Inactive Ingredients:
- Magnesium Stearate
- Cellulose, Microcrystalline
- Starch, Corn
Ref: DailyMed
What is a white round pill with 54 142 on it? Is this Methadone?
What is it prescribed for?
methadone is a wonder drug and traditionally it was for withdrawl. however people are more frequently being put on methadone for chronic pain. how it is dosed for a chronic pain patient depends on the persons. i have been on methadone for chronic pain for 5 years now. im prescribed 4 10mg tabs 4 times a day 160mg daily, for breakthrough my doc gave me 8mg dilaudid 1 pill 4 times daily and 5mg valium 1 tab twice daily as needed for spasm and sleep. DO NOT ASSUME U CAN HANDLE A HIGH DOSE LIKE THIS. TAKE IT ONLY AS PRESCRIBED LISTEN TO YOUR DOCTOR. I HAVE TRIED EVERYTHING METHADONE WAS MY LAST OPTION.
I suffer from chronic pain due to leg ulcers and fibromylagia. I need to know if a methdone clinic will treat me if I am in a pain clinic? I am not happy with this new pain clinic as I just recently moved here to GA. They have lowered my dose which causes me to have to hunt for pain meds. I am to old to keep this up..running from doctor to hospital etc. Any suggestions? Where do you live with such a kind doctor? Thanks.
I found a little white tablet with 54 on top and 647 on bottom in my daughters pants
I looked it up it's for dry mouth caused by certain diseases. She probably does not know she has nothing.
I too am on methadone. I used to be on 130 mg day for chronic pain but all sudden my doctor decided to take me down. I heard someone in waiting room say he doing same to him. Im now at 50mg a day and miserable. So miserable that I am out of my meds couple days early and am starting to feel sick. Ive been on 130mg for 4 years. Anyone have advice or help..im from ft Wayne Indiana
Yes. I am on 10 mg, 4 x a day Methadone for long acting and 8mg 3 x a day for Break thru pain. I have Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy in left foot/lower leg resulting from ankle fracture, multiple surgeries for infection including 5 years of battling with MRSA in that foot & 3 near amputations. My foots a mess & pain is constant, but Meds do give some relief. I have a compassionate competent PM Dr. I also take Klonopin, Baclafen, Zofran & Cymbalta. I can't take neurotin but it helps RSD I'm told. I can function on this dose of pain meds. I do have concerns from experience about these doses of Meds when surgery is needed or an Emergency arises. It's difficult for us to be treated for acute pain when taking so much chronic pain meds. But we are in a catch twenty two. I will save that issue for another post. Good luck my friend & God Bless you!
Its hard to find doctors that will help I been on ut for over 6yrs now n I need a new dr cuz im insooo much pain n my dr wants to lower Iit bc ppl like Michael Jackson n Anna Nicole. .. n im 120 a day n I feel horrible its been that dose for 3 years what state u in ? Ur dr sounds helpful plz help ...... wheres ur dr
Whatever you do don't go to a methadone clinic, once you go there for methadone a doctors office will never touch you again. Find another doctor to give you methadone.
I don't have a doctor love, I am at a clinic, that is how I know that a doctor won't touch you if you are at a clinic, I have tried believe me! They tell me that because I am an admitted drug addict than they can't legally prescribe me methadone. Good luck love.
I need methadone my med 4 10yrs medicaid just moved 2 Canton Ohio
Where r u from I would love to get more info on this dr because I have had 6 operations on my right leg 5 on my left leg and I need to find a dr who prescribes methadone please help idk what else to do
I am from W.V and in need of a dr who writes methadone I have been to the clinics but that didn't work for me because I am also bipolar and have depression so I have to take Xanax so if anyone can help me please do !
I am very curious as to what state you are in, as I am in Tennessee and they can no longer Rx a prescription of Methadone to someone needing more than 40 miggs daily. The only exception is going to a Methadone Treatment Program as I do where the Dr. is allowed to Rx a much higher dose. Also, here in Tennessee we no longer can receive the 40 migg tablets by Rx either, there again, the only way these are prescribed are through our Treatment center's. I was in a fatal (yes, i died 3 times) crash many year's ago leaving me no choice but to be on opiates the rest of my life, I have lost count at the surgeries I've had. Methadone has helped me more than anything (In the US)has, however...that being said I am still kind'a shocked at the amount and type of medication your on. 160 a day of Methadone with ANY AMOUNT OF BENZO'S seems just dangerous to me, and thats not adding in your breakthrough pain medication...I assure you that I can sympathize with you if you have pain, and Im not trying to be an ass, but I have lost handfuls (both hands) of friends that were to on A LOT LESS methadone than you and took less Benzo's than you and their dead. And they all had high, long term tolerances too! It is a dangerous combination and dosage of medication and I really want people to understand that what works and is good for you, may be fatal for others. Like I said...not meaning any disrespect, and I hope whatever causes you to be so uncomfortable gets better in time.
Which doctors around Richmond Va area prescribe Methadone for pain.
I live in alabama but moving to tn will be needing a pain man Dr to prescribe methadone. Been on methadone for many years like 15 and it's the only thing that helps. I am currently having to go to a methadone clinic bc I've lost my Dr and it's very expensive.. I really need a pm dr.. can you please help asap. Thank you jm
May I ask where you found your doctor? I was on methadone prescribed by a doc for year for chronic pain. My neck and back are really jacked up from a bad car wreck. My doc got shut down and I need a doctor again that will help me!! I have MRI's and everything.
What is a white round pill with 54 142? Is this Morphine? ## A white, round tablet with 54 over 142 on one side is liste...
What is this white round pill with 54 345 on it and has a serrated line? I got it from a Dr and put it in a pill box and...
My friend found a white round pill with the number 54 at the top the a half mark then the numbers 732 at the bottom of t...
Would like to know what it is. Thanks ## This pill contains Acetaminophen 325 mg and Oxycodone 5 mg. (NDC 0054-4650). I...
54 but they are broke in half. Its not smooth on the other side there is a line right threw the middle of the opposite s...
This pill is not ibuprophen 200mg. I looked it up because i had a similar looking pill, but this was white and on one si...
these pills were part of my father in laws effects after he passed away. what are they, and what should I do with them? ...
I found a small round white pill with 54543 written on it. What is it? ## This tablet contains 5mgs of Oxycodone and 325...
I have a small round white pill, one side slash through middle other side the numbers 54 on top and 210 underneath, plea...
white round pill 54 over 425 line scored on other side ## This tablet contains 8mgs of Hydromorphone, a generic for Dila...