Seconal Forums
Recently active Seconal forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Seconal and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.I have 100mg red Seconal Capsules filled in Feb, 2008. The expiration date is July, 09. I keep them in a bag in a dark corner of my linen closet where there is no moisture. How long are they actually good for? ## They were good until that expiration date. It isn't that these become dangerous, after they expire, but medications do lose effectiveness with time. The older they get, the less they will do. ## I stumbled upon 120 of the red capsules (100 mg) Lilly brand. How long are they good for? ## I have 25-30 Eli Lily 100mg Sodium Seconal capsules with an expiration date of at least 2016. Are they still good past this date? Thank you. ## Sorry but your outta luck... Even if you did have reds, Lilly hasn’t made them in years. ## Every drug is different. When I was 16. We got hol...
5 REPLIES UpdatedMy physician prescribed every benzo drug imaginable (Ambien, Lunesta, sp?) and they were ineffective for my occasional insomnia, at best. He gave me a prescription for Seconal to use as needed. When I tried to fill it you would have thought the Rx said "Opiates" or "LSD". The younger pharmacists had not a clue as to what it was, and the older ones acted like they had seen a ghost. Anyway, I finally found the medication via my home delivery pharmacy and when I need it, I take it and it works. No wiped out memory, no sleepwalking, so groggy aftermath. Any drug when taken in excess or with other drugs can be dangerous...this includes simple OTC drugs, Tylenol, aspirin etc. This drug has been so vilified. I know that there is another use for the drug (in Oregon), however thi...
20 REPLIES UpdatedI received a prescription for seconal 100mg in 2006. It has not been opened and kept in the dark. What are the chances that it is still active? If it is not 100% active can you estimate it's activity? Could it be 50% active? Thank you. ## Hello, Jack! How are you? Is it in a bottle from your pharmacy, or the original factory sealed bottle? If it's in a pharmacy bottle, then that does count as being opened, since it was removed from the original container and it would have expired one year from the date of dispensing. And no, I can't even guess at the level of effectiveness that may remain, but I doubt its much, if any. It would be best to dispose of them and see your doctor for a new prescription. ## The seconal is in an official looking container from Ranbaxy Pharmaceutical...
6 REPLIES UpdatedI can't find any seconal or tuinal, I took this medication for many years after getting ulscers from fiorinal so I'm searching to find out where I can get this very old sleeping medication. Because I took Barbiturates for so long noyhing else works. ## I'm trying to find seconnal or tuinal as i was on fiorinal for so long eventually i was put on tuinal, because of alcurs to much asperin in the fiorinal. Barbituates as being such an old drug are hard to come by and nothing else works for getting a good nite sleep. I'm trying to see if the 100mg tuinal are still manufactured and whether I can ask my doctor to prescribe them? ## Have u found a place to fill a prescription yet? I'm still struggling along with EXTREME anxiety and panic attacks at least every other night. ...
7 REPLIES UpdatedPerson took 100 100mgcapsules of seconal sodium 6hours ago,and is still this normal? ## Not every overdose is immediately fatal. Even though the person may seem to be alive and fine, you can't see whether or not they've done any organ damage, especially to their liver, which usually takes the brunt of such overdoses. Has the person displayed any symptoms of overdose that the FDA lists, such as dizziness, hypothermia, hemorrhagic blisters and shallow breathing? Have you called emergency services? ## I have cancer this internet site told me by my weight id need 250 pills/ 100mg each do you keep from throwing them up do I need a muscle relaxer also? ## This internet website says I need 250 100mg Seconal pills by my weight for Euthanasia I have cancer...any wa...
3 REPLIES UpdatedBausch health, as the sole supplier of this 80 year old insomnia CURE, (and 2 year testament of my success 1st hand with 200mgs a night) and the legions of agonizing deaths of terminal ill patients that have chosen physician assisted suicide have now have been suffering AGONIZING end of life treatments in the wake of this shortage. These agonizing deaths are on your hands due to your unwillingness to manufacture Seconal. Seconal, first line treatment and painless/peaceful exit of this world w/ their loved ones from their terminal illness. My insomnia has been barely curtailed minimally with heavy benzos to have bare minimum 4 hours a night. These terminally ill patients are the ones that have been suffering the most with their substitute for Seconal, a 3 med concoction which anecdotally...
17 REPLIES UpdatedIn what countries can patients be prescribed Seconal as a sleep agent? ## Seconal, aka known as 'red's are a good choice..if not abused. ## Fron verified data published in February of 2014, it was a "orphan drug" not on the NHS in United KIngdom but could be special ordered by Flynn Pharma, in likely the 100 mg capsules. Also in the United Kingdom as a combination barb capsule containing Secobarbital Sodium 50 mg+ Amobarbital Sodium 50 mg by Flynn Pharma, marketed as "Tuinal" capsules, Not on the UK NHS, a special order "orphan product" by target specific UK private medical doctors. Source Martindale Volume B 38th edition The Extra Pharmacopoeia, Pharmaceutical Press London. ## I heard Walgreens would be able to get Seconal October 12th, 2018. Same story,...
3 REPLIES UpdatedWalgreens in Georgia orders 100 capsules for me every three months. Must be careful with this Rx, however it works better than anything available for insomnia. It is definitely available. Most younger pharmacists have never heard of it and the older pharmacists know it but "haven't had a script in 30 years for Seconal". The new company that purchased rights to produce Seconal (Valliant) has been under fire for hiking the price to sometimes over 4000.00/100 capsules in this EIGHTY year old drug. This is insane. It is used in Oregon and California for assisted suicide and apparently works very well. Regardless, for an insomniac, nothing works better than carefully used Seconal. It has been vilified to the point physicians are scared to prescribe. So silly. ## One should be car...
18 REPLIES UpdatedI am looking for a doctor in the NJ area who has prescribed Seconal for insomnia. I have tried everything else with no luck. I am sleeping about 2 hours a day. Does anyone know of any doctors in this area that have prescribed this medication? Thank you!
UpdatedFor over 50 years I struggled with this condition. I stuck it out with hard work and faking it. Now that I'm nearly 77, I cant go on anymore, but don't want to traumatize family that I see (not often)! In three years I lost my wife (2015), sister (2016), & both young nieces (2017- 2018). I had supported them all until death basically! I have been on psychotropic prescription drugs for 50 years, presently on three 1mg Xanax and two Effexor 150 mg. It's hell on earth! ## Are those the only medications you are currently on? I could be that you need to try a different medication, or a combination of them. Have you informed your doctor that this current combination just isn't working? You've been through a lot, so it is not surprising that you are feeling this way, yo...
3 REPLIES Updatedwhat's the shelf-life of old seconal tablets? ## Shelf life of Seconal is 60 months. Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do. ## In my experience, expired Seconal was 100 percent good. I've taken expired 60s even 50s of Secobarb / Seconal and it's like nothing changed period.
2 REPLIES UpdatedI remember these from the 60s, when we took anything and everything. Now I'd just like to get some sleep that lasts for more than 5 minutes. My drug abuse as a teenager left me hypersensitive to most drugs, even OTC stuff. Something that works the first time is quickly ineffective and actually has the opposite effect: wide awake, wired, terrible waking nightmares. These new benzos gave the drug companies new products to patent, but are of little value for serious insomnia. ## How about Placidyl? I couldn't think of the name until I read Steven Tyler's book, "Does the Noise in my Head Bother You?" Did this sleep med also get thrown on the scrap heap in favor of alprazolam and its mamby-pamby cousins? ## Yeah, I remember the jelly reds and greens. Haven't heard any...
13 REPLIES UpdatedI can an incurable illness. I need to acquire seconal for purposes of euthanasia. How can I do this? ## Hi Gio, I'm sorry to hear that you are trying to use this medication to end your life. For this very reason, I have my doubts that a doctor would even be willing to write you a script for it. Seconal (Secobarbital sodium) is a "prescription-only" medication, indicated for: Treatment of epilepsy, Temporary treatment of insomnia, & Used as a preoperative medication to produce anaesthesia and anxiolysis in short surgical, diagnostic, or therapeutic procedures which are minimally painful. May I ask what type of illness you have that cannot be cured? ## I'm so sorry for your situation. ## Hint: vet clinics only in the country of Peru, in target specific cities, such as ...
4 REPLIES UpdatedDoes anyone know where to get Seconal? I have an Rx but no one has it in stock. ## Have you tried asking your pharmacy if they can order it in for you? Even if they don't carry it, they should be able to order enough in to fill your prescription. The pharmacy I use regularly just did this with a medication for me, because I'm a regular customer and they know I'll gladly buy it there instead of running elsewhere. Your best bet is to go in, show them your prescription and see what they can do for you. Are there any other comments or questions? ## Great advice. Thank you. I will try today. ## I can't sleep at nite. In a weeks time I maybe get 4 hours of sleep. I need help. I look and I feel old. ## Hi all, I have a legitimate prescription for about 20 seconal and I am havin...
10 REPLIES UpdatedEveryone seems to Find it hard to get seconal, but i just went to my GP and said i would Like these for sleeping, and they prescribed me 6 months of them 100mg. Avoid even a glass of wine with these OMG! ## Many of these types of medications have some potentially serious interactions with alcohol in general, so I can certainly understand why they recommend avoiding it at all costs, for your own safety. From what I could gather, this medication possesses anaesthetic, anticonvulsant, sedative, and hypnotic properties (all in one); making it quite potent in that regard. Have you taken seconal in the past with any success? You can learn more about this drug on the page for Seconal Details I hope this info helps! ## Got any idea if doctors in the US will prescribe it? ## Used second and tuin...
5 REPLIES UpdatedIt is the sleeping pill most commonly used in hospitals. it comes in doses of 15 and 30 mg. What is its name? It is not Seconal. Ir is a low potency drug, it's more of a hypnotic than a barbiturate. ## I'm sorry, but unfortunately, the color doesn't really help identify it. And, as to what it may be, that can really depend on the area, the preferred drug of choice can vary from area to area and hospital to hospital. For instance, out here in Washington, the hospital in my area uses Ambien, which is available as a 5 and 10mg tablet. Does anyone else have any ideas? ## Likely, you are referring to the Schedule IV benzodiazepine "Restoril" or the generic pill/capsule version. The generic name is temazepam. Interestingly, Restoril (temazepam) is prescribed for insomnia/s...
3 REPLIES UpdatedHi, I was prescribed seconal for insomnia and when I went to my usual pharmacy, I was told they don't carry it. I then went to several of the big, chains Pharmacies and was told the same thing along with the fact they they wouldn't even order it. They recommended trying an independent pharmacy. I then went to several of those and was told the same, with the recommendation to try the bigger, chain ones!!! Is Seconal impossible to get even with a legit doctor's prescription?!?! If not, does anyone know ANYone in LA/Long Beach area that does carry the drug? This is insane. ## Hello, Walter! How are you? I'm sorry about the problem that you're having. I'd suggest trying a hospital pharmacy or a compounding pharmacy, both tend to keep a larger supply of more unusual m...
2 REPLIES UpdatedI am 66 and used seconal in the very early 70's to decompress from 2 tours in vietnam and i am having sleep and recurring issues again along with many physical problems I am not sure my Dr will give me a script for them...are they still can I find an agreeable DR ## Hello, Alan! How are you? I'm very sorry about the problems you're having. Yes, it is still available in the 100mg dose. However, there are also other treatment options available that are much cheaper, which a doctor might want you to try, now. Something else may work even better for you. Do you currently have a GP that you see regularly that you could discuss it with?
1 REPLY UpdatedI have taken these years ago but I am in drug court and would like to know how long it stays it the system,if I took at at 9pm on sat would it show up in urine sample on Tue at 4pm..I have insomnia,and need some sleep,someone please help me with this ## Someone please help me with this question I need sleep so bad can I take a solence now and still pass a drug text Tue ## Barbiturates can be detected in your urine for up to 2-3 weeks after your last dose. My advice is, if you truly need this medication for insomnia, then you should be able to just present a copy of your prescription to whom ever it concerns, so you wont necessarily be held accountable for taking something that you shouldn't. If this is not your prescription then I can see why you may be concerned; however, if this i...
3 REPLIES Updatedi cannot get seconal and need a doctor to write a script. money aint an issue and will pay. i lived in canada and had then for severe anxity panic attacks, and outbursts of any 1 in uniform, as i hurt all ppl in uniform and need then now. im going back to canada in 3 weeks time and got a crime reference number as my room and blongings were taken wih all meds ## You don't have a doctor that you see regularly, at home in Canada? This website doesn't manufacture, nor prescribe any medications, it is an information only website. What other medications, or therapies have you tried?
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