Rhodes Pharmaceuticals Percocet (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I have been taking 10/325 for years and my pharmacy filled this one with Rhodes pharmaceutical product. I have been taking now for 3 days. I have been sick to my stomach, neck, and jaw pain and it does not relief the pain it is prescribed for. Why could this be?

65 Replies (4 Pages)

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Re: David (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I’m taking this Rhodes 10/325 I’m experiencing hardly any pain relief

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I thought I was going crazy! Being a legit CP PATIENT for 18 yrs, my nightmare as well, began in 2016 to-date. Obviously, a drastic change of pharmacology re-formulation has taken place in all oxycodone based pain meds.

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These pills are manufactured in India......I did a lot of research on the Percocets. The Indian manufacturers are mixing the script of 120 or more with placebos and Percocets together. How will you tell? You’re not because you're already taking some that are real and they mix together and you cannot tell. I can’t believe the U.S. would let this fly, but no one cares about us older folks that worked in heavy industries and are already pretty much beat up from the labor instilled on us. I hope all these young people out there abusing these pain meds are happy because they're going to be in a bad situation like us older people because the pills will be cut so bad by the time they reach old age their screwed. And believe me I’m hurting bad enough to just kill myself because I cannot live in this horrible pain anymore. These young pharmacists don’t give a hoot..... And most of all they're cutting us short on pills because we trust them. And their addicted also from filling scripts all day. Believe me these pharmacists are hooked. I have caught a Pharmacy in Glen Burnie Maryland steal my Oxy-Cotin 3 separate times in 6 months and if you don’t let them recount the pills in front of you your going to have a bad hard withdrawal from the previous month. Please for your sake watch your pills closely.

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I noticed 2 months ago the Percocet 10/325 by Rhodes has gotten smaller, is less effective, and has upset my stomach. Has anyone else noticed this?

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Re: pk (# 63) Expand Referenced Message

Where can we take these lousy generics to be tested? I want to take the Rhodes Percocet to be tested. I’m having side affects. I want to know what kind of garbage they are using for fillers??
Thank you so much!

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Neck and jaw pain can be an indication of serious heart problems. Please do not ignore these symptoms.

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Re: wakenda (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

I don't know what the heck you actually think writing a letter will do? They don't care, and they really won't care if "everyone" boycott's them either. And no, that is a false rumor that they can make it 20% more/less; that makes zero sense and is completely false. And another thing, the pharmacies do not switch brands on purpose, they are required to by corporate and have zero control over it. And as for the pharmacy not wanting to order a specific brand for you, that's most likely because they think you're trying to sell them, as there is no reason why they can't order them.

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Re: Emily (# 26) Expand Referenced Message

I think I got used to them. Not as strong the pain clinic issues my prescription every 28 days. So when I take my Endocet script in they never have it have to wait 3 days cause they order on Friday. I call them ahead of time. I think there giving me a hard time because it’s now from pain clinic and not my family DR. He stopped writing out pain meds. I’ve been there 3 yrs at cvs. Now they look at me different. I can’t help it I have pain. I’m going to have to take less until I can get my endocet. I have them write out script for endocet. Maybe that’s why? They have to order them. And they can’t give me Rhodes

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Re: David (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

There must be a new additive. Drastic change in side effects I share as well SUDDENLY after years of taking Percocet that I finally after years of failed surgeries etc put on that has made my life tolerable to live a balanced life. No way could this be coincidental as to so many in pain mgmt for years taking same med suddenly experiencing horrible side effects as I have read on this site. Something is terribly wrong.

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Re: K lip (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

How r Roades oxycodone 10mg with Tylenol. I am looking for generic Percocet that works. Any feedback is appreciated. Sue

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Re: Sue (# 37) Expand Referenced Message

I've read bad reviews on Rhodes 10/325. It's sad cuz it seems all generic percocet formulations have been modified for the worst. So many of us now on this site w/ the same issues that it cant be a coincidence in tolerance, etc issues. I take alvogen now which I'm stuck with. I'm trying to get Mallinkrodt generic which is white with no dyes & has good reviews but cant find a pharmacy that carries it or will order. Hope this helped a little. Godspeed! We must fight this victimization together & be heard!

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Re: Sue (# 37) Expand Referenced Message

I have endocet brand of Percocet 10/325. They work the best. Always consistent. I have the dr write endocet. It’s a generic but it works wonders. Have tried many different ones. If it says endocet they have to fill it.

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For the first time in the 19 years I have been on opioids (Percocet 10-325), every single pharmacy in my town, CVS, Walgreens, RiteAid, Costco and Walmart, are all dispensing Rhodes. I phoned my doctor who was willing to write another script stating "Use Brand Name Only". I took it to the pharmacy only to find out that it is $2028 for the monthly supply. I plan on stocking up on Tylenol and a good anti-diahrreal drug as these supplements are the only things that will help get me through the month with this nearly worthless drug!

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Re: K lip (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

What I understand from what I've read is that Rhodes was told to lower the amount of oxy across the board, they in conjunction with Purdue were my saving grace at 30 mg, but the cut to 15 makes it impossible to find. Less pain relief, I'm going in for a retest of my heart which is only at 20% at best but the pain in my head and neck has increased and walking is really hard with congestive heart failure from a stent closure, but I think am in great trouble now. No power only pain stinks and I was a bodybuilder, natural, as I was so skinny and 9/11 provided pulmonary tumors so I'm scared! Feel better, check yourself out and then try some Prilosec to coat your stomach.

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Re: TOMMY (# 46) Expand Referenced Message

I’ve written to AARP as to forming a lobby for which I haven’t even heard a word about, including the stigma attached to being on pain meds being connected with standing on street corners or even winding up on cat or dog food to be able to be humanized and a lot less pain free! Somebody has to start I think I’ll try writing to a few agencies and start putting addressees for the rest of us to start adding until we get a great lawyer interested in this huge issue! What do you think. Could use the research help from all of us to achieve our goal. People cannot hear what’s not being said out loud and any connections to press would help A WHOLE LOT! Let’s work together and do it! R~

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Yeah after so many days the inactive ingredients build up in your system for Purdue now Rhodes causing you to wake up shaking as if you have sciatic nerve pain Then you take another pill and it goes away so you’d never think it’s the pill doing it! It pisses me off this happened when the crisis hit and managed Medicaid. Now get this I’m getting texts from my insurance company way later saying opioid addiction can have as soon as 5-7 days we’ll no s***! And Perdue is Rhodes and they are invested in suboxone! 2 years waking up every morning shaking asking my drs and pharmacists what’s wrong and no one had a clue! The fentanyl patch that was pushed on me was covering up the side effects! I’m extremely fatigue but I got off them I feel Permanent damage has been done to me big time. I’m eating all organic and organic supplements trying to find any cure to reverse this. I got government housing too and it’s nice but they do inspections and I’m usually very neat and ocd but I can barely walk my dog and shower and feed myself! I had Already fought hard to get my pain meds then lost the weight and got fit! Then managed Medicaid kicked in and dropped all of the pain management. My primary wasn’t gonna do it but when he saw I lost 30lbs in 3 months and how determined I was to get healthy he continued it! I do wonder if he knows cause I’ve been telling him. These drs work for the insurance companies! He’s one of the good ones I think but I was trading opiates for Xanax and he let me keep the one pill that was the source of my problems! I’ve had so many meds targeted and got off them. I hate to say it it’s a plot to depopulate us and get us off Disability and social security plus just kill off everyday folks and trump knows. Just wait when we have all these metals in us and it magnifies the effects of this technology and 5G will do us in! I truly want to sue! Two years of my life and so much money spent trying to cure myself and I was supposed to move back to FL but was too fatigued. Now you got these Adderalls causing fatigue and pain. Now Xanax has been hit ! Who the heck wants Indian and China 3Rd world poison and if you go to cvs or Walgreens they are insurance owned. A lady confessed she told me they try to order generics people have less issues with but the insurance companies block them. Now generic is generic you’re lucky we’re taking generic don’t block certain manufactures! The pills are all tainted! I know these meds 20-30 years no problem and now all of a sudden bam! Even gabapetin was hit! Anything from Aurobindo keep away from. They are targeting pain and mental health meds. Because if you complain your already deemed an addict or crazy. I’m so made at CVS! Then I threatened to train it to dc. And find a law firm to sue and my mom and I have noticed people actually following us. These Rhodes and Perdue are the same and the goal is you for you to fall short of your pills then go on suboxone if that or you get cut off and some turn to the street.

You all need to get into kratom, omg it’s a lifesaver, she works plus you need to get into organic vitamins and supplements and make sure your toiletries are chemical free or safe. Do a metal detox, man I could make a website of what to do! This damn near killed me.

The fda doesn’t oversee overseas 3Rd world generics like they do here.

Now my dr says bring in the bottles write out the symptoms and we’ll push for it in name brand.

Well I’ve been so fatigued to even do that. Thank god I had my mom and help, and my French Bulldog that pushed me.

All these medications are starting to do the opposite of what they are prescribed for!

It’s a mind f*** to write out that letter but I’m gonna do it I need my meds I’m keeping it to the basics Adderall Xanax and 2 Percocets a day so now I know when something is off! But you can report it to them and it still be forced on you or go through withdrawal.

Honestly organic kratom and natural Usda organic anti-inflammatories

I don’t think it’s smart anymore to be on anything you gotta wean off of

But they have even changed this Xanax it was the one drug that hadn’t been hit for awhile and helped me get off the Percocets to see it was them

I’ve reevaluated this Rhodes CVS Percocet individually 5-7 times and I’m telling you after a few days you start having crazy sciatic nerve pain or more pain thinking it’s increasing pain symptoms when it’s 100% the pill. Medicaid has saved a lot of money on me because I haven’t been able to make it to any of my specialists or keep up on anything.

I should’ve gone to the ER but who was gonna watch my dog and nothing is gonna happen

I’ve heard if you come into the ER now with opiate in your system they pump your stomach. God I hope that’s not true. I’m not solid on it.

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Re: David (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Which ingredient is actually oxytocin? It’s a fact the oxytocin that executes the pain relief/positive feeling has been reduced by 70% to make the med unappealing to abusers. In meantime they are violating legitimate Chronic Pain Patients! We are getting little to no relief& being purposely made sick with all together miserable NEW side effects.

We’re damned if we do, damned if we don’t take our pain med; ie; WITHDRAWAL & back to a wheelchair!

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Re: Ellen (# 54) Expand Referenced Message

Happy you found comfort! What country; I’ll move there!

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For me the only drug I will never say yes to as during five months of surgery and a humongous hole in my hip 22 inches long they gave me thousands of bottles of Demerol. First time I ever saw clearly and thought clearly In my life, so the answer will always be no, no matter what! And by the way if they’re going to stick a Q-tip in your sciatic nerve, I’ll add that nothing works on the nerve pain. I started to get Cluster Headaches at 20 years old, at the time they didn’t think women got them and I can only say, that was an awful time and when I was in cluster nothing worked but something called DHE 45 which was non-narcotic, but I couldn’t stick anything in my vein and boy did it burn in your leg but there was no backlash as there was when Imitrex first came out and you attempted to use a third dose it was the first time I had ever gotten in an ambulance and I wasn’t bleeding and I didn’t when I stand close which caused me to die as the EMS people thought I was some kind of a freak or drug addict hoping around With the blood slowly stopping going through my veins in arteries and they didn’t believe it until I wound up flatlined in the ER, With no veins available to set an IV. And I checked that Stent three times. The damage is your irreparable and I’m stuck. Back to Purdue Rhodes. I found that to be at 30 mg the only thing to help my pain or the Monday and I would throw the rest in the closet and only used it when I needed it and I’m sorry to hear that it upsets you, but if you can get hold of Prilosec from your doctor it will help but the changes in the formulation have occurred already, so I don’t know any longer and taking 15 mg of Malloncrods ir does nothing and it will not now as my doctor has dismissed me without a Rx, so administrators if you would like me to start something you tell me what you want me to do or what to say to others and I will as I have no fear but the simplicity of death itself as my reality dictates. I wear a note pinned to my nightwear making certain that my pain management Dr and our Governance is over the largest lobby ever known aside them tobacco is drugs, I also keep my diagnosis and my paperwork from 9/11 which is the newest of all. Don’t trust anyone and question. It’s nauseating to have to mother a doctor, but that is the indoctrination and I did write a paper at 14 in college that was published behind just that information. I am now suffering from what used to be considered temporary and now considered much more permanent but the use of prednisone at high doses as I was drowning in mucus. I am not sure what takes the lead in what frightens me but not remembering three seconds ago is really pretty bad especially when you’re financially responsible and you sinking in the s*** that no one is coming to look for you in. I’m ready to do whatever is necessary to oppose these Machiavellian decisions without consent of any sort and may be responsible for my death so I have nothing to lose, and the service may help others As well as a purposefulness for myself. Please inform, and thank you all.

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Re: Ellen (# 54) Expand Referenced Message

What country is that Ellen? I’ve never heard of that, and I have got some gray hair ... lol

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