Sleep Paralysis W/ Hallucinations (Top voted first)
UpdatedHas anyone else experienced sleep paralysis accompanied by hallucinations since starting viibryd? I have been on the medicine for about 4 months now and for the last 2 1/2 months have had several very scary episodes of sleep paralysis... I have never been on a anti-depressant before and never experienced sleep paralysis until i started this medicine. I am a 23 year old female and i take no other meds except a daily multi-vitamin. Ive noticed that if i accidentally miss a viibryd pill i have sleep paralysis... but have also had it on occasions of not missing a pill. It occurs about once a week... its to the point where i dread going to sleep at night in fear of sleep paralysis, but the hallucinations that come along with it are what I dread the most. Has anyone else had a similar experience with this medicine?
Missed a dose, terrible sleep paralysis with hallucinations. Just one dose so I could switch from night 2 day 'cause of the side effects. I had one night of hell, demons, ghost, killings, and it just was not right. No-one will understand the trauma unless they experience fist hand, everything feels so real, and there is no way 2 escape ur own mind.
Please this drug to the FDA
My story.
I'm thankful for this thread. My experience with Viibryd has been similar to others. At first, I was on cloud nine. I was less numb sexually, actually had a bit of a libido. I had more energy. I felt like I had gained some clarity. It was about 2 months into taking it when I had my first terrible night. I was trying to fall asleep when I experienced powerful brain shocks that would sometimes make my arm or leg jerk. I remember hearing the shocks. At some point there was loud buzzing as I felt my body sink into sleep but leaving me conscious. It feels like you're fading away with no control over it. I'd ending up gasping for air and coming out of the hole I was falling into. I felt like I also lost control over my breathing- like my brain stem took over while I was still conscious. But even though it was scary- I had enough control to try to fight my way back to normal. This happened several times over the next few hours. Somewhere in there I was experiencing the paralysis. In my lifetime I've had a few episodes of sleep paralysis to recognize what it was so it didn't totally terrify me (yet). I'd be laying there having a dream while totally conscious, and realize I'm paralyzed, then I'd actively work on trying to wiggle a finger or a toe until I brought myself out of it. It came to a head that night when I starting seeing and hearing things that weren't there. That was when it became frightening and I woke my husband. I heard a wolf howl, I saw things in my room that weren't there. I thought I saw a giant man in my room. It was messed up. So it wasn't the run of the mill sleep paralysis I'd had before. Throw in that body jerking and brain buzzing and felt seizure like. I want to point out its not the normal brain zaps one gets with withdrawal. We all know what that is. Also I DID NOT MISS A DOSE!
I experienced this for a few days in a row- decided it was the medicine and I would not tolerate these side effects, so I called my doctor. He didn't believe me. Did you read that? HE SAID IT WASNT THE MEDICINE. HE SAID THIS WAS A NOT A SIDE EFFECT OF VIIBRYD AND NONE OF HIS PATIENTS HAD EVER REPORTED IT BEFORE SO I NEEDED A NEUROLOGIST. I was super angry. I told him I found report after report of people experiencing this with Viibryd and he said it was coincidence and could absolutely not be the Viibryd. I told him I wanted off anyway and he'd either tell me how to do it safely or I was gonna wing it. He told me. I did a quick taper down and felt like living hell. I was so angry and tearful. My husband and I talked, and decided to give Viibryd another chance. So I went back on 20mg, instead of the 40 which I was at before. I had decided that I had so many benefits from it, that perhaps the sleep issues would be infrequent and the positives would outweigh the negatives. I found out 2 days later that it might have actually been the worst case of PMS, and not being off Viibryd that caused me to feel so bad since it was my first cycle post partum. Still- I wanted to give Viibryd another shot.
So I'm going along on 20mg for a couple weeks. But- When I really think about it, my anger might have been relieved- but my libido had gone away again, I still had anxiety (maybe a bit lessened). I think the initial honeymoon period with it faded and it really was not giving me the help it initially had. I still stayed on.
Then the sleep paralysis and brain shocks happened again one night. I looked at my calendar and thought to myself that I was due for another cycle in about a week and I was starting to correlate the symptoms with the brain chemicals dipping due to pms perhaps. Some people need more ssri around the time of their period, so I went back up to 40mg. I had sleep issues for a couple more days and I had hope, that when pms week ended, so might the sleep problems. I was wrong.
They've continued with no correlation to a damn thing. I don't miss doses so it's not withdrawal. This sleep hell hits even at naps. When I lay down and my body relaxes, I know it's going to be awful when the first brain shock hits. I might as well said screw it and get up. Cause if I stay down I will just be fighting the awfulness for a few hours. Not only will the paralysis happen- at times I've been able to have lucid dreaming where I can control aspects of my dream. Sometimes it was neat- but not worth the rest of the symptoms. I've had brain shocks happen several times in a row where my eyes are even ticking back or to the side- if that's not a seizure I'm not sure what to call it then. Like I've stated before I will have breathing issues where i will have to gasp, sometimes 8-10 times an hour (that's my best guess). My dreams will sometimes be so real that I think I'm awake and doing things in my house, when in reality I never left my bed. I can feel the carpet under my feet as I navigate my house and think I'm awake only to wake up enough to see I'm in bed.
I generally do not have pleasant dreams. They are dreams that could sometimes make Stephen King frightened. Sometimes they are just flat out weird- but not scary. I will say I've always been a dreamer. A vivid dreamer actually- but NOTHING compares to these Viibryd dreams.
My experience the other night is what made me decide to stop Viibryd completely. I was having the "normal" issues falling asleep but I ended up having a realistic dream in which I saw my baby sitting up but holding very still in her pack and play which is next to my bed. It looked so creepy. It was dark in my room so I could only see her silhouette. I told my husband to wake up cause our daughter was sitting up (which she should not be, she's not old enough). I was reaching for my lamp to turn on the light. I got the light on and saw a ghost next to my bed that jumped into my body. It was so scary and I was fighting so hard to get this ghost out of me that I started screaming in my dream. It actually made me moan very loudly to the point of screaming that it woke my husband up. He shook me until I was awake but it did take me a little bit because I was paralyzed.
I have had enough.
Ps- side note- I've gained 15-20 lbs on this med.
I had the most terrifying expeirence of my life last night! I had sleep paralysis and hallucinations and I am still setting on my couch afraid to go to sleep. It was the most awful thing. I tried to stay awake but I couldn't and I kept fighting to wake up but I could not move. I thought I was being attacked by the devil. That's the only way I can describe it. I talked to my doctor and she said not to miss any doses but I am terrified of everything right now. I don't know what to do.
I would also like to know if a suit is filed. I've been experiencing all the terrifying effect of Viibryd for months!
I have been taking vibryd for about a year now and ended here in the middle of the night by searching for an answer for why I have started having sleep issues this week. It seems to be every few nights but don't sleep well the good nights either because the bad ones have been so traumatic that it now scares me to sleep! I have never heard of sp until now but it is horrible! The first time it happened I couldn't even figure out how to explain it. The zapping in my head and the sound in my ears was bad enough but the creatures trying to come after me and wrapping me up in my blanket to smother me as I felt like I was crying for help and telling it to leave was horrible! I will be making an appointment as soon as my doctor is available in the morning to get off of this med!
I have not slept in three days because of the 80 mg of Viibryd I was on that caused me both auditory and visual hallucinations as well as unbearable sleep paralysis every single time I fall asleep. I feel like I am being choked to death and can't move or scream to stop it! I am currently In the ER over this and they are doing absolutely NOTHING to help me. They are CLUELESS! I was take n off the viibryd last night but it's still in my blood because the attacks of sleep paralysis are ever single time I try to sleep. After 3 days of not sleeping, I wonder what will happen to me if they can't help! Does anyone know of any treatments that have worked for them, while waiting for the viibryd to leave their system? Klonopin has done nothing. Please help me I'm so desperate and depresse!
I agree that Vyybrid should be pulled from the market. I took this drug for about a year and have no idea why I took it that long. The nightmares and hallucination were horrible. I also had sleep paralysis. I have never had such vivid nightmares/hallucinations. I would wake up screaming or trying to scream almost every night. I could actually feel the movement of the bed with people/things climbing on the bed to "get me". My kids would come running into m room when I screamed. There were also "brain zaps" that were like surges of electricity going through my brain. This was all very scary. I allowed myself about 6 months to wean off. This drug also caused severe dehydration. I aged 20 years in appearance. My gums receded from my teeth. My lungs were dehydrated as well. There were no products or enough water to fix this problems. It was like trying to fix an internal problem with external solutions. I have had side effects from other anti depressants but nothing like this. It should definitely be removed from the market. I don't know if I will make a full recovery.. I strongly advise anyone from taking this drug. You should also know that there is a lot research linking SSRIs to osteoporosis and tooth decay. I have enough bad experiences to write a book but Vyybrid takes the prize
I took viibryd for only three weeks when I out of the blue had a seizure in the shower. I never had one before in my life. So after EKG and MRI and EEG the determined it had to be the viibryd. On top of the major seizure I also experience. Seizures in my sleep the brain zaps that everyone's talking about and hallucinations for a week straight all the while never missing a single dose until I got so concerned out lasting effects and not being able to go to work because of the seizures I just quit taking them all together now I'm free of all side effects.
OMG!!! I have been on viibryd almost 3 months and about a month ago I started having nightmares!! They are horrifying, bloody, murderous, ghastly nightmares! So last week I cut my 40mg in half so that I could wean myself off of this stuff, that was Friday and my doc calls on Monday to tell me to stop it completely. I was hesitant but I did it. So yesterday I didn't take any and when I tried to go to sleep, I had these seizure-like episodes where I was awake and was completely aware of what was going on, but could not stop it! I was so scared! I was making these inaudible sounds and my body was shaking weirdly. I just don't know any other way to explain it. It happened 3 more times and I simply was powerless to stop it, as soon as it was over my eyes were open, I was awake and scared! So I cut the half dose in half again. Would you believe that I went to sleep and it didn't happen again?? I'm so scared to go to sleep tonight. I guess I'm going to continue to wean myself off and hope that this NEVER happens again. And what's more, since I started weaning off, my concentration is back and I'm not craving sugar because since starting this med it's been like a daily binging of sugar. I mean I could be a diabetic in six months!! This is ridiculous. I don't know what I'm going to do now...smh thanks for listening I hope it helps
Just an update. I'm off of the viibryd but it took 6 days to wean off. I was on 40 mg and took 20mg for 3 nights and then 10mg for 3 nights and then I was done! NEVER! EVER HAD A WORSE EXPERIENCE WITH MEDICATION!! This should be taken off the market!! I was so desperate to feel better that I was willing to try anything... Well I'm fixed from ever having that attitude again. This was by far the scariest feeling I've ever had! I'm still having some bad headaches and this is week 3 I think, anyway I'm on Wellbutrin and a little trazadone at night. I just realized that I don't want to alter the chemicals in my brain anymore... Just not gonna do it. We're guinea pigs and I'm not gonna participate in this roulette anymore
If you hear anything about a legal suit, please let me know. Viibryd stopped my world when I was taking it. I would wake up sobbing from the sleep paralysis. I went nearly sleepless for days because of the brain zaps. People should be warned about this. I told my doc if I was going to take something for anxiety, I wanted LOW side effects. I've never been so screwed up or worthless as when I was on that awful drug. It should be illegal to do that to people.
There is no such thing as sleep when it happens. For me, it started with dizziness I blamed on the Cymbalta but it turns out I was wrong. Let me state, I am and am known to be sensitive to drugs.
anyway, first it was dizziness and what I call white outs... which are where your eyes loose focus and it was like half your brain was trying to pass out while the other half was trying to keep you awake.
then I had the dream when we bumped it up. No, it was not a lucid dream. when I go to bed, im abnormal and take at least an hour to an hour 1/2 of having my eyes closed to fall asleep. So when within 3 minutes I was seeing a clear as day picture, I knew I was awake. I could move, but my curiousity kept me still. Then I was on a roller coaster and the feeling is the adrenaline when going down a roller coaster, but saturated. If you have this now, get off immediately. unless you want to progress to the 40 and have immense horror and sleepless WEEKS get off. (imho)
time went on, about 2 weeks until I had a panic attack leading to another dream, with the day following consisting of dizzy spells. now we are on 40. this lead to my living hell.
so I was going to bed feeling the electric shocks more frequent and powerful than usual. I closed my eyes. it started with a basic shape. this shape would then gain a movement like a gif you would find of an optical illusion. this would make a picture. then it would make a jumpscare. yes. like the ones In the movies.
the worst part was the auditory hallucinations. they were the worst. when the rag doll things head turned at me, that boom plus the ambience of tension was enough to shock me awake, and I knew something was wrong.
I wrote all my symptoms down. In the light I would see things move in the corner of my eyes and would have actual paranoia. paranoia that was so real, that monsters were real and it was possible they were here. I knew they were fake, but just the fact that im SEEING things was scary.
I decided to give it one more go, to make sure it wasn't me being dramatic. I tried to sleep again and found my the ambiance and boom repeatedly screaming in my ears. It was getting darker and darker and I couldn't move anything. Me, not knowing what seep paralysis was at the time, was convinced I was dying, and the only way to stop was to fling myself back into the waking world. So there I go.
i took the medicine at ten, had the sleep paralysis at 2, and had non stop sleep paralysis until it reeeeally wore of at 5:30 in the morning.
all fine right? NO.
so go next day, im still shaky, i go out, everythings okay, took nothing (because i wasn't gonna sign my own death certificate) fell asleep normal and it was good, minus the fact that the paranoia and fear of sleepingand the dark was still there.
Monday sucked. we were fine until we went to the doctor and he gave a new medicine. it was 5g of Brintellix at 3:00 pm. i go to take a nap at five and to my horror, my hell was back at it again. Im not saying the Brintellix is bad, im saying that you definitely need to give youself atleast a week of pure NO PILLS until you can try new, but i cant be sure. All i know is my symptoms are back and im crying again.
then later at 9 i fearfully try to sleep. the twitching from the shocks are back and i dont need to expiriece to torture again to know its coming. i knew it was gonna be a sleepless night and it still is. yes. i ended up trying. i was right, the symptoms were right back into play and i was once again dizzy, anxious, and electrified. the dizziness was a lot more prominent this time. so yeah. here i am. typing my viibryd horror story. the most scary part about this is my doctor had NO CLUE viibryd did this.
I actually have the exact same thing happen to me as you are describing. If I miss a dose, even if its the next evening and I havent taken it yet (I usually take it around 9 PM.) and I take a nap after work, right as I'm falling asleep it will feel like a waves of pressure inside my head along with sleep paralysis. Let me know if you find any solutions to this.
Hi Rick,
I usually take mine at around 9 also! And I actually start getting that waves of pressure feeling a 2-3 hours before that sometimes... I know with that feeling that if I were to sleep before my pill I will have sleep paralysis... So if it's really bad I'll go ahead and take the pill to make that annoying feeling go away!! Can't believe how close our symptoms are! Soon after I take my pill the feeling goes away... I would say 30 mins or so... Have you talked to your dr about this? Wondering what other people's dr has told them... Thanks soo much!
need to take my 40 mg. dose before the creepy nightmare sensations take over -pretty much while I am awake. What happens when I am late, is if I so much as doze off, I get mentally 'stuck.' And it will take me from 10 min. to 1 hr. to just do what my brain is reminding myself to do. It's different than just 'feeling sleepy & feeling lazy' & not wanting to get up. So as I posted last time, I am still taking 40 mg. Viibryd, because once I got down to the 5 ?mg. dose, I caved and took it. All based on a nightmare of course. Thanks Viibryd. It screws with your head. My neurologist said it's like Effexor. I had that BAD experience when a pharmacist 'accidentally' gave me Effexor instead of Wellbutrin. I am also back on 300 mg. of Wellbutrin. I was crazy irritable 2 days before AF/TOM (whatever you call it :). Huh. I had thought the Viibryd took away the PMS. So I don't want to freak you out or anything, but I had the scariest frikking sensations during sleep paralysis last week. Movie directors should be calling me. LOL. this is what happened. I got into bed. Pretty quickly, I started to feel that 'upper body turning into a hardened shell' feeling. Also vibration like, the back of my neck stiffens up, my stomach is tight, and instantly I think OH NO and I seemed to be able to snap out of them if I caught it quickly enough 'last nite', but last way. I must have went into sleep paralysis 'episodes' about 50 times. It's exhausting. So along with the 'seeing' the room, feeling mummified, there's that awful feeling like there is a creature from hell running around my room. Last night I heard running footsteps. My husband heard nothing. Last week, during one of the worst episodes, I had finally had enough of trying to NOT fall back into sleep paralysis...I try to stay relaxed....I try to grind my teeth together....I try to shout for HELP...but all I can do is make sounds like 'eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeee' (or whimpering, like when my dog has a nightmare!) And I had told my husband the 'SP' (abbrev.) was BACK. So he heard me whimpering out loud and did nothing! But I did tell him that he wouldn't be able to move me. I am pretty certain that my arms hold stiff. Kind of afraid to try it. So anyway, so DONE with this BS, I tried something else. I mentally decided a scary twist on the scary images that I was seeing, and I said 'in my head' to 'get out of my body!!!!!' and that's when everything felt like pulling and tugging and chaos for a few seconds...yes it was intense... & scary and it gets worse....I had FELT a scary creature JUMP inside my upper body and I was laying face to face with my husband---& for a split second, his warm breath on my face was the creatures warm breath--freaky. Then I announced 'to get out of me' again and I felt my soul? being pulled forcefully out of my body, BUT I wasn't having it and I had to fight back and mentally hold on. WTH is all that? SO THEN...yes it gets worse....the f'in creature feeling ran to the side of my bed and then slapped it's frikking alien claw like hands back and forth at the end of my bed, hitting my feet!!! I FELT THIS HAPPEN! I heard the slapping sound on the bed. Then the creature ran off. I guess I should have never looked at images of sleep paralysis on the internet. I am a Christian woman & now feel like I need to sleep with a crucifix & seriously get into prayer mode before bed. There is not any rhyme or reason for all of these nightmares. But it doesn't happen when I take Ambien (5mg). So I never know what to expect with sleep. I just hope for the best. Staying strong & I do expect to have serious feedback from several dr's soon on this. I hate to endure more nightmares from the SP, but I have no choice. I cannot dream up these sensations. And because I get into the stuck mode and uncontrollably fall back into SP over and over again, seconds apart.....well.......honestly......I've even noticed that I can't breathe! I try to, but cannot draw in oxygen. FDA......are you FRIKKING LISTENING TO THIS??? I was the first FRIKKING guinea pig to take this from my family dr. last Aug. 2011. Trust me when I tell you, I have no other psychosis history. Just anxiety & depression from past cancer. Who wouldn't. & PTSD. Please notify your Dr. I did also read online that Effexor has been known to bring on HELLISH like dreams. I tried the 14 days of 20 mg. & 14 days of 10 mg. Well, guess didn't work. Just as the nurse told me on the phone, if my nightmares were still bad, I'd probably have to go back on the medication. (LOL--really? I thought it was silly for her to say that) Considering on shaving a tiny bit away daily. Very trusting & knowledgable NEUROLOGIST said to take up to 4 Xanax to get off of Viibryd. I don't think that's enough. It seems to me to need a medical stay weaning process. No one should have to mentally live thru such traumatic PS episodes. : ( HUGS! Please keep me updated!
I've been on Viibryd for well over one year. I was prescribed this medication after a sudden onslaught of panic attacks which was new to me at the time. Here's what I've learned in my year and a half about Viibryd. First I learned that nobody really knows about the medication. Anyone I ever talked to had never heard of it being that it is still young in the pharmaceutical world. The withrawal symptoms are in fact terrible and tirimg. The sleep paralysis is from withdrawal of the drug not a side effect. One side effect I always had is that my bones would always feel very stiff along with my neck. You have to take the pill at the exact same time every day to avoid the sleep paralysis and make sure you take at least two hours before you plan on going to sleep. If you want to get off Viibryd its actually much easier than you might think. I stayed on it for so long that I was scared to get off fearing the intense withdrawals. I got tired of feeling controlled by it. I started out by king only 3/4 of a 40mg pill. Take it at the same time you usually do and you will have no paralysis. You will feel the medication wearing off sooner though and you might have the weird eyes roll in back of your head feeling a couple of times leading up to your dosage (brain zaps). I did that for 7 days. It was really much easier than anticipated. You'll have some head changes but its very tolerable. On day 8 I started taking only half a a 40mg pill.Again keep taking it at the same time and you should have no paralysis. You'll start having the vivid dreams and nightmares coming back. Really not that bad, you might wake up a couple of times during the night from weird or scary dreams but trust me you'll be fine. You can tell that the sleep paralysis feeling is much less intense and you won't have any hallucinations or physical feelings of being touched, pinch or grabbed.. You will start to feel like its no big deal and that you can easily get off the meds. I took half a pill for two full wekks. The last week I took 1/4 of a 40mg pill. Again weird dreams but nothing crazy or not tolerable. And after one week of that I was done. You'll be surprised on how fast it will leave your system. I recommend getting off Viibryd to anyone. Once you're off you should consult a DIFFERENT physician about possibly taking a different anti depressant or see how you manage without it. For me Viibryd was the only medication of that sort I've ever taken and it will be the last.
The horrific SP stories are all over the Internet. I still find it incredibly strange for you to assume that the people who have experienced the worst of the SP are here because they have problems?! I am happy for you that you feel like Wonder Woman, but there's no need to feel sad or frustrated when people who haven't started Viibryd yet, are turned off due to ALL (thousands) of SP & awful awful awful auditory hallucinations while taking Viibryd.
You are still on it because you haven't been absolutely inside the gates of Hell on Viibryd yet. Say your prayers. But that doesn't even help.
Will it be taken off the market one day? Probably. Hopefully. And I hope that you can remember your mental state & not depend on a pill to feel awesome. Because that's not reality & in any drug, it can one day be ineffective. It did nothing for me but make my life scary for almost a year. I missed out on too much as well. While I was home trying to sort out the side effects.
Good luck everyone! Prozac stopped the SP dead in its tracks! :)
Take melatonin! I have sleep paralysis too from my slew of meds, my psychiatrist recommended it and I finally got my life back! I'm not afraid to sleep anymore! Try it and I promise it'll help. Doesn't interact with any meds because its something your body already makes. Hope that helps!! :)
I have been taking Viibryd since it first came out. I have had my issues with it off and on but I would say it has really helped me a great deal. I find the tricks are:
1.) don't take too high a dose -- at one point I was up to 40mg and while I had tons of energy I had some sleep paralysis (which is unbearable!) and those brain zaps when I was trying to fall asleep
2.) take it with food especially some nice complex carbs (toast, oatmeal etc.) It really makes a difference is blunting the crazy side effects
3. ) have a sleep aid on hand for when you're just not falling asleep
Having said all that I still get weird kind of brain zaps right as I'm falling asleep accompanied by a nasty taste in my mouth -- it wakes me up and I have to shake it off before I start to fall asleep again. Does anyone else experience this?
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