Side Effects Of Bactrim (Page 5)
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I need to know of any side effects that may occur while taking this medication.

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Hi there, I literally took 2 pills on two separate occassions, on the second day I developed a rash on my forearms. I am gradually starting to get better but I am feeling really nauseous and with on and off abdominal pain and was wondering if anyone else experience the same thing? The neuropathy has gradually been subsiding but my anxiety is through the roof. I feel so desperate to get answers. I felt lumps under my arms, headache, GI symptoms, and a bunch of other stuff. But random symptoms. I went for a ct scan, breast ultrasound, endoscopy of my nasal and throats passages and all are good. I still have to undergo a colonoscopy because of my gi symptoms so I am praying is just a symptom of the bactrim and nor something more serious.

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Hi all you unlucky bactrim sufferers. Similar story from me too. Given bactrim for a wound infection and then developed what I thought was the flu.
Bloodshot swollen eyes, aches pains, stiffness, lethargy, fevers, chills, pinpoint itchy rash mostly on feet, numbness in hands with excruciating pins n needles, headaches, nausea, a bit out of it, like unable to function normally, neck pain, dizziness. Does that sound like what you've had? I've stopped it now after 3.5 days but strewth it knocked me out, and thing is i wasn't getting any better. Not usually the effect drugs are meant for. Even my Doc said oh you look awful, yet still didn't marry up the two and prescribed panadeine forte. After suspecting the truth I stopped bactrim. Now feel I am on recovery. My question is how to detox residual out of my system.
Thinking activated charcoal, green detox? Herbs? I already have an issue with depression, anxiety and adrenal fatigue so I can't afford to make that worse. Thanks for any tips.

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I am not positive that I should take these. I have taken them in the past, and they did help, though not to the point the pressure kept on getting better. I am an active paraplegic of over 40 plus years. I do not want to be taking this script of Bactrim. It is a fact that I smoked cigarettes for many years, but quit them about 2 months ago.. Do you think they will do more damage, than good, in the overall course of this medicine? I am not a diabetic and eat right, i.e. protein, veggies, and fruit.

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I did the same thing as your daughter. Everyone said, "can't be from the sulfa. It would have happened sooner. " It was the 8 th day

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I am still dealing with vision that seems to "bounce" (best way i can describe it), dull headaches that persist the entire day and achy eyes. I describe it as a dull headache but also is a sort of brain fog that is constantly there.

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Thank you for posting which of his vids to first view.

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Please check out "The great lymphatic system by Dr Robert Morse" on YouTube.. For all of you who want to truly understand why you are reacting to this drug and how to go forward and heal yourselves for good.... I challenge anybody to come back to me and not see the truth in this video, which is one of hundreds for you to view... God bless...

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Hi... that's great.... I'm 95% raw now thanks to the amazing Dr Robert Morse. Unfortunately I can't take Lions Maine as it's a mushroom, fungus... I just spent 2 weeks detoxing out the candida caused by the antibiotics and sadly once again have weak adrenals.. I take parsley root tea and marshmallow root tea to gently clean my kidneys, gallbladder, liver and GI tract. Very effective but so gentle.. I also add Siberian ginseng for adrenal glands, anxiety and depression. That said, all these symptoms only appeared after taking Bactrim... Luckily I knew what was happening and I got in there and detoxed it out.... All symptoms gone..... What symptoms are you still dealing with?

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Sushi, I totally agree with you. I am currently eating about 75 percent raw foods right now. It has helped but hasn't eliminated all of the symptoms. They odd vision has decreased greatly in intensity and the anxiety is gone and that is a huge plus.

FYI - not sure who mentioned it but I picked up some Lion's Mane to try today.

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Kurt, I haven't had the dryness, just tired, achy feeling in my eyes that will not seem to go way. Some days the eyes achy like no other with no headache, sometimes it is the headache and no vision issues. It is hard to describe the vision issues that I have. Seems like my vision is always "bouncing" around.

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Kurt, you and I are the same. I also took bactrim because I had hematospermia, also felt like I was constantly being kicked in the right nut. About ten days after taking the bactrim I started to have severe severe anxiety. Like, afraid to leave the house to go to my nephews birthday party. I have never had anxiety in my life. Now, I understand that it can probably come into my life at any point. I had chest pains and seriously thought every night I was close to having another a fib attack and thought I needed to go to ER. And, I just had a stress test a year ago and crushed it. So, cardiologist pretty much was saying I needed meds for anxiety. I didn't want to take a pill, so what I did was somehow found a way to get back into the gym and start working out intense. For me this was a game changer and really seemed to help, mentally as well. Since I started working out my anxiety is gone, and I would say I am 75 percent better than I was 6 weeks ago. But the lingering symptoms have me of course wondering if I will ever totally be the same.

I teach at a high school. Science and anatomy. I was interested in several topics prior to this happening. One being how gut health might effect our overall health and how antibiotics possibly wreck the gut flora. So I have done some reading in this area which is why I chose to follow some protocol online that helps cure SIBO. Might not be related at all but figured it was worth a shot at this point.

I would say that I was probably depressed. And the worst part, it started to affect my marriage.

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Hi all.. I reacted badly on this particular medication. Read my posts..... I hadn't tacken any for 20 Year's... People need to realise that there just toxins. They effect the whole central nervous system and they hit the adrenal glands hard. 90% of people have comptomised adrenals and now due to genetics, poor diets and constant stress as we are living in difficult times... The stomach is the seat of the autonomic system and once this is compromised it effects all organs and nervous system. The best advice I can give is to detox this crap out... Get yourselves on a 10 day raw diet and watch your symptoms disappear... This will give a nice kick to your adrenal glands, get your kidneys filtering properly and heal your gut.... God bless...

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Bren - Im not sure who's post you're referring to. I'm not seeing any ill intended comments.

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Sorry, but I had to. Your post about other's havubg bad reactupions making you laugh was just totally insensitive. It works for you? Good, I'm glad for you. Really. But just because it does, gives you no license to make fun of the ones that it does not work so well for. This is a place to post reactions and ask questions about medicines. That's why everyone posted about their side effect; as to be helpful for others.
Be careful. Karma has a mean sense of humor. One day you might not be so lucky when you take it. You can develop an allergy to anything at any time and mean remarks increase your odds 100 fold.

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bfunk18. eyes feel similar but without the excruciating pain you experience. I know my left eye has always had issues due to an unhealthy optic nerve but it seems to have gotten worse. For me it's my near vision that has gotten worse but that fluctuates. I do a lot of eye exersizes now since stare at a computer much of the day. So i have that and the strange dryness I get at night. also I notice that my eye muscles don't move as rapidly as they once did. I should see an opthamologist to see whats going on wit that. Do you feel this too or is is just pain?

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bfunk18 - yeah, I too wonder about if if was the Bactrim or if we all have immune systems that are extremely sensitive and vulnerable when it's suddenly heavily burdended for whatever reason. When I look back I was under a lot of stress thinking I had prostate cancer. I was given the bactrim because I had hematospermia, one cause of which being a bacterial infection. turns out it I didn't have any of those this but now left with all kinds of crazy symptoms. Now im wondering if it's all due to anxiety? Coukd months and months of depression and health anxiety create a vicious circle of anxiery related unexplained symptoms? I dont know! I'm at a cross roads. I'm tempted to get on some anxiety mediation to rule it out anxiety, but at the same time petrified of taking another another medication. Do any of you suffer from depression and/or anxiery because of this? Probably a dumb question because how can one not be depressed, feeling like your life is in a downward spiral.

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Kurt, for me the dizziness came more down the road, or at least I think. I think my symptoms all started about 7 days after completion of the bactrim. Thus, I wonder if it was the bactrim itself or the if the bactrim seriously weakened my immune system and something else is causing these symptoms. I had bloods drawn twice and the only thing out of normal range was a low white blood cell count.

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Oh, and for me Kurt, one of the worst symptoms is the back of my eyes just ache. It is the same feeling you get, or I get, when I have cried hard for about 10 minutes.

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Hang in there Kurt. You and I are doing the same thing. I am treating it like I have SIBO, hoping that the meds somehow wrecked my gut flora and that is the root cause of my issue. My diet is spot on right now. I actually feel best when I go to the gym and just go nuts for an hour. Only time it seems that I feel normal. Like today, home with my four kids, dull headache and just an a**hole. That isn't me. Slight headache that resides in the front of my head, very dull but extremely annoying.

I went to neuro-opthamologist and my optic nerve was healthy. He could feel that I was very scared and I started explaining other symptoms. He told me that headaches and anxiety are not his specialty, that optic nerves are his specialty, and therefore the other symptoms were not related and he did not know anything about them or how to treat them. I was extremely frustrated. And I asked about bactrim and he said not likely. Oh well. I have an appointment with my PC to then schedule an appointment with a neuro. My guess is then I too will have an MRI.

Trying to be positive. Trying. Keep thinking in the end all of the changes I have made with diet and exercise will become habit and I will be better off for it. But man, it sure doesn't feel like it. Appreciated the responses on this forum.

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Melissa - Yes, one step forward and two steps back sums it up for me too. 7 months and I cant say that I'm a whole lot "better". I just feel different - and weaker and i poop out quicker and the dizziness or that "off balance" feel has a lot to do with it i'm sure. I've always been really active and used to pushing myself and now I just cant do that which is frustrating. I can do it, i just have to expect to feel crappy afterwards in stead of invigorated. My next step is to try qigong to exercise the mind body connection more rigorously. Im also going to a naturopathic healer/acupuncturist and she has prescribed a lot of things, including B12/B6. Honestly they didn't make a whole lot of difference to me. Maybe on days where my nerves are acting really bad I'l take Nervestra has helped. I have to say lately my nerves have been better. I've been taking L-Tryptophan to boost my serotonin levels which I think has been helpful as well. Lions Mane has been good too as Susan recommended. I think the Lion's Mane is helping me more now than it has in the beginning. Its an on going experiment and nothing is linear.
Question for you: Did you feel the dizziness right way when you took the Bactrim or did it happen down the road a bit? What other symptoms do you have? For me the peripheral neuropathy and numbness were my first symptoms and the dizziness came later.

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