Refilling My Valid Xanax Prescription Early (Page 31) (Top voted first)


I only see one doctor and he gives me a 3 month supply of xanax. When I went the last time he wrote me out a prescription but I still had two refills. I had a friend and her husband passed away and I gave her some of mine thinking I would have no problem re-filling the prescription. I had sense enough not to go to the same pharmacy and not to give my insurance information. So I go to this small drug store by my house and I had to fill out paperwork such as dob, name and my DL #. Well they paged me to the front of the store and advised me that it was 7 days to early for them to re-fill. So my question is where can I go to re-fill a prescription that is valid written by the same doctor. I only tried one place, I'm guessing they must have a data base if you try and refill your prescription early (even without your insurance) does anyone have advice on where I can go to get this filled?

656 Replies (33 Pages)

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He/She actually does know what they're talking about. Every single thing they said is why I get Medicare/Medicaid and Extra Help. I get Food Stamps. Food Stamps alone will not get you Medicare/Medicaid or anything other than food stamps. It's all about being retired, disabled, and the amount of help is absolutely based on income and income only after qualifying for one of the earlier conditions. I am disabled and 60, the disability allows me the Medicare, but you have to be disabled for 2 years before you are Medicare eligible as opposed to being 65 or older. My income is what qualifies me for Medicaid and Extra Help. The only thing incorrect about the response was that depending on the amount of Extra Help one receives determines the amount they will pay for their medication. I pay basically the amounts mentioned until I reach the "catastrophic" point which is when the drug cost, not out of pocket, reaches just under $5,000. For me, that happens in March. At that point, I pay $0 for every medication including brand if it is not offered in generic form.

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Never share controlled substances, or any other med with another individual. This is also illegal

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You do not get addicted to them, maybe physiologically at worst. I was hit by high voltage lines and the arc blast burned my right arm 4th deg and my clothes caught on fire while using an aerial lift.
I was 40ft in the air and it would not go down. All my clothing burned away and it took 10 mins to lower the boom. I was burnt 70% 3rd on my body. In a coma 3 months and had to learn how to do everything over again. I suffer from ptsd and nightmares and I have been on alprazalam for 10 yrs. I can go 15 days without taking them. No problem I take 4.5 mg daily. My sleep suffers for a day or two but that is it. No withdrawal symptoms. So don't worry about it just try to take it as directed and be careful driving they can make you sleepy and it is easy to nod off.

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George , Xanax and other benzodiazepines can be physically addicting. Psychological addiction is far worse than physical addiction and much more difficult to treat than physical addiction.

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The pharmacy should hold your new prescription until you are out of the current medication. It is the law.

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Xanax is not a narcotic. Xanax is a benzodiazepine and not even in the same schedule. Please do your research or at least have a basis for what you're saying.

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Xanax is a controlled substance they have a database that stores all your prescriptions when they are filled when they are picked up i know i have been on Xanax for over 10 years and Walgreens is allowed to fill them 3 days early. So as soon as they put your name in the system it shows them when you last filled them so there is no pharmacy going to fill them 7 days early even if you pay cash cause they can get in trouble by the DEA. Good luck

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Re: Bonnie (# 553) Expand Referenced Message

In Australia this drug prohibited under HIC your doctor can help under panic disorder in low doses , I well know the addition on this drug , xanax is not easy to get out , degrease slow very slow , try fluoxetine instead , first try to analyse yourself why you use this medication for what purpose ? Anxiety phobias panic attack what ? This is no sleeping pill , have dual depressant function is not antidepressant is depress the central nervous system is a downer no upper , it have effects on blood pressure is well , but is very addictive worse than DIAZEPAM or OXAZEPAM , this family is considered for one month treatment only , but is a drug who your body demand. Avoid drinking alcohol as alchohol is no digested by pass the liver , beware , and no give this to anyone else , keep close relationships with your doctor , remember all chemicals go out via the kidneys, try to found the correct medication for you , as everyone is different on enzymes and blood type , in the 70 s the Sinequan known as Doxepin was popular , they stop that now those days they give the AXID this induce sleep Prozac no induce sleep make you up is serotonin uplifting medication. But no try both sane time no mix as coctail those chemicals , take care yourself ,

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Re: Bonnie (# 557) Expand Referenced Message
I drive 500 miles,one wY, 4times yearly to see my nd of ten years, worth it

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Re: Joe (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Never be honest to doctors, they f*** you nowadays. They worry more about their job than they do their patient... Doctors are now all about their job and do not care one bit about us.

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Re: ARNPED (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

When it comes to CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES it's funny how nurses gets criticised for telling the truth which a lot of people don't want to hear.

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The bottom line from a recovering addict who has used them inappropriately at times and in recovery has used them(benzodiazepines) absolutely the correct way if your honest with self take them as prescribed almost 100% or the time u will not have a problem running out no need to worry about filling early and no need to worry on who the doctor,the pharmacy or the insurance company are making the final decision lastly no need to try to figure out which would try to be the best pharmacy to try to get over on play by the rules and u will ALWAYS win in the long run from someone for different reasons has tried it all...with honesty u win.and if your having tolerance withdrawal thus using more,get on a professional liquid slow tapering program as I did and became healthier mentally,emotionally, spiritually,and physically and I found increasing pain issues were from the benzodiazepines affecting the receptors ....a lot to take in if your always honest with yourself and others u will find a real solution bless to all having medicine issues

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6 months ago they raised my script. My dr did not. It is not in any records at the drs office. Pharmacy gave me wrong dose. I am being weened off xanax. I'm sry you almost died.

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Mood stabilizers such as Lamictal work great for anxiety and often eliminate the need for a Benzo. I know for a fact. I'm bipolar 2 and Xanax worked ok but I have no need for anything additional since I have been on a mood stabilizer. Just tossing another idea into the pot

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What will happen to a patient who submits a prescription in Dec. 2013, for Norco, which has two refills on it? I'm happy to go back to doctor if need be, however I won't be able to ask her these questions till next week. Thank you so much.

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Hey, you guys, it's ALL about the money. The Insurance Companies are the greatest cause of this. Think about it.

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The two drug counteracted with one another, doctors might not know about this but personal experience with taking two controlled substance at the same time is something I would never ever do ever again!!!! Trust me if nothing happens at first, it will sooner or later no matter who you are.

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It's insurance, they will only cover a certain amount. If you fill it without using insurance you should be fine. That's what I was told when I tried to fill a prescription too early.

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Hey your dead wrong. ..not ONLY OPIATES are narcotics. ..So don't try talking crap to others. You just made yourself look dumb as hell. A narcotic is a drug that causes a sleepy effect...prescription wise... read a dictionary before you try and put someone down.

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wow...super helpful..............

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