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I have been taking zolpidem 10mg for many years and all was perfect. Now i changed pharmacies and it's 10mg of Teva with the # 74 on it and I am up in 3 hours and cannot get back to sleep. ## Try zolfresh 5 mg. I get sleep with this for more than 5 hours. It is also suggested to get a Dr.'s advice. ## Hello, Sharon! How are you? First, Zolpidem can help someone fall asleep, but it doesn't mean they will always stay asleep, which is why the time released version was created under brand name Ambien CR, according to the NIH. Second, if you've been taking it for years, you may have built up tolerance to it, which can prevent it from working as well for you. The FDA explains that we eventually get used to any medication that we take regularly for a long period of time, and we...

3 REPLIES Updated in Zolpidem

My doctor prescribed 7.5mg Zopiclone and they were orange this time, when they are usually white. Has anyone else noticed this change as well?

Updated in Zopiclone

can melatonin or depression medication cause a drug test to be positive for suboxone ## My answer to that question would be no, as the human body produces Melatonin naturally. Supplementing this is strictly used to boost your Melatonin to levels that your body hasn't been producing on its own accord. As far as depression medication goes, it is unlikely; but with some drug tests it seems as though anything is likely to show up no matter what you took. So I wouldn't count it out just yet. Have you asked your doctor about getting re-tested? ## I have taken Melatonin and I am having a false positive on my drug test. This is the second time. I took a prescribed 5ml Valium 2.5 weeks before it the drug test. I do not feel like that is causing the problem. ## This is my first time ever ...

19 REPLIES Updated in Melatonin

The BL zopiclone are OK. It stands for Bristol laboratory. They are not fake tablets. I take them. ## I got some today and they say BL and Bristol laboratories. I will take one tonight and see if I sleep well. ## I got them filled from nhs and trust me they are FAKE. Bristol labs zopiclone are fake. ## no theyre not, they deal with the nhs i get them from my local pharmacy on prescription ## I have no markings on these Zopiclone, supposed to be 3.75. Nothing happening. So annoyed. I'm sure they are fake? ## Thank you for your 'report' on blue zopiclone tabs. I was worried cos always had white ones ## The fact you get them on a script from a pharmacist sadly does not mean they are not bad/under dosed etc. Approx 10% of NHS meds are bad. It’s a very lucrative & sophi...

7 REPLIES Updated in Zopiclone

Hey everyone! I filled my prescription for uk brand zopiclone. Ratiofarm MA Holder. The packaging looks good. But the pill itself is a small white pill with zoc 7.5 written on it? For some reason I don’t think these are the correct pills. Can anyone help with pictures, etc? ## You received the correct medication. The tablets with the ZOC 7.5 marking are sold under the brand name Zopitan, and contain 7.5mgs of Zopiclone. Ref: Zopitan Information Inactive ingredients may include: Lactose monohydrate calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate maize starch carmellose sodium magnesium stearate titanium dioxide hypromellose This medication is most commonly used to help treat insomnia, and other sleep disorders. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, ha...

1 REPLY Updated in Zopiclone

what is small round white pill with NB on one side ## It's melatonin, a sleep aid. It's made from all natural turkey extract, I'm a college student so it real helps, there is nothing bad about it it's just really expensive. Most people confuse it for Percocet because of the NB but Percocet has numbers melatonin does not ## I have round white pills with NB on one side and they are a homeopathic migraine medicine. ## @rrrock: What is the homeopathic Migraine medication called? Is it for use during an attack or used more like a preventive-type Supplement? Very curious as I have Chronic Migraine & would like to try using a good homeopathic med at onset of an attack as a first line before having to take my Rx migraine medications. Thanks so much! ## My research points to ...

8 REPLIES Updated in Melatonin

I have used Torrent Pharaceutical Zolpidem 10mg for quite a while and it works just fine. I would always get it from They now have changed from BioScript to Walgreens, and my first order came in the mail yesterday. It is not made by Torrent and does not work for me. I need Torrent. Where can I get this from? ## Unfortunately, there's really no way to know which tablet from any manufacturer that a pharmacy has in stock, especially via mail order. The only thing I can really suggest doing is checking with your local pharmacies to see which one they carry, or ask if they can order the other one in for you. Have you tried local pharmacies? ## You can have all mine from torrent lol ## Go to cvs and Walgreens I have not steeped in 4 days this TORRENT brand is so terrible sin...

6 REPLIES Updated in Zolpidem

How many years will Zolpidem tartrate (Ambien 10mg) be effective after its expiration date? ## According to FDA reports, it starts to lose efficacy one year after it is dispensed to you from your pharmacy. However, I recently had a nurse practitioner tell me that the U.S. is the only country that requires expiration dates on medications, I haven't researched to verify this, but I do know that there are quite a few others that don't, such as Mexico, India, Africa, and etc. However, what I can tell you is that they do not become dangerous, once expired. Additionally, Harvard University’s Medical Center states that “most of what is known about drug expiration dates comes from a study conducted by the Food and Drug Administration at the request of the military. With a la...

5 REPLIES Updated in Zolpidem

What ingredients are in zopiclone and what imprint does it have on zopiclone 5mg tablets? ## "Zopiclone" is the generic name and active ingredient of the medication. So the only things that would be in it are that of fillers and inactive ingredients, which can vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. These tablets are sleeping pills (hypnotics) which work by acting on the brain to cause sleepiness. Hope this helps! ## Hi. I just got 5mg zopiclone and have been taking alprazolam for 20 yrs (0.5mg). Is this combination ok? Thank you. ## 5mg Zopiclone sleeping pills should have Tec on one side and 2/30 on the other side. Is this correct? ## i think only a doctor could say if the combination is okay but i have taken a higher dose of alprazolam with zopiclone sometimes 4ml in fact but...

5 REPLIES Updated in Zopiclone

I have had a hard time sleeping as a child. Now that I am 43 it is very bothersome to me. I don't drink or take any drugs besides my thyroid medicine. I have tried Ambiem and lunesta. Neither worked. I am lucky if I get 12 to 14 hours of sleep a week. So now I have been on Restoril 30mg for about a week now and I still can't sleep. I am about to loose it. Why isn't these meds that the doctors say should knock me out, not working. Please I need some advice from people who have severe insomnia? Any advice would be welcome. ## Have you tried any of the natural remedies, such as just taking a Melatonin supplement at night? Learn more Melatonin details here. After having problems with insomnia for years and trying many medications, it's what I've found works best for me. ...

10 REPLIES Updated in Restoril

My latest refill has tem-20 temazepam tablets. I've read they stopped making 20 mgs but I have taken my dose and they are working. Is "tem-20" the correct marking for temazepam? Can anyone (in the UK or other country) recognize the stamp as valid?

Updated in Temazepam

My prescription says to take 4 tablets of zopiclone 5mg. Does that sound right to take 4 of them? ## No, that doesn't seem right. The usual maximum dosage is just 7.5mgs and that would be way more at 20mgs. Have you asked your doctor or pharmacist about it? I'm suspicious that someone made an error. ## You don't get 5mg zopiclone,you get 3.75 orange in colour and 7.5mg usually white. I get 2x 7.5mg nightly and it doesn't have any adverse effects apart from an unpleasant taste in your mouth the next day.. ## 20mg is definitely too high a dose , though i was once prescribed 3 x 7.5mg for a short time but 2 x 7.5mg is the maximum does licensed in the UK now or so my doctor says. i have seen 10mg ones lately but not british ones. i suspect a doctor would advise just taking 1...

5 REPLIES Updated in Zopiclone

This is a 10mg sublingual tablet called Edluar - Zolpidem Tartrate. Usually prescribed for people who have difficulty swallowing or absorbing medications in their intestine. ## Hi Jim - I had a few questions. I checked the Edluar NDC page on this site and in both cases, the 10 mg sublingual is reporting a different inscription than nte 10. Is the tablet which you are referring to from outside the United States by chance? And my other question relates to what it is prescribed for - I thought that Edluar (Zolpidem) is indicated for treating insomnia as a sleep aid? To the best of your knowledge have you seen it prescribed off label for gastrointestinal issues? Just trying to get as many details as I can, so I'd appreciate anything else you can share. Thanks! ## It's definitely edl...

6 REPLIES Updated in Zolpidem

I have been taking ambien for many years now. Recently I filled a 3 month supply from what I've now discovered is a less than reputable pharmacy, but as I have no insurance, the cost was less than what I've been paying. My question is this....when i take ambein, I wake up feeling medicine hangover so to speak. Since I've been taking the Stilnox, I feel like I've been drugged with valium or something for the entire day. I've googled these pills, and everything says they are the same thing, but the sure don't affect me the same. One other note, on the bottle I got, it said they were manufactured in 2007. Could it be that they are too old to take? ## Stilnox is listed as containing the active ingredient Zolpidem, which is the same as the active ingredient...

1 REPLY Updated in Ambien

Does anyone know how to taper off this nasty drug? Take 15mg every night sometimes during day too. Have been on this drug for five years, prescribed 7.5mg from Dr (script of 14 every month). ## If you are only taking 14 a month, that is not a crazy amount, so you should be able to taper off of them, do so slowly is usually best. Have you informed your doctor that you want to stop taking it? They may be able to help you with a proper tapering schedule. How often do you take it? Do you take them right in a row, so you are out for the rest of the month, or do you space them out over the month? The NHS warns that this medication may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, hallucinations, and next day hangover-like effects. Ref: Zopiclone Information Are you on any other m...

1 REPLY Updated in Zopiclone

What are the side effects? Can I take it continuously? Does the body adjust and I might have to increase the amount I take? I am having trouble turning my brain off at night, I also take 75 mg of Elavil. ## Yea your body does adjust and you do have to take more ## Zopiclone can help you fall asleep faster, and help prevent frequent wake ups, so your quality of sleep may improve overall. The NHS lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, a bitter or metallic taste, next day tiredness. Ref: Zopiclone Information And as with any other medication, yes, your body may get used to it, which could result in your having to change your dosage, or try a different medication. Is there anything else I can help with?

2 REPLIES Updated in Zopiclone

Round about M&M size light blue no markings. Shiney white inside. ## Hello, John! How are you? Well, the operative word here is Mexico, they don't regulate their medications like the U.S. and Canada, so it might be difficult to identify this one. However, I'll keep looking and post back, when I have information for you. Does anyone else have an idea of what this might be? ## John, please reply and let me know your experiences with this. I just got some and I'm not sure what they are ## The blue, smooth almost shiny with no markings except the line through one side is zopiclone 7mg tablet. Can't get them in the US unless you have a prescription. But you can buy them over the counter overseas. When I purchased them, they originated from India. ## It is a 7 mg zopiclone...

4 REPLIES Updated in Zopiclone

I got a bottle of Hemitartrate Zolpidem 10mg tablets in Mexico. Bottle states manufacturer is Coropharma LLC. The logo for Coropharma products is CORO, but these tablets have a logo of RAAM on them. They don’t work. I only got nightmares, no sleep using them. ## I got the same thing and this RAAM logo pill doesn't work at all. I paid $120 dollars for my rx of 100 pills. ## Same thing happened to me. Terrible nightmares and did not help sleep. I used to be able to get really good Zolpidem. The pills were orange but price is way too high.

2 REPLIES Updated in Zolpidem

I was on serequel and stoped. it also caused weight. what drugs help to sleep but gain weight? ## Hello, Bunnt! How are you? You may want to speak to your doctor about trying one of the regular sleep inducing medications, such as Ambien. The FDA classifies it as a sedative hypnotic that's used for the short-term treatment of insomnia. Its typical side effects may possibly include dizziness, dry mouth, hallucinations, sleep actions and next day hangover-like effects. Does anyone else have any ideas? ## tizanidine helps with pain and helps me get a couple hrs of sleep too. see if you can try that. i love it!

2 REPLIES Updated in Ambien

Zolpidem 10 mg what color is the pill green MZ 2 ## Hello, Alexis! How are you? This tablet is manufactured by Mylan Pharmaceuticals, they list it as being purple and containing 10mgs of Zolpidem, so yes, it's a generic for Ambien. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, hallucinations and sleep actions. Is there anything else I can help with? ## How do you find a pharmacy that still carries Zolpidem from Mylan? My pharmacy switched to Teva and now the pill doesn't work for me. Walmart, walgreens, CVS are all from Teva. ## You could try Jewel Osco but if all the big drugstores have switched, I'd say you're SOOL. Mine are Teva, work fine for me. Insurance usually doesn't pay for anything but stuff from the major drugstores like ...

6 REPLIES Updated in Zolpidem
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