Started Suboxen (Top voted first)


I am having sever anxiety I don't understand why I never had anxiety until I weaned off methadone and stated sub,,please is anyone experiencing this does it get better

5 Replies

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Hi Spiritual Mom! Did u just start the subs? R u withdrawing from the methadone? If u r, that could b 1 of the side effects. I'm on klonopin 4 anxiety, which I've always had. But, it was worse when I got off methadone and went on subs. If it continues, I would call your Dr.

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I had my last dose of methadone Monday then Thursday they started me on suboxen,,I had sever anxiety all week I was hoping once I started the methadone it would get better it's only day two on suboxen but I'm anxious feel like I just did a big pipe load of crack and I've been clean of of everything except methadone for 7 years without anxiety...does it get better

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I hoped it would get better when I started the suboxen not methadone

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Sorry to hear about your challenges switching over to suboxone. From what others have been posting on here, you may have originally needed to wait as long as a week before starting the suboxone in order to receive its full benefits from the start.

However, they say its effects should improve with time. Methadone actually has a pretty long half life of 8-59 hours, so I can see how you may still have had a fair amount in your system if the suboxone wasn't working as well as it should've been.

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Hi Bobbiejo! Yes, it should get better. If not, call your Doctor. I would wait a couple of weeks. Methadone has a half life and can last longer in your system. But, if it's really bothering u, call your Doctor, now. Let us know how u make out.

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