Side Effects Of Bactrim (Page 2)
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I need to know of any side effects that may occur while taking this medication.
Re: Christy (# 466)
Well, I have post this again. Don't give up. I wish I had a way to 100% say what I did helped me get over the symptoms I had. Meaning, of course a doctor will say the bactrim didn't cause my symptoms and thus what I did was just coincidence. However...
I had four kids under the age of 6 at the time. Vision that bounced, sever anxiety, depression, nausea in the morning and a dull headache that seemed to just buzz from one temple to the other. Two things stick out. Three. Most days I felt like I was going to have a cardiac event. Second, I was sitting in a chair in my living room one day looking at the front door. And it it seemed like an impossible task to get up and walk to it. Third, I had to drive my kids to a birthday party in Kansas City one morning, and was terrified to leave my house and get on the highway.
But... Here is what I did:
1. Treated my symptoms like I had SIBO, I googled some info on the internet and found a three phase protocol for treating it.
2. For about 2 months straight, I literally at nothing but raw salads, huge raw salads twice a day. Huge amounts of olive oil to replace calories from carbs.
3. This may sound crazy. I took a day off from work one day, didn't tell my wife. Headed to a gym in a large town that had an AED machine. I paid a daily fee, hopped on the treadmill and pushed it as fast as the thing would go off and on for about 30 minutes. It was the turning point for me. One, I realized I wasn't going to have a cardiac event, lol, or at least yet. But, I started to sweat. Next thing I knew I was taking these morning boxing classes and sweating greatly. Google niacin detox. I did not take the niacin but am a believer that I sweat out something.
My changes were drastic. I was scared s***less. I had four kids. Only thing I knew to do was get radical with diet and start exercising.
Re: Brant (# 465)
I was walking daily everyday prior to Bactrim. I have not exercised much at all since. My diet is awful. Some days I only eat once a day, and don't drink enough fluids. And usually something quick to make, not healthy. My depression is so severe at times I don't care about myself at all. I know not eating enough or drinking enough can make you feel worse. But I have become so low that I have no energy and just feel hopeless. I'm exhausted and I feel like I'm giving up. I have always had bad depression and anxiety. But I was doing okay prior to taking Bactrim, then I plummeted
Re: Christy (# 464)
What has your diet been like? Are you working out? Sorry if you have answered these in another post.
Re: Kurt (# 450)
I did try probiotics for a while. It didnt seem to improve anything. My stomach was constantly groaning and cramping. Not sure if I was on them long enough to fix the problems. I was on them about two months. Still has issues from time to time. I'm definitely not feeling back to the way I was before Bactrim
Re: Brant (# 451)
It's been terrible. The first month was scary!! I never felt that low and out of it before. Since then I have some good days but I'm no where back to how I was before I took the Bactrim. Drs really need to warn people of the dangerous side effects especially if your already suffering from major depression and anxiety. I can't even think clearly anymore and most days I'm in a brain fog. Unable to concentrate or focus. It's been horrible
Re: Ramsky (# 460)
Yes I would be very careful. No one told me anything would go wrong with my mental health after taking Bactrim. My symptoms have become much worse and it's been months since I stopped the drug. I have read up on it, and has caused a lot of people with depression and anxiety to get worse. Even suicides. The Drs need to warn us of the effects before giving us the medication. I'm very upset by this and I still feel awful.
Re: Ramsky (# 460)
Never again will i take this med. I was supposed to be on it for 10 days twice a day for a uti. 4 doses later and 3 trips to the ER, rapid heart and feeling dehydrated, the dr on my third ER trip said to completely stop taking it cause there is no infection anymore and labs are good. With this medication ive had really bad side effects. Ive been off it for almost 24 hours and still having side effects...cant sleep, muscle spasms, occasional rapid heart beat. Dr told me rather than going to the ER for it, just relax and stay hydrated.
Re: Christy (# 449)
Omg all you people are freaking me out I already have severe anxiety with out these pills and depression it’s 3:34 in the morning I can’t sleep im on the second pill Im not feeling good at all I am taking the rest of the pills and dumping them in the toilet now I’m worried im g oing these symptoms for months or maybe years why me
Re: Margaret (# 440)
I took two doses of Bactrim and had a fever, rash, fast heart rate, swelling of the spleen and liver; it's been 2 years and I'm still having liver problems and spleen problems due to taking Bactrim. My liver problems are so severe due to taking this medicine they think I have cirrhosis of the liver now. I don't drink alcohol, I'm not a smoker and I eat healthy. Just from two doses of this medicine 2 years ago I'm still having spleen and liver problems. I see a liver specialist Monday. I still have sleepless nights and anxiety thanks to taking two pills.
Re: Vickie (# 452)
I took two doses of Bactrim and fever rash fast heart rate, swelling of the spleen and liver, it's been 2 years and I'm still having liver problems and spleen problems due to taking Bactrim.
I took two doses of Bactrim and fever rash fast heart rate, swelling of the spleen and liver, it's been 2 years and I'm still having liver problems and spleen problems due to taking Bactrim.
Re: Turner (# 453)
Hi, sorry to hear about the problems you had with Bactrim. I have recurrent SIBO due to dumping syndrome from no gallbladder, and 12 years of proton pump inhibitors, which in turn gives me bouts of severe IBSD. I have to put up with the side effects every time I have to do a 28 day or 2 month course of Bactrim. This may not work for everyone but it has proven to work for me everything except the flushing. 1.request the 800/160 so you only have to take it once per day. Before breakfast and Supper take Slippery Elm, take licorice rot with both meals. Marshmallow root, Holy Basil and lemon balm help as well. Eliminate or reduce your sugar intake while taking it. Stay well hydrated and eat in several small amounts evenly spaced throughout the day. Take your dose 2-3 hours before bed. About 30-45 mins before bed drink 2-3 hot cups of Yogi Bedtime herbal tea or Sleepy time tea. Make sure you are ok with camomile, passion flower or valarian root depending on which one you choose. One last thing a good probiotic with 7-10 strains and A minimum of 1 billion cultures. I hope that this regime can help someone else. Bactrim can be a bear but it's the only thing that helps if when SIBO hits. I have drastically changed my dietary habits as well but that's a different discussion.
I know this post is really old but I recently had a d&c and was given Septra after my surgery for a UTI (that I didn't end up having). That entire week I had symptoms that I thought was just from anesthesia recovery: stiff neck, sore joints, sore muscles. By day 7 of Septra, I broke out in a rash, it was flat red blotches, pin size and needle feeling all over and burning. I was told to stop the drug and given prednisone and Benadryl and zantac. After the prednisone was gone, the burning was back so they put me on Medrol dose pack for 6 days. My face would flare a little here and there but not bad. Yesterday was my last medrol pill and that evening it came back. My skin tints red, you can't notice if I don't mention it. But it feels like a sunburn on my body and face. It's been 12 days since stopping Septra. How long will this last?!?! And what can I do to help? It's making me nervous. I am a 29 year old powerlifter, so I was super healthy!
Re: Turner (# 453)
Also, has anybody had diabetes inspidius as a side effect , and if so does it go away?
Re: Vickie (# 452)
So I took my last pill aug 13 of 2017. I am feeling better but not 100 percent. Load up on a probiotic and start eating a raw diet and try to sweat as much as possible.
My name is Vickie. I posted about my reaction to Bactrim back in October. I am still having problems with my skin breaking out and still itching to this day. It has left many scars on my body. My doctor says could take up to a year before it goes away so I pray one day it goes away. One of the worst experiences I have ever gone through.
Re: Christy (# 449)
Christy, you can scroll down and see what I did to overcome my symptoms or get back to normal, whatever term to use. But, our symptoms are dang near exact. I had a headache that was not even a headache so much, but a constant buzz in the front of my head. I did have severe anxiety and depression. Almost every night I would feel that I was going to have some sort of cardiac event. I would sit in "my" chair and often times getting up and walking to open the front door seemed a daunting task.
But, the good news, I did eventually get better. It did probably take me three months and I often wondered if I was always going to be like this.
Re: Christy (# 449)
I think several of us have experienced issues with extreme depression and anxiety. I know I did after taking the Bactrim. I would wake up at 4am feeling panicked and agitated and while getting ready for work, I'd bust out in tear, unable to pull myself together. I had never experienced anything like this...After reading about the gut/brain connection, I started taking a lot of pro and pre biotics which considerably reduced the mental issues. I still have them to some extent but nothing like the months following the exposure to Bactrim. So my suggestion is to eat a LOT of probiotics, like sauerkraut, kimchi, "gutshots", kombucha, probiotic supplements, and prebiotic salads and drinks as some of the others have been taking to get your gut microbiome back in balance. It will take a while though. Be patient and kind to yourself. Give it a shot. I finally had my gut microbiome tested by Genova and my gut diversity is very poor which which makes sense. I'm still not there but I've come a long way.
Re: James (# 448)
James I saw you have had a similar reaction to Bactrim as I have. I'm concerned. I took Bactrim last November for acne issues. I was on it 5 days. I was supposed to be on it two wks. I first noticed my throat felt closed and my face was slightly puffy. Then I noticed I could not sleep at all. After I stopped it I have been dealing with headaches. I was diagnosed years ago with Depression, anxiety and OCD. Since taking the Bactrim my mental illness has gotten much much worse. I was doing okay before I started the drug. Even new symptoms have appeared, sensitivity to noise, racing thoughts, confusion and I feel very agitated and disoriented. I have never felt this bad before. I'm really scared, and I don't know what to do. It's been about a month since I have stopped the last pill and I haven't improved! I don't know where to turn!
I just wanted to follow up 22 months after i took 2 pills of Bactrim DS. My symptoms included extreme insomnia, anxiety and depression. To this day I am still not 100%, but life became tolerable again after about a year. Now going into the second year I am able to cope with the flare ups if insomnia and brain fog. I work 40 hrs a week and i exercise vigorously. I believe that i will continue to improve but it will happen over years and will be small. If id like to think I'm 90% better but that may be generous. Life continues and relief is slow. Be patient, I'm sorry you are suffering
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