads. IF YOU ARE OUT THERE ARMOUR Taker please tell us your results??? THAN YOU!!

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about levothyrozine 25mg/I am 70 year old male always athletic,healthy. 5'10 145 lbs. into high nutritious ,but good elimination diet..v.a tracked my low thyroid levels for 15 years,due to reyneauds and being cold blooded. then put me on this med from june to august..2015.severe constipation.weak.dizzyness,nausea,yes lost 15 lbs due to not being able to eat enough. was a 5 then cut my pill in half.but tsh went to 10. but now have near normal elimination and,my dizziness,weakness,nausea have reduced by 60 %.and by the 2nd week off of this med, am now just starting to gain weight. My judgement for myself,i felt 50 a few months ago then 85.4 out of 5 symptoms I don,t fit. my theory, the communication between my pituitary and thyroid will somehow quit overreacting .and if I eat,sleep, exersize right,my body will heal itself.

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I have been reading a lot about the Iodine supplements. They are said to be helping us with HypoT, much better then just the prescriptions alone, or together. Saying the prescriptions are not enough and that adding the Iodine, over the counter, gives people a huge difference with all the symptoms of Hypo T. Since you added the IODINE, have you now noticed a large, huge, or even a small improvement of your symptoms along with taking the Levothiroxine? I would like to hear from someone who is NOT on an advertizement page taking the Iodine that they have felt a remarkable or at least noticeable improvement in their symtoms especially the ankles, feet, and calves with dryness, swelling, pain. If this Iodine Works I will try it, so please give some more feedback, Ty so much.

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Been on 100mcg for 6 years still get all symptoms Dr doesn't seemed bothered /in the summer heat its intolerable please help

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I have been on 125 levothyroxin for 25 years. Last checkup was late June. Dropped me to 112. I've gained 14 lbs. Yicks. They want to do an uptake and take me off for 6 weeks. I don't think I can go without. I want to go back to 125. Waiting for doctor to call.

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If you felt no difference I'm wondering if you actually have a thyroid problem in the first place. I've stopped a few times for various reasons and within seven days I could barely put one foot on front of the other, I felt an overwhelming sadness, lethargy, falling asleep standing up...only for a few seconds but the drowsiness is unbelievable. Into the second/third week, weight gain, extreme sadness and agitation, hair loss, scratchy throat and horseness, sore throat, swelling of face, especially my eyes, constipation. I could go on but you get the jest lol. Horrible side effects. It doesn't level off either, just gets worse until I'm practically comatose. It's very bad. I just find it so strange you felt no change at all...emotional or physical. Crazy. Good luck. I know I won't ever stop taking mine abruptly again!

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Ive been on thyroid for 15yrs. Its up down up down even wth this medication. I have decided to STOP .. its been 6 days no withdrawels yet. Ill get a thyroid testvin a fortnight and if its normal ill never go on it again. Its a pain in the butt the way it changes on meds.

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well all in all i started natural desicated thyroid and all is much better lost the weight and changed mmy eating it turns out its my thyroid i have auto immune thyroid is stable that drug levrothroxine and syntroid suck and are the cause of my past problems

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Hello all, I've had my thyroid since I was17 I'm 52 now, 8 years ago my meds had to keep going up my body not absorbing properly I was told, I ended up on 400 mcg I actually felt fine on that dose but I felt it may not be helping my panic attacks and anxiety I had prior to upping the dose that high, so I stop my synthroid 3 months ago and now I've noticed tingling at the bottom of my feet I also feel like somebody just hit me in the stomach and I get this really bad feeling in my stomach, so I'm wondering if anyone else has been on that high of a dose and if so what kind of effects it had on them? I was also suffering from I BS chronic.

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I had been on levothyroxine for around 8 months and and pursued a new better job opportunity. I ran out of the pills as one coverage ended and new coverage started 90 days after. I have been currently off the pills for around 5 days and have a planned physical in 2 months (first available appt).

I really have no choice to wait for doctor appt for further health updates. I have made some major health changes since last appt (eating more thyroid superfoods and balanced eating and exercise)

What permanent damage could be done for being off it. Any chance of successfully of not needing it with healthier thyroid proactive foods?

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You should never stop a long term medication. I'm a nurse, and your thyroid runs your hormones. It can make your hair fall out if not on the medication. I've been taking it for 10 years. I will never stop without my Dr.s ok.

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Synthroid is covered (for me where I live) under a discount card and can be used instead of your insurance. It might be helpful to check it out to help lower your cost.

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Yes, I have I started taking it any night before bed about 3 months ago I haven't noticed any difference.

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Has anyone changed from taking levothyroxin from morning to night

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Hi everyone well I got my family doc to switch me from levothyroxine to a natural desiccated called at our about two months ago, got my labs back today my tsh levels are 12.2 , that's extremely high I do believe. I had the doctor take me off levothyroxine because of the side affects. I also was diagnosed with hoshimoto, anyone have experience with armour.? And what can I do for my tsh level I'm so tired and weak

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Well.......that was a waste of time! Never mind.........feeling the same. Will just get on with it myself then!

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Please I need help my mom's Dr. Stop her levoth ur oxide because she needed to get some certain of test it's been 2 months already n she's really sick what's the worse that could happen to her could someone help me.

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Sheila, stay away from Kale and Broccoli. They inhibit thyroid function. I am currently taking Levothyroxine. I've been on it a little over 2 months. I have an appointment with the doctor next week. As far as I can tell the only thing the medicine is doing for me is helping with the dry skin and giving me a little more energy. I want to come off the medicine and give a healthy lifestyle a chance, but the possible effects of not taking the medicine scare me.

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I have been on 10mg Levothyroxine for over 10 years and my Doctor told me I would have to remain on it for the rest of my life. We moved to Spain a few years ago and have recently managed to get on the medical system here....on my first check up with the Spanish Doctor, he tells me to stop taking the Levothyroxine and get blood work done in September (4 months away) to evaluate my levels! I stopped 2 weeks ago and am now suffering fluid ankles have swollen to twice their size and today I experienced my hands swelling following a walk. I'm really worried! Should I ignore the Doctor and start taking them again?.....I had no problems whilst on the medication and my Doctor in the UK was happy with my levels.....I would welcome any advice.

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Just some very good info/reference for you people out there. The ashcenter is an incredible website and Dr Richard N. Ash (Alternative Internist) is even more so. He and his clinic are located in NY at: The Ash Center for Comprehensive Medicine 800 5th Avenue. He has an fantastic 2-hr radio show on Sundays. The link is on his website.

Another Informative person is Romy Nelson. She also has some very helpful podcasts out there. She has hypothyroid and I recall her saying her mess were never right until she was put on Nature-Throid. I found that your doctor can order this through emersonecologics for you. S/he only needs to have an account there as well. Its an online site for vitamins, supplements and many other items. Emersonecologics and ashcenter are the ONLY two places I purchase my supplements from. Good luck to you all and be well.

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