Shortness Of Breath Yawning Sometimes Coughing.
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Hi everyone. I will be 60 years old in September. And I have really never asked for any help. I am so desperate at this moment. I'm asking for some advice and help. Who can help me with this issue I'm having? I am very short of breath, I yawn a lot. And sometimes I will cough. I only do this during the day. When I lay down and get ready to sleep I don't do this. Once I get out of bed this gets worse during the day. Please please please please someone help me. I'm at my wit's end. Make a long story short when I am in the upright position I have a hard time breathing. I will yawn and sometimes I have a cough with it. But when I am laying down ready for bed I don't do it. So this gets worse throughout the day. Again please someone help me. I know I sound desperate. But I guess I am. Thank you to anyone that can give me any advice. Please don't say go to my doctors. Because he is worthless. I'm trying to find a new doctor ASAP. Thank you in advance. ????
6 Replies
Well, I'm happy to try and help in any way that I can. Yes, of course stress can cause fatigue, as it's one of the worst things to hold onto. I do hope that you are able to manage it as best as you can. And congratulations on beating that cancer, it's great to hear!
How long have you been taking the Clonazepam? I checked with Medline Plus and they list difficulty breathing as one of the more serious side effects which should be reported to your prescriber. Not to mention that it is known to seriously interact with Oxycodone and other opioids (which is in your Percocet), and that can depress breathing further. I think that may be the culprit since the Levothyroxine should not be causing your symptoms.
I hope this helps and best wishes with everything!
You have been so helpful to me. I do take Percocet 7.5-325. Four times a day. And I also take Clonazepam 1mg at bedtime. And L-thyroxine .200 generic of Synthroid and that's it and I know that's enough. I'm just wondering if this has anything to do with stress anxiety as well. I'm raising my six year old granddaughter. My son lives here and my hubby and my son they don't get along too well. It' gets very stressful in my house at times. I'm not overweight and I'm not underweight. When you were helping me yesterday. I don't know if I said I was fatigued but I'm not. And I have no chest pain. I just don't know what's going on. It's really strange.
Why I take l-thyroxine is because I had cancer in 1992. Thank God they did get it all. I had thyroid cancer.. So yes this is scaring me. Hope to hear from you real quick. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.........
May I ask exactly which medication(s) you are currently taking? Could you be experiencing side effects from your prescribed drugs? I also wonder if you are taking a prescription, whether they changed manufacturers on you the last time you got a refill?
Hi again Roy,
About 20 minutes ago I posted you a reply. With some more information. I hope this helps us. And I think I have myself freaked out, because I have looked everything up on the internet and I usually never do that. And I shouldn't have done that. Thanks again my friend.
Hi Roy,
I went to my new family doctor about a month ago. And I told him the problems I was having. He was too worried about me not taking my thyroid medicine every single day. Because sometimes I do forget. I think I have myself just a nervous wreck. It's just I'm short of breath, cough, and sometimes I yawn, sometimes a lot. I put a call in to the doctor a few minutes ago. To see if he can maybe give me an inhaler or say something. I don't know I'm at my wit's end. This is been going on for about 4 to 5 months now. I had a chest X-ray done about a month ago maybe 2 months ago and it did show I had a very very slight slight Trace of COPD. The doctor at the ER room said they could barely pick it up. I thank you so much for taking the time to talk to me. I hope this helps you help me. Thank you. Have a good evening. As soon as I send this I will think of a hundred other things.
Sorry to hear about what you're going through! The shortness of breath part is what would have me the most concerned. I know you don't want to see your doctor, but what about an urgent care center, or even the ER? I'm not a doctor but someone needs to listen to your breathing with a stethoscope to rule out the possibility that you might have fluid in your lungs! More tests may be needed too if they feel concerned. If you weren't having shortness of breath and fatigue then I might try to say one thing or another, but to me this sounds like it should not be ignored. Do you have any other symptoms such as a fever or any pain? I don't want to alarm you, but please get an exam as soon as possible.
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