Reunion Tablet Uses And Side Effects (Top voted first)


I want to know what this medicine called Reunion tablet is used for and what are its side effects? I had a heart attack 5 months ago.

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I have been taking "Reunion tablets" once daily for the past 15 days, to treat a fracture in both of my legs. The doctor suggested I take it for fast recovery. I want to know if there are any side effects associated with this tablet?

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Re: H S RATHOR (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Reunion is 1 st time in India patented product from CDRI Marketed by Eris life sciences. It improves micro architecture of bone(it provides original strength to the bone). Indications: all type of fracture management, internal and external fixators, to prevent osteoporotic fracture. Dosage: 2 tab Daily for 2 to 3 months. Pranams

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Hello Kanta,

I was not able to find a reliable source to tell you what is inside of the medication but I was able to find a website that is selling them and I read the information off of a picture of the product. From what I can read the product is advertised to help with broken fractures and bone disorders but also lists the following as possible reasons for being prescribed.

- Obesity
- Diabetes
- High cholesterol
- Bone fractures
- Osteoporosis
- Stomach upset

The following possible side effects are printed on the back side of the product.

- Headache
- Intestinal gas
- Dry mouth
- Diarrhea
- Insomnia

I hope this information helps. Have a wonderful day.

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