Rhodes/purdue Buprenorphine Hcl 8mg Rp B8 Vs Roxanne 54 411 (Page 4)
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I have made the switch from the 8mg films to 8mg buprenorphine tablets only. With all the research I've done and experience I do my best to stay away from actavis mylan and nowadays sandoz. I noticed everyone has enjoyed the Roxanne now westward generics amongst hi-tech coming in second/mylan. I have no experience with mylan bup and don't want to take the risk even as mylan has always been a waste imo. I'm not a fan of allergan (actavis) taking over watson so depending on the drug dispenses I most stay away. There are as of now 7 manufacturers of generic buprenorphine hcl 8mg (generic subutex). They are in order of my preferred with not much experience except with brand name:

*roxanne (now westward pharma)- 54 411
*hi tech- 8 ^(arrow)
*mylan- M924
*teva (allergen/activas owned) crooked b 799
*actavis- moon 153
*sun pharma- 460 white round
[And the brand new released generic made by Purdue and distributed by Rhodes Pharmaceuticals the new Rhodes generic]
*RP b8- white round bevelled and pretending edges.

I currently have had a smooth switch to the Roxanne/westward and declined mylan, actavis, teva, hi tech, sun pharma as most research and reviews conclude the Roxanne/westward generics the 54 411 seem to be best reviewed. I was unable to find the Purdue/Rhodes pharma newly released generic RB b8 imprinted generic. All I know is Rhodes and Purdue are professionals in the process of making quality meds and not just quality meds but pain relief medication, as they even were the company to CREATE oxycontin. I was able to come across one image of them on the web and they look very similar to the Roxanne 54 411s in size color and mostly shape except for the rhodes/Purdue ones protrude or kind of pop out on each side beyond the bevelled edges. They look really well made and on one side they have RP and otherside b 8 which the b and 8 are fairly far apart. I have been doing great from switching from brand films to the Roxanne westward 54 411s so far. I'm hoping to get some feedback by next month on these newly released rhodes/Purdue generic buprenorphine hcl 8mg. They are the newest and just released October 2017 and look very shinny and quality made. I'm hoping someone here who has tried both the Roxanne/westward and the new Purdue ones imprinted RP b 8 tablets. I am going to try and have my pharmacy special order the new Rhodes generics made by Purdue again imprinted RP b 8 white round shinny tablets fairly similar to the Roxanne but look better quality imo but do not have much experience with generic just brand and am very well versed on pharma companies and their medicine and their quality each one has.

Has anyone tried these new rhodes/Purdue ones imprinted RP b 8? How would you compare them to the Roxanne 54 411 tablets... I hope for a response or it will be trail and error for me when ordering Rhodes next month if i stay on this route and will see how they compare to the Roxanne/westward but will not be til a month away. Please if you have any experience with these generics and especially the new rhodes/Purdue one let me know. Again I was able to locate only one image of them and they look great. They do not look small like hi tech more like a combined Roxanne and mylan with the shininess and how they pop out on each side..they look a little larger like the mylan and Roxanne not small like hi tech or teva or activas they are round tablet imprints RP b8 with b and 8 fairly far apart. Any feedback would be great and I would want to switch to rhodes/Purdue from roxanne (now westward being a factor) generics as they make quality are new just released and approved this year 2017 of October and no one how even mentioned them yet that I can find. With westward buying out Roxanne and them making changes a new generic made by Purdue may be just the one we have been waiting for and needing..again on the 54 411 ones now and looking for feedback on the new Purdue Rhodes ones and if the switch from Roxanne westward to rhodes/Purdue would be better maybe with better quality as they have always been a great and reputable company who makes outstanding drugs. Any feedback would be great.

1157 Replies (58 Pages)

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Re: Leftygkg (# 1086) Expand Referenced Message

Hi, what is the imprint on the Rhodes?

Thank you. I live in Washington state use Costco now back order. I had hikma 54/411?!

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The Rhodes brand is what i got for the past two months prior to that i was getting the orange actavis i feel like the actavis was so much better than Rhodes with the Rhodes i felt like i needed more and still felt like i was on the edge of withdrawal symptoms. This month i got the Roxane version and i still don’t like them in comparison to the Actavis but better than Rhodes.

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Re: Vic (# 1092) Expand Referenced Message

I could not agree with you more I loved the hi-tech (ARROW/ 8) VERY SAD TO SEE IT GO....
SMALLER PILL is less filler & legit more of active ingredients...but sometimes having bigger pill is a PLACEBO (More of a security blanket :) Just my thoughts:)

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Re: Malone (# 1093) Expand Referenced Message

Goozer is not on here he started the blog in 2018. Look for recent comments!

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Re: Goozer (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

How the hell are you going to hear things when you've only tried two or three out of the seven and how are you going to list them in any kind of order as if you could possibly give advice about something?

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Re: Santa Fe phd (# 1088) Expand Referenced Message

Did I tell you that the arrow hi-tech went bankrupt! Illegal billing to Medicare!!!

I went on the 54/411 I like it bigger pill more powder but I like it!!

I hope this helps you!!!! I liked the arrow ones the best I am sad but I do like the 54/411.

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Re: Lea (# 1090) Expand Referenced Message

Do not take the orange one made me sick did nothing except anxiety and desire for pain medication!

My arrow hightec 8 mg went bankrupt illegal billing!
I now take the 54/411. Big round pill where the other was small! Much better, size wise. The 54/411 is good I like it so I recommend it! Try it you won’t regret it! Let me know! What state do you live in?! I can search for you too!!

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Re: Vic (# 1081) Expand Referenced Message

I have been on the Rhodes for years and never had any issues. Before I was on Rhodes the ones I took didn't work, and I still got withdraws. I was confused because I didn't understand why. Until I noticed that certain pills worked, while others didn't. I think the 54-411's were the ones that didn't help me much. But it's been many years since then. Unfortunately, I go to get my prescription, which my doctor has it so I only get Rhodes manufacturer, but the pharmacy said they are backorder. I tried calling you few others pharmacies and got the same answer. They said they were backordered and didn't know when they'd be available. Does anyone know what that means? How long will they be back ordered? I only have so much medicine and I've been having a lot of teeth issues ever since I've taken suboxone (although I've been on subutex for like 5 years which helped so much more) I really don't want to run out or have to get a script of something I don't like or that gives me withdrawals and doesn't work. If the backorder takes too long and I have to get something different what manufacturer is close to the Rhodes? Or if there's anyone that could tell me what they use and like so I can try and make a decision if I can't get Rhodes. My pharmacy said they had a football shape orange pill, but I don't think I like that kind. I've always preferred white pills over orange. Because when I took suboxone the orange taste always made me sick to my stomach and it just never helped. I tried reading through the responses. But anybody who may have answers would be greatly appreciated and I would be very grateful, thank you!

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I have been subutex 7 years. I have tried all and both Roxanne and rhodes and same for me. Both are the best. I won't touch any other subutex unless it's either of those two brands.

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Re: Vic (# 1087) Expand Referenced Message

Hi I’m not trying to get off I just want to know where I can get my medication and be ok? It’s a 8 arrow all other cause severe tooth decay:)

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Re: Leftygkg (# 1086) Expand Referenced Message


Are you trying to get off the buprenorphine? Or just go over to the 544/111? They are hikma not Roxanne’s they went bye bye along time ago! Google it educate yourself like I have. Since 2012 I have been on the buprenorphine.

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Yea, I think the Rhodes r best ones out imo. I usually take the hi tech ones. Last month I had Rhodes which are super strong, and today's script was Roxane 54 411. I haven't had since last summer, but I took a extra half of Rhodes last Sunday and I threw up. I'll never do that again. I'm currently tryin to taper off btw.

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Are you still on the Bupes?! Just curious and then to see how you are doing?! Please let me know and after all you started this thread, bless you for that!!!!

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Re: A Santa Fe New Mexican (# 1082) Expand Referenced Message

Pharmaceutical Company Akorn Agrees to Pay $7.9 Million For Allegedly Causing Medicare to Pay for Invalid Prescription Drugs

Pharmaceutical company Akorn Operating Company LLC (Akorn) has agreed to pay $7.9 million to resolve allegations that it caused the submission of false claims to Medicare Part D, in violation of the False Claims Act, for three generic drugs that were no longer eligible for Medicare coverage.

FDA-approved “prescription only” (Rx-only) drugs may be dispensed only upon a prescription and are reimbursed by Medicare Part D, whereas “over the counter” (OTC) drugs may be purchased by retail customers without a prescription and are not reimbursed by Medicare Part D. Subject to FDA approval, companies may seek to fully convert a brand-name Rx-only drug to an OTC drug. After FDA’s approval of a drug’s full conversion to OTC status, the drug is no longer considered an Rx-only product and makers of generic equivalents are then required either to seek FDA approval for their own OTC switch or to seek withdrawal of their generic’s Rx-only approval and cease marketing it.


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Re: A Santa Fe New Mexican (# 1082) Expand Referenced Message

I feel so bad for you!! Yes the hitech the best I agree!! The 5411 I have now it’s icky to dissolve! There have been law suits in reference to the buprenorphine!!

Let us know if you find something you like!!!

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Re: May (# 1080) Expand Referenced Message

Hi. I have to agree with you, this is the worst thing to know about Akorn going bankrupt. I too had been on this medication for almost 8 years and felt the effect of the manufacturer switch. They gave me a 5411 pill and I had bad tooth problems before on this brand. I lost 3 teeth in the past years, but the Akorn worked for my pain, as I heard, it was causing severe dry mouth, but so do the other brands. I wish someone would buy them out, cause a lot of patients are feeling the effect and such shortage now with the medication is causing me severe stress and anxiety. I never had that with Akorn. I was able to get off Lortab and find a good path on the Akorn 8 mg for getting my life back on track and going back to school. No one knew I was in the program cause the pills were so small and fast to dissolve, and now everyone knows cause it takes about a half hour to dissolve the other brands. I have to say no to the 5411 and the RP B8 I got today, and those are the same as the 5411. However, I hope someone gets the company or another company makes this kind of manufacturing that helps us before it’s too late! Have you ever heard of Sublocade or tried it? That was a recommendation for me instead of pharmacy hopping, and I kinda liked the idea, but they would have the same problem with the injection site. I hear it is painful and the dose doesn’t last the entire month. I don’t think anyone knew how big Akorn was until this, but they should read how many of us are affected by this! Much support to you in our transition, but I’m rooting like you for our meds to be back on track so I stop feeling this withdraw I have!

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Re: Kate (# 1076) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Kate,

Hitech the best! Now hikma they are ok. I had tried the orange ones many years ago they were terrible!! Interesting to hear about hitech and the company. Sad how they just left their employees in a lurch and their customers too!!!
Thanks Kate, update as we go along:)!! Take good care

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Re: Kate (# 1079) Expand Referenced Message

Does anyone know if an investor is going to buy the Akorn facility in IL? The Term Loan is trading at 20c (steep discount) and an investor can effectively take control of the company or purchase the plant/PP&E in the Ch 7 liquidation sale for a basement bargain. I haven't run the numbers, but I know by virtue of all the Big 3 and regional generics dist'ers running out of Akorn so quickly that it is in deep demand. I'd hate to see Akorn's generics gone for good, esp the bupe ones. Has anyone tried contacting Akorn directly? They were by far the smoothest, most effective generics IMO. Rhoades/Roxanne are close 2nd's.

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Re: Vic (# 1070) Expand Referenced Message

I am now on Hikma but its only been like 2 days, so far they are better than the rhodes. I get mine from the Vanderbilt Hospital Pharmacy because they have a program that pays for my medicine. I have the best psychiatrist who actually listens to me and this Medication program, I feel so lucky to have after reading all these reviews and finding out what people pay for their meds.

I am so sad about Akorn going out of business and Im praying someone tries to buy the formula or acquire the company. I did such a internet deep dive when i started to get sick from the rhodes brand switch, i found out they were auctioning off the akorn pharmas factory equipment already. Akorn isn't even trying to care about how this will affect anyone. They gave all their employees a 1 day notice that they no longer had a job and I believe they didn't even give severance pay.

I feel like this may hurt us if the other companies don't realize the need to compensate for this loss on the market and we have a drug shortage for this medication. I do appreciate being able to discuss something like this on here because most would not really understand what we go through. Thank you for replying.

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Re: Vic (# 1073) Expand Referenced Message

I recently after 7 years of being on hightech had to switch too and the rhodes made me so sick. I went on hikma yesterday and so far so good. After reading the reviews I am trying to stay away from the sun brand everyone says are crap and burns their mouth. I can update you in a couple days on how Im feeling on this hikma brand since I also had to switch recently.

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