Side Effects Of Suboxone (Page 12)
UpdatedI have been on suboxone now for just under a month. I think it is an amazing drug, i have had no cravings or interest in returning to opiates, my drug of choice was oxy. I get up every day feeling happy, and am able to take on what ever the day brings me. I am also on lexapro for depression at this time. There is one problem after i take my dose, which is 8 mg. twice a day, I am extremely tired sometimes to the point where if i sit down I will nod off, so I keep moving and can usually fight through it. I am wondering do other people feel this way or does it get better the longer you are on it? Two other things that are sometimes very bothersome are dizzyness and extreme dry mouth. I just wanted to find out other peoples experiences. Thanx
I experience the same thing lately and I feel so tired I literally sleep all day til 4/5 pm yes on and off but no more than 30 minutes awake time
I just started this medication today I took half of the 8 milagrams and then again few hours later now I can't keep my eyes open and my stomach hurts and have cotton mouth badly . I hope this will tapper off the longer I take it . this is the first time in my life that I feel normal .
My daughter was given a red strip that was told to be a suboxone strip! But it made her feel tingly and stay up all night! I'm worried.
I have just started on 4 mg of Suboxone to get off Percocet. I have been dizzy and nauseated as well as feeling a lot of pain in my legs below the knee. I have had 2 knee replacements and the severe pain is in that area. Is the pain from withdrawal from Percocet or a side effect from Suboxone?
Hi, I am new and have been on subs for two days. They only make me tired. I'm on 2mg once a day. I was taking Hydros 10mg about ten a day. From what i understand it only takes about 7 days or less to get these hydros out of your system. After 7 days i'm going to taper these subs. Anybody have any idea how i should taper off these subs after being on them just a week, taking only 2mg once a day? Please anybody who could help me i would appreciate it. I have been avoiding my VA doctor for more than a month because i know she is going to test me. I need somebody to please HELP me. Thank you.
So I have been on pills for years...10 now and I just switched to subs... I'm on day 4 and it is helping a lot I would just like to catch that nod everyone is talking about I can't seem to catch it any advice?
Hi. I take opiates daily. I usually take my dose in the a.m and I'm sick by 8pm. I was wondering if I can take a sub once i start feeling sick or will this put me into worse withdrawals? I'd also like to know what I could use to help with them? I am on klonopin, neurontin and clonidine. They say these really help but im still in agony. Please help!
I just started a week ago and I'm so tired to the point I'm falling asleep at work, driving everywhere. So exhausted can't keep my eyes open. What the neck why?
I took 16 mgs of Suboxone for the first time. How long does the numb tingling feeling last? It is very uncomfortable.
Can you get a fever and chills from an allergic reaction to Suboxone? I've been getting fevers and chills ever since I started taking Suboxone.
Im on 8mg 4x daily. I get sleepy at first but if I move around it passes. I just started taking them coming off 100mcg Fentynyl patches. When I read this post, I realized I have not taken a suboxen since 4:44 am. I've been doing stuff and I didn't think about it. That's 9 hours. My doctor is going to like that. I don't want to take them long either. I hear withdrawal is bad. Im going to take them when I feel the withdrawal. Not every 4hours unless needed.
All you did was trade one drug for another. So instead of craving pills you will crave subs. I've seen it happen to friends of mine. They are actually worse off now than on actual opiates. The side effects are horrible and what subs do to your body is worse than opiates. My grandfather is a doctor and does case studies for Suboxone and Subutex. To think it's an amazing drug is horrible.
I'm wondering if suboxone makes you act like you had a big dose of stimulants? My son was here at Christmas & it appeared he was high as a kite.
Re: Christine (# 19)
I was reading with a lot of concerns about people praising Suboxone/Subutex. Christine is telling the real truth. I work in a detox facility and people are coming for detox not on opioids/opiates but Suboxone and it is nasty, worse than Methadone and they experience long post acute withdrawal symptoms and some patients just dropping from 1mg to 0.5 mg experience bizarre changes in personality and can not function at all. It should be limited to detoxification and maybe brief maintenance because the withdrawal from it is nasty, especially if taking more than 6-8mg a day. Prescribers are giving more than needed to make you feel good or for you to sell it, then they request cash payment and stop billing. They are becoming the new drug dealers for a serious condition that should be managed with sobriety, responsible attitude and full functional capacity but not under the influence of a substance that is very similar to the one you are abusing, it does not make sense.
Re: Christine (# 19)
You’re correct. I have stopped taking pain medication without suboxone a few times, with it once. The withdrawals took SO MUCH LONGER from the suboxone. Withdrawals from pills I knew the third night would be the worst, and after that it would get better every day until it’s done in a few days. The subs not such.
Re: Ryan (# 1)
What do you intend on doing if you need something to stop pain? Also most people I know who have been on this med eventually suffer depression and anxiety. Maybe depression is caused due to the fact that nothing will work on you for a very long time even after stopping suboxone. When it originally started people were told how easy it is to come off!! Unfortunately that isn't the truth. IMO you are on too much. Also the first couple of weeks might make you feel ok but don't expect this to last.
Re: Polo (# 234)
I totally agree ,it's not the wonder drug they like to force on people , withdrawal is disgusting much worse then opiates including methadone ,IV actually heard of people taking there lives with this med ,don't touch this drug longer then maybe 2 weeks,a lot of drs do not understand or care.
I've been on suboxone for TEN years...and please trust me when I say THAT 16MG a day is WAAAY TOO MUCH. If these doctors had any idea....I'm being totally honest here. Anyone can get by on 2mg a day! No you won't feel high or great but you will get by which to anyone who's been there ... Getting by is a WAY better alternative than withdrawals! 2mg would also be so much easier to get off of. A Dr put me on 16mg a day when I 1st went to sub Dr. I went back 2 weeks later and told him that 16mg was WAY too much. So he put me on 8mg a day.....and the years went by..month after month...all he did was write the script as fast as he could and I was gone. FINALLY about 3 months ago I decided this had to stop. So I TOLD the Dr to start tapering me off. Guess what!? He tells me that they don't learn how to TAPER SOMEONE OFF. SO I TOLD HIM TO START PRESCRIBING ME less and less each month. I'm finally down to 4mg a day. YES I guess it's better than hitting the streets, but you're trading one addiction for another. He could have put me on 2mg a day 10 years ago...There's no right answer. It's all a big scam. Just try to start cutting down asap. I promise you that I just KNOW.
Re: Bubba Gump (# 238)
So true what you are saying. I'm in Australia and the same thing happens here. Good luck with getting off it, sounds like you really know what you are talking about. It's a pity the Drs and drug experts don't know the full story. I'm convinced there are some drs who are just getting people hooked knowing that they will be getting steady income. No way should this be allowed. Better off being on an alternative drug that doesn't destroy nerves and brain cells. Good luck.
Re: Ryan (# 1)
If I get moving the Sub. Will let me be energetic. If I sit down or lay down without any other people around to stimulate me I fall out. Had occasional headaches and sweats also. I cut my dose...FILM down a few milligrams and feel more alive.
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