Spiriva Weight Gain Side Effects (Page 11) (Top voted first)


I've talked about this problem before concerning the side effects from Spiriva. The only side effect I've experienced was a sudden, and seemingly permanent weight gain. In spite of efforts to lose the weight I've had no success whatsoever. I've gained weight from other medications in the past only to lose it when the medication was discontinued. Not so with Spiriva. It has been almost three years since I've used the inhaler but yet the added weight persists. I should mention that all of the added weight has been on the midsection and nowhere else! To make matters worse has been a disended abdomen to go along with it. I contacted the drug company right after it happened and, naturally, they acted as if it was new to them! I'm not the only one this has happened to. Although a rare side effect it has been a problem for others, the same as mine. This thing is ruining lives, and should be pulled from the market. It won't be though...profits are the name of this terrible game. Bill.

216 Replies (11 Pages)

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Re: jessee (# 202) Expand Referenced Message

All of those possible side effects are in the brochure that comes with your Spiriva, so that's nothing new and having to do extensive research really wasn't necessary as what you found has already been noted by the drug company. This forum is about weight gain from Spiriva, which is NOT mentioned as a side effect.

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Ok I went off the spirva because of my stomach hurting so bad and the weight gsin its been 2 wks finally stomach stoppedhurting and desending I started it back 3 days ago back to same problem .Endoscopy on the 20th

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I had bad weight gain from spiriva and my dr put me on atravent to try. Does anybody have experience with atravent? I'm getting sick of trying to find the right med. Thanks.

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Re: jessee (# 202) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Jesee ,im the same as you heaps weight gain bloated nausea ect ,i agree i would never use spiriva again ,i rang the drug company and of course they had never heard of spiriva causing weight gain ha ha.iv recently been put on Atrovent so far seems ok fingers crossed. stay well..

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Re: Bill (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Yes im in australia, totally agree. I've lost faith in trying to get any info from drs or the drug company. I stopped taking spiriva 6 months ago. My extra abdominal weight wont go away, therefore makes breathing even harder. It's bloody disgusting and no one gives a dam. Thanks.

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Re: DAVID WRITER (# 210) Expand Referenced Message

I hope you can take something else. Unfortunately, I can't - turns out the only thing that I'm not allergic to is Spiriva - tiotropium bromide - and without it I can hardly breathe due to my emphysema. If I miss even a day my O2 saturation goes down to 92-94 and I can't even brush my hair without getting short of breath. With it, I have no difficulty at all - it's almost like I really don't have emphysema, just a bit of difficulty climbing stairs or walking fast but, after all, I'm 77 years old.

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No. I suffered weight gain in midsection also that I'm fighting with. I got on something else but had to be put back on Spiriva but I'm using an Allbuterol inhaler. I refuse to use the Spiriva.

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Re: William (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

My pharmacist said that ingredient may cause some fluid retention but it shouldn't cause that much weight gain but not much knowledge on Spiriva so it is possible.

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Re: Shelley (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

I went from 100 pounds to 150 pounds in 4 months. Midsection not going down.

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Herb (# 179) --

No I use it to and I have gained weight in my stomach and I hardly eat .

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Re: Bill (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you Bill! I have been on Spiriva for 3 weeks and gained 4 lb. not to mention horrible headaches and dehydration. I am on immunotherapy for lung cancer and for the first time ever had great difficulty finding a vein to give me my infusion yesterday. My Oncologist thought that Spiriva might be a good idea because I am coughing which is probably the effect of Radiation. I'm not taking Spiriva any more

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Then when you take those Meds, you’re putting on Water weight...The only way you can add Fat to your body is to Overeat...How else.!.?.! Where does the fat come from if you’re Not overeating.!.?.! Eating too much of the wrong food is pretty much the only way you can gain significant weight...Water weight is usually minimal & can easily be lost.!.!.!

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Re: Mimi (# 200) Expand Referenced Message

Tiotropium bromide (Spiriva) can cause urinary retention but that is ultimately a painful condition and nobody in their right mind would not see a doctor and get it taken care of. That is why urinary retention does not lead to water retention to the point that it would cause the significant weight gain people on this forum are experiencing with Spiriva. When I first started Spiriva and gained weight I, too, thought it might be water weight gain as I had heard that some medications do cause that, so I took an over-the-counter diuretic. My urine output did not increase and after four days I ended up with painful urethral spasms, went to the doctor, and he said it was because I was taking a diuretic and didn't need it. I stopped the diuretic, no more spasms, and weight gain continued - especially in the abdominal area.

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It’s not the Spiriva that’s directly causing your weight gain...The Med. enhances your appetite therefore you gain weight because you eat more bad foods...The ONLY WAY you can gain significant weight is by overeating, not by taking some Med...Although, some Meds can cause you to gain water weight, but a very insignificant amount...”You Are What you Eat”,..How could a pill or a whole bottle of pills, even if taken daily, make you gain as much as 100#’s...You simply gain weight by eating too much of the wrong foods, & if you’re taking Spiriva it could enhance your appetite therefor causing you to eat more, & gain weight.!.!.!

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Re: William (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

The medication is not causing your weight gain, it’s increasing your appetite & you’re eating more, right.!.?.! The ONLY way you can gain weight is by OVEREATING...Although you can gain water weight, but it’s usually not significant, like 100lbs or more...YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT.!.!.! Ask your Dr. if he can prescribe a different Med that doesn’t have that appetite enhancer adverse reaction...Good Luck.!.!.! Quit eatin’ so damn much, or stop takin’ that Med....Lol

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This medication you’re talking about doesn’t cause the weight gain..It enhances your appetite therefor you eat more...Overeating is the ONLY WAY you can gain significant weight...
YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT...I’d bet that all of you that gained while taking this Med had a tremendous appetite, an adverse reaction of the Med, so you simply ate more & gained...How else are you gonna’ put fat on your body without 1st putting it in your mouth.!.?.!

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