Soma (carisoprodol) In Oklahoma (Page 2)
UpdatedMy GP recently stopped prescribing me Soma after many years of successful treatment with no other changes in medications. I go to a pain specialist for long term injury and they do not prescribe soma. I've heard that the best bet for getting back to my previous treatment plan may be to find a new GP who would prescribe soma. Does anyone have any idea of how to find this out about the specific doctors or know of any in the Tulsa, OK area who do? Please let me know, I cannot take all of the other muscle relaxants I've been prescribed to try.
Re: EDDY (# 20)
Why do you continue to attack members of this group? I don't know who or what you are and I don't know why you remain in this group since you seem to have only hostility to its members. Perhaps there is a better group for you. Please consider apologizing and/or leaving.
Re: Michelle (# 21)
What a terrible thing to say, that was a serious post. The Black Box Triangle warning (a Benzo, an Opioid, & Muscle relaxer) will not be prescribed by most physicians in America due to newer DEA regulations. Does this upset you?
Re: EDDY (# 1)
Are you a scientists or medical doctor? If not, you have no business making such claims about SOMA or any other drug.
Re: Michelle (# 18)
Agreed. I have had a pain specialist straight up tell me "honestly soma is the only muscle relaxer that works" I was quite surprised but wasn't. Soma is a miracle drug and helps pain tremendously without much rich of pain Bill's. And eddy you are a troll I'm glad it only took 2 years for someone else to call you out but my dr is a very well renoound doctor and extremely successful and cares of patients. People drive up to 8 plus hours just to see this doctor and hasn't been able to take on any new patients for years. My dr is smartest person I know so say what u will eddy u r a troll and u know it. Watson/activas soma is best generic currently. And yea Michelle those soma compounds have always seemed appealing to me but only have got soma reg b4
Re: Michelle (# 24)
No he is just a troll thank goodness someone else notice.
Re: Speedy (# 23)
Extended release and instant release they work differently for different reasons
Re: Michelle (# 24)
Oh it's crazy Michelle eddy is on like every forum I've created here which is at least 4 and he is on every thread a troll, pharma troll, or fed.
Re: Eddy (# 22)
Yea and it should.
Re: Goozer (# 27)
Yes I keep seeing him too back many years even lol!
Re: EDDY (# 15)
Cheek, you are right on the money, the Dea. has a name for the three at the same time some kind of triangle. Walgreens will not fill rx's from my Dr. At least mine. His office has a notice about walgreen's and Walmart
Re: Speedy (# 31)
Who's Cheek? It is known as the Black Box warning
Re: Goozer (# 28)
Good to see you Goo! You haven't created ANY forums, you have created a Post or a Thread, with mostly useless or inaccurate information. Add to that unneeded personal insults hurled at myself and Verwon
Re: Goozer (# 25)
no matter who makes it or the shape and color Ii feel very fortunate to get them.
What is a troll I'm new to this.
Re: EDDY (# 15)
Well then why does the DEA have it up my a.. and my Dr. I am not a drug dealer!! How do you know so much? I noticed several people on here have not anything positive to say about you. Why are there so many negative vibes about ?
Re: Patrice (# 7)
There are pharmaceutical companies that have discontinued making them in the last several months. I do believe it's like 4 or 5 of the pharmaceutical companies. There are still companies that will make them. However with the ones that have discontinued them it has caused a shortage everywhere for them. Most pharmacies are backordered trying to get them in. I don't know about them being phased out but I do know that some of the companies decided to discontinue making them.
Re: Bamagurl185 (# 36)
Oh wow yep, I’ve had to transfer my script a few times lately because they were out of stock. I had no idea this was the reason
Re: Goozer (# 27)
That's one I've never heard of two rx's for the same med and with Xanax, I have been on Xanax for over thirty years. You would think that subject would come up if the situation or condition was as bad as mine sounds like a od. waiting to happen are you on opioids and soma too?
Re: Goozer (# 9)
I think Verwon is an admin and that’s why (s)he is everywhere.
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