Spiriva Weight Gain Side Effects (Page 10) (Top voted first)


I've talked about this problem before concerning the side effects from Spiriva. The only side effect I've experienced was a sudden, and seemingly permanent weight gain. In spite of efforts to lose the weight I've had no success whatsoever. I've gained weight from other medications in the past only to lose it when the medication was discontinued. Not so with Spiriva. It has been almost three years since I've used the inhaler but yet the added weight persists. I should mention that all of the added weight has been on the midsection and nowhere else! To make matters worse has been a disended abdomen to go along with it. I contacted the drug company right after it happened and, naturally, they acted as if it was new to them! I'm not the only one this has happened to. Although a rare side effect it has been a problem for others, the same as mine. This thing is ruining lives, and should be pulled from the market. It won't be though...profits are the name of this terrible game. Bill.

216 Replies (11 Pages)

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ive gained 35 pds on spirivea also on breo have enphysema i cant take this im only 4"8 i cant eat it makes me fuller please help plus asthma

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Im in the same boat, been off spiriva for a month and still have weight gain in my midsection, a bloated feeling, not happy. I told my dr im not using it anymore and she suggested i try a Seritide inhaler. I read up on it. It has many side effects including weight gain! My dr couldn't suggest anything else for my onset of asthma. I'm just using ventolin atm and keeping fingers crossed my breathing doesn't worsen with the hot weather we are having here in Australia. I rang the drug company and they said never heard of weight gain with spiriva... mmm!

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Re: Judith (# 165) Expand Referenced Message

Thanx Judith. I hope you are doing ok. I'm also having spiriva seratide problems. I just dont know what to do? I'm sick of being bloated, weight gain, ect... just taking ventolin atm. The heat wave here in Australia doesnt help much. My dr isnt much help either so im just trying to take it easy. Good luck to you. Please let me know if you hear of any alternate med. Thanks.

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Re: David (# 167) Expand Referenced Message

There are plenty of alternate meds and if you're not allergic to them go for it! I, however, am allergic to everything else. I ended up with an anaphalactic reaction to two of them and I am not going to take any more chances. My pulmonologist agrees.

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Re: Judith (# 169) Expand Referenced Message

I hope everything improves for you in the new year Judith.At the moment just using my ventolin puffer, seems ok atm but its nearly bush fire time over here also sugar cane burning season ,i need to find a new dr who is a bit careing..take care David

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reading all these post about spriva i've been on it since 2011 and i have gained sooo much weight also. it is a cortiocosteroid which does cause weight gain. my pulmologist refuses to agree its the spriva makeing me gain wt. oh ya how did i get upto 200plus lbs. when i was only 140lbs yrs ago. im also on breo now anither steroid inhaler. i am going to stop spriva totally and see if i can just go with breo. he refuss to give me a straight answer why i'm on 2 inhalers anyway and have been since i was diagniosed with copd/emphasema in 2011. im definately looking intoanew pulmologist thats good there soo hard to find though. YES SPRIVA DOES MAKE YOU GAIN LOTS OF WEIGHT. i'm done with it...

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Re: jessee (# 172) Expand Referenced Message

Spiriva is not a corticosteroid. One of the people I spoke to at the drug company let it slip that is was developed partly as an alternative to corticosteroids, which do cause weight gain, so it couldn't possibly be causing weight gain. She then realized what she had said and basically slammed the phone down! The drug companies are still denying that it causes weight gain.

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I believe you. All my weight is in my stomach and my doc told me on the phone yesterday u can gain about 10 pounds. I guess my 30 is from quitting smoking but the weight gain started before I quit. Now I have to find something else and I'm already on breo also.

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Thank you. This is horrible and needs to be addressed. I cant breath with all this weight gain.

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Re: jessee (# 172) Expand Referenced Message

Hope you are doing ok Jessee. My dr put me on spiriva for asthma onset probably from smoking, breathing herbicides, pollution, ect... My neighbors are always spraying weeds (monsanto). I had to stop using it due to so much weight gain & bloating. It made me feel worse then I tried seritide which had the same effect. I'm now just taking over the counter ventolin a few times a day. The hot weather & humidity here doesn't help. It's strange how in this modern world they cant make breathing easier without bloating, weight gain, ect... Of course drug companies won't believe you... Take care.

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I totally agree the breo is also a cortocoid steroid i have stopped taking it. only use spriva daily i am seriously going to go to a hiolistic practioner to see what i can do to get off thes medications permently. no matter how much i work out with weights strength train and do cardio the wt isnt comming off. this is BS . i am also seeking a new pulmologist mine just refuses to listen to . we have got to get our concerns about this heard but the drug co. dont wanna hear it and shut us down. so wrong even when i called to complain i got "mamm ther is no cortocod steroid is spriva it must be your diet is why your gaining weight" . i go excuse me your sooo wrong she hung up on me. they just dont wanna loose ther big bucks. this inhaler cost $675.00 if i didn't have insurance i couldnt afford it. thats wrong too. theres gotta be another way to treat copd and asmath besides these killer inhalers.

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Re: jessee (# 177) Expand Referenced Message

Hope your doing ok, Jessee. im in the exact same boat. drs wont listen. drug comp is useless. ive rang them. let me know if you hear any good info. im so bloated and stopped spiriva over a month ago. take care.

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Diane, I have been on Spirva since 2012 because of COPD I have had a 100 pound weight gain, I have gone from a size 6 to a size 22, I have told doctors, my pulmanologist of the issue, i have been to a dietitian, I have been to the cartiologist, all my labs and test come back fine, I do not have a thyroid issue, i do not have any other issue, My weight gain is well documented from my regular doctor and my pulmonlogist, what steps need to be taken to file a suit? When I contact the drug company they deny ant known effect of the drug,my doctors just say that weight gain is not one of the side effects. I am at a stand still, and people look at me as if I have no control over food, I have now put myself on a 1200 calorie a day diet, but I still gain weight up to 8 pounds a month or more. I do not know what to do.

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Re: Judith (# 181) Expand Referenced Message

Sorry, that should be go to bed - not just be! Typo.

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Re: Herb (# 180) Expand Referenced Message

actually no, I am a strict vegetarian, I do not eat sweets or sugar, I follow a very strict 1200 calorie a day diet, it is not what I eat, I eat very healthy, my blood work comes back clean my only issue is COPD, but I have been on this drug for a long time longer than most since 2011, this is when the weight gain started, and 2-3 pounds a month over 72 months adds up to over 100 pounds, please be a little more considerate as this is a well documented problem on my end, i see my regular practitioner very often as well as a dietitian, this is not just an eating problem, I am one that I have to remind myself to eat kind of a person, this is a weight gain, mainly in the midsection area.

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Melissa (# 184) --

Please let me know if I can help. We may be able to get litigation started. I'm steadily gaining.

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Melissa (# 184) --

I've spoken to a number of attorneys way back when all this started, all specializing in cases having to do with medical matters, and none of them would take the case because the chances of winning are somewhere between nil and zero. Although your weight gain since being on Spiriva has been well documented, you have no way to prove that Spiriva alone has caused that weight gain. However, if you can find an attorney who will take the case on a contingency basis please let us all know so we can join in a legal suit.

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Herb (# 188) --

I eat like I've always eaten. Yet I gained 10 pounds the month I started Spiriva. I don't like to get off of meds without medical consent. How do i find out exactly what's happening so I can use the Spiriva and not have all the weight gain. Also, in on Adderal. I shouldn't be gaining all this weight.

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Re: Herb (# 185) Expand Referenced Message

I still eat like I've always eaten. And on Adderal, yet this past month on Spiriva, I gained 10 pound.

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Re: Herb (# 180) Expand Referenced Message

I was told it has an ingredient that causes water retention. If the weight gain continues, try fluid pill. It doesn't make you eat but your body will hold fluid.

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