Side Effects Of Bactrim (Page 21)
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I need to know of any side effects that may occur while taking this medication.

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I've been taking bactrim twice a day, yesterday was my last day and I had crazy nightmares each night of taking it

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i had same experience i was upset with the nurse at the er bec. she told me what i had was not the effect of bactrim...i wanted to tell her who the heck is she to tell me that i know my body more than anybody else does and i never had those symptoms until i took bactrim .symptoms such as tremor, total loss of appetite , stabbing pains on my pelvic areas on and off, and a bit pain on my right forearm,couldnt sleep, i was dehydrated, had loss of breath, my nose was clogged even if i had no colds , nausea, hard to swallow, i was so weak..those all happened on the second day of taking bactrim.....I hate that Er doctor who prescribed me for UTI....BACTRIM SHOULD BE OFF THE MARKET WITH ALL THESE SIDE EFFECTS. why doctors prescribed them especially to a pregnant woman like me? maybe they should use bactrim to those who are diagnosed with severe cases who need a strong dose, unlike us who needs antibiotic for simple allergies or uti...

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Don't be too alarmed, nerves are tricky and can take a long time to return to normal. Damaged nerves may never return to normal but sounds more like yours were stressed. Everyone I talked to, from my doctor to my pharmacist, said if you're system is out of whack cause of a Bactrim reaction, it will go back to normal. Just give it some time, and good luck. If you want to bring in a chiropractor, I'd ask over the phone first if they think they could actually help you, describing your symptoms and your suspected cause in detail. An honest chiropractor may just say sorry sir, can't help you. In fact my treatments might make it worse.

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Jonathan, thanks for that information. I will wait this out... my neck pain hasn't lessened a bit- i can literally feel the nerve zinging directly under my skull bone about three inches from my spine...can't even put the slightest of pressure upon it. Which, in turn, is causing pain to the entire neck shoulder region.... wondering if chiropractic will speed up the recovery.

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Sixinthehouse, the drug is most likely already out of your system, what you are dealing with now are the after effects. The nerves in your neck were most likely stressed by the drug, as mine were in my head which has been causing my insomnia. This is week 3 since I stopped taking the drug and I'm happy to say I can sleep most nights now, occasionally even as much as 7-8 hours. But I still have an occasional night where I fight for every hour of sleep I get, Unisom or not. You only took one dose but I would still give yourself a couple weeks, not days, to get over your after effects. Try some advil or a heating pad to your neck.

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I don't know how long it takes to get out of your system. Probably depends on the dosage you took...just don't know. I often wonder about different symptoms I have if it is related to the drug. I guess I won't ever know. It amazes me that my daughter-in-law can take this drug without any side effects at all. QAE

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One question I do have that I haven't found an answer to: If I only took ONE dose, when can I expect that it would be out of my system. The hives left as quickly as they came with the aid of Benadryl- but, this spine/neck pain...shouldn't it abate since the drug should be out of my system (it's been 48 hours since I took the pill)

And is there any treatment other than waiting it out?

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I must say, I was treated as a crazy person when explaining this to the E.R. Dr. I was never helped by anybody, although I was seen by about a dozen Dr.'s at 2 private practices and the E.R. The only thing that gave me hope was this thread and the online research I had done. I was sick for many weeks, I lost so much weight and missed 3 weeks of work. I cannot believe healthcare professionals are not aware of the reactions or refuse to admit they are aware because they know it must run its course. I actually broke down and just started sobbing at the E.R. Because they treated me as if I was insane and threatened to call social services. I am now fighting the bills because they did not help me at all and billed me almost $6,000. I wish anybody experiencing this the best of luck and advise that if you are not taken seriously to find a better Dr.

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Ginger- thanks for sharing. I just read that diuretics (water pills) have sulfa too. And THAT explains my visit to the ER while I was in Hawaii about 6 years ago! No way would I have thought water pills could blow me up like that! Looks like we have to question/research everything our docs tell us.

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We seem to have different levels of reactions to this drug. Some are pretty severe. When I told my dr. about it, he just said don't ever take sulfa again. However the ER doctors took it a lot more seriously.
I recently went to the eye dr. and he prescribed new eye drops for my glaucoma. When I got to the pharmacy to fill it, the pharmacist said do you realize this drug has sulfa in it? No...I sure didn't. I never gave it a thought that an eye drop would have sulfa. Thank god for the pharmacist catching it and looking at my records to see that I was allergic to sulfa. I will have to be more viligant on what I am prescribed and to research it before I take it. I filed papers with the FDA after my reaction to Bactrim. Don't know if it will do any good, but maybe with enough complaints, they will do something about this drug.

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Hi! I too have felt those anxiety levels. Now I have been sick to my stomach on and off for two weeks - could it be Bactrim? I don't know but I wonder. I suggest if you have a printer go to the wesite Bactrim and there's a man who exposed this in London, where they banned it. Show THAT to your Doctor and ask, why was this prescribed to me? He may say, UTI, bull! Best, feel better!

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Dawn, I am so glad to hear that your daughter is getting better- I feel silly for worrying about my symptoms in light of your sweet baby's suffering. That is just terrible- but, let's look to the future and good health!

I am going to the doctor today because after my one dose reaction i have had severe neck pain; the slightest movement is excruciating. No more hives which makes me wonder is this something else that just so happened to surface by coincidence or is it related?

My question is- Will the doc take me seriously or just tell me "it's a virus" and not really hear me out. What can I say to get his/her attention and to not just rule this out.

I feel out of the water because my hives are gone...but in the middle of the night, I reach a level of anxiety just thinking "what is going on with me?"

Again, I know my symptoms are small compared to so many others, but it's starting to freak me out a bit...and is there really any tx at this point? Or do I just need to let it run it's course out of my system.

Any advice or insight would be helpful. My appt is at 3:30 today EST. I'll keep you updated on the doc's response.

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Hi Ginger, thank you for your has been three months since my daughters severe reaction to bacterim.. she is getting better with time and yes we too were told that she can NEVER have any sulfa drugs again as it would probably be daughter has just turned 18 and now she will have to be proactive for the rest of her life! I cannot believe this drug can be so devastating...we went through Hell....and for the people who have posted ridiculously immature comments about "how these comments makes them laugh" just shows to me how ignorant and uneducated people really are...if I can help just ONE person not to have to go through what we did with our daughter, I can rest daughter could have died from this reaction it was absolute Hell! Fevers of 104 for a week, sick, total rash over body, anaphylaxis symptoms, feeling like she had to go to bathroom with no control, miserable side effects...also the hospital could not get blood because her blood kept coagulating! they had to get blood from her wrist and literally run it down the hall so it would not clot before they tested it...people need to know that yes i am sure this drug has helped some people but the side effects for many people are extremely LIFE THREATENING! I appreciate your comments and feedback and for those who think this is something to laugh at: SHAME ON YOU!

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Please read post 61..and the other posts of mine...jackie
I have been suffering from these side effects . My body is still not right and now I am on 900 mg of Neurontin for the nerve pain tthat I am left with .
I feel so sorry for the pain of all of you!

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I would probably go to the ER, you might still need a steroid to counteract the effects. Just because the drug is out of your system doesn't mean it's effects won't linger. Best to be safe, though I agree I think you and I are the lucky ones, the ones who had reactions within a few days before the drug could build up to toxic levels. Make a note to avoid ALL Sulfa drugs in the future and I think you'll be ok

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You probably should of went to the ER. Not that I am trying to be a doctor, but just because your side effects happened so fast and so severe. The dr. told me when I went to the ER "if your tongue starts swelling, come right back". Really scared me.
Sure hope you are ok.

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I took ONE dose of Bactrim today (it was prescribed for a UTI) - thought I was imagining it, but 20 minutes after swallowing the pill, my right eye and whole right side of my face started to itch severely. I thought it was too soon for a drug reaction, but tried some liquid benadryl to be safe. Within another 20 minutes i developed some huge hives - one on my wrist, abdomen, hip and blotchiness on my chest as well as itchy roof of mouth and back of throat. Within 2 hours, I could barely function- i felt like someone had given me a tranquilizer. (This could have been the Bactrim/Benadryl combo) I went home and slept for 3 hours...which i NEVER do. It has been 9 hours since I took the pill and I still don't feel right. Is this crazy? I've only seen reactions after days of the meds. But, I am not taking anymore if i was affected so quickly; I could only imagine if I continued with it.

I am so saddened to hear of everyone's terrible reactions to this. Hope you all recover completely.

I'm thinking one dose should leave my system relatively quick. Roof of mouth and nasal passages still itch and burn even after 9 hors and a ton of h2o.

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Dawn, that is so scary. Sure hope she will be ok.

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this is dawn again just posting to let everyone know that my daughter was diagnosed with Stevens-Johnson-Syndrome which was due to the toxic levels of Bactrim! She could have died from this and now has medical alert bracelet for life threatening sulfa drug reactions.....

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Ginger, I've read a few pages and it's truly alarming what this drug can do to some people. My friend had a similar allergic reaction to you, he took bactrim for 9 days before he got his rash, and it's four years later and he's still plagued with immune system problems. Even to this day he could develop a rash from something as simple as sun block. My deepest sympathies for you guys, I feel like I'm just experiencing a couple side effects not allergic reactions as many of you are. It has given me an insight into what he's gone through. The Unisom got me 6 full hours of sleep last night so I'm feeling better, but still feel like there's some of this poison inside me. If anyone wants to know I'll post again in a week or so what ends up happening with my situation

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