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Weight loss pill

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I'm starting my pills tomorrow... so any girls wanting to show support... and give advice.. cause seriously i don't know spanish, and that's what the bottle is in... and the box... do i take ONE a day, and with water. and at what time... see i don't know anything. If you have answers to these questions.. please please, send it to my email.... naedia at hot mail dot com .. make sure there is an e in naedia... thanks. i hope to hear back from you, with support and answers. good luck to others. Also people with experience with this redotex, please feel free to look my email up so we can chat... i could use a support system. ciao...

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K so I started taking the Pills on the 14th of March.
The first 3 days I was very shaky and kinda in a bad mood, and very thirsty with dry mouth. After that I felt warm..nothing crazy just like my body temp was running a bit high...
With exercise and lots of water and a little diet I have finally broken thru my 210 block as of this morning I am at 201pounds..

I had been trying for months but could not loose more than 210 on the same diet and exercise so for me these pills work great!

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Okay folks it's day 2 on Redotex. I actually didn't lose any weight from yesterday. I have to say that I thought that the pill would suppress my appetite more than it has. I used to take Super Slim Pomegranate (the good stuff not the crap they have out now) and I would have to force myself to eat. When I took the pill yesterday I still got hungry for breakfast lunch and dinner. I should've done a better job at watching what I ate, (i had a heavy pasta dish for dinner and a small serving of ice cream for dessert) but from what I've read on these posts you shouldn't have to watch what you eat to lose the weight. I'm hoping that tomorrows result will be better and that the pills just take a day or two to yield results. I do have more energy than I did before I took them, but it's not a jittery energy. I feel good and am in a good mood. I was able to sleep last night without any problems. I took the pill today at the same time as yesterday and waited 20 mins before i ate breakfast which was cereal (honey nut cheerios) and I'm staying hydrated. I really really really hope these pills are legit and i get some results. I'll keep you posted!

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Day 4 on Redotex. I've lost 1.4 lbs from yesterday (183.6 is my new weight). As I said before I decided to start taking 2 pills a day at the same time because 1 pill wasn't doing anything for me and I believe its because my body has built up a resistance to weight loss products. I was energized all day yesterday but the great part was that I was able to lay down for a nap in the afternoon and go to bed at a reasonable hour with no problems. I had no real appetite but I could eat if I wanted to (some of the other pills I've taken previously make it to where you feel sick even thinking about eating). I didn't have to watch what I ate and I still lost weight, and I'm not exercising except doing daily housework and taking care of my son. I'm definitely feeling the need to drink lots of water and I'm experiencing more bowel movements daily.

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Going right back to answer #3, Verwon - as you are aware, I've been around here for many years now; it never ceases to amaze me just how many diverse subjects and medicaments you write on, most of which you can have a fine grasp of. I tend to write only when the subject in question is one which inside my sphere of knowledge, of which I am well educated or experienced, or of which I wish to know more and therefore have queries about. I don't think I've ever mentioned any of my qualifications; take it for granted that if I write then I'm sure of what I say.
Tablets for obesity, so often used either for the wrong purpose, eg stimulant effect or totally unnecessary use by those whose body image is influenced by the ridiculous and honestly dangerous vogue for horrible, unnaturally thin models (& others in the public eye) are amongst the most controversial of all meds on the market and with good reason. Completely over-prescribed in the USA where profit too often overrides health concerns, these drugs are too often marketed with too little reference to the dangers. Such as modafinil and phentermine have as many, if not more dangers of cardio-vascular accident as dexamfetamine sulphate, now available in the UK only in 5mg tabs as a last resort drug in ADHD or narcolepsy. So difficult to get, as a CD, though only class B, Sched III, students now tend to use mofafinil for 'cramming', and phentermine is considered probably more dangerous than prescription amfetamine salts. To be honesrt, in that situation I'd be more likely to say that illegal am. Sulph powder is the least of the evils. Not for the first time, though, I would like to take issue with your faith in the UDS FDA as the best arbiter of which drugs should or should not be prescribed and in what dosages. My views on the ridiculous use of the terribly cumulative methadone HCl for moderate/severe pain have neen expressed here often. RESERVE IT IN 1mg/mL mixture form for maintenance or very slow reduction on cases of opioid addiction. It really has no place in analgesia. Otherwise use the 1mg/5mL LINCTUS as an antitussive. It is more effective than Dicodid (hydrocodone) in many patients, and certainly at the crazy US price, more economical. When it is transformed into a mild opioid analgesic by addition of paracetamol, or acetaminophen as more, commonly termed in America, it is the most overrated & overpriced pain pill in the world. I'd suggest keeping it pure as a 10mg antitussive and using the effective, cheaper and no-paracetamol dihydrocodeine as a far better choice for mild pain.
Bit, just for the moment, may I say that the only drug which has no adverse effects on the BP or CV system for the obese, or those with body dysphoria who are rightly or wrongly convinced that phamacological measures are required, is orlistat.
Verwon, you may agree, being that the criterion is, or outwith the corruption rife in relations with politicians, whether their 'sponsorship' is public or not in their relations with Pharma companies, that the benefits of a drug must outweigh the risks.
Your use of the word 'must' with ref to the US FDA is unwise. They banned Palladone SR, therefore scripts for hydromorphone at the upper end of dosage tend to be 8mg or more; a very high instant release dose considering nearly all the rest of the world use SR and limit instant to 2.6mg capsules. Consider also that (& I actually thought this was a joke first time I heard of it) dipipanone (Diconal) & diamorphine HCl (Heroinâ„¢) have been deemed by that same FDA to have 'no medical use' and Scheduled I. I ask you; how on EARTH can proper analgesia be given for heart attack or road traffic accident WITHOUT these most essential of drugs, which my doctor father would NEVER leave home without? No medical use? For probably the two most important analgesics a doc can carry?
Indeed, there are less and less meds available to British docs now, but no doctor can do his/her job properly without diamorphine.
That said, stimulants of the kind of power being discussed, used for weight loss more often than not when BMI is within or just outside parameters, is wholly unjustified and in a high percentage of cases, downright dangerous. Phentermine is certainly more dangerous & unpredictable than amfetamine sulphate. Think on it, everybody on this thread, with so much misplaced enthusiasm!

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And you do need a prescription to get them because one of the compounds is being closely monitored in mexico since an incident a few years ago with an company that was importing it illegally. if you want to get them you would need to go see a doctor (its cheaper in mexico) , get a diet, FOLLOW IT, and follow directions, i think the reason because it was banned from the u.s. is because people would not follow directions and would actually die.

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I was told to take it about 15 minutes before breakfast; I have oatmeal then don't start to get hungry until about 11:30; eat lunch, then dinner. Am usually not hungry but eat something anyway; have lost 15# in 2 months!

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if you don't know what they're for, you really shoudn't take them...

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I know someone who has taken these since April. He has not really changed any of the foods he eats...just has less appetite and eats about 1/3 of what he was eating before...but still eats his usual junk food. No sife effects except the dry mouth. He has had no problems with alcohol in limited maybe 2 Mike's Hard Lemonades in the evening...without any complications. Alcohol is fattening however, so it is sort of counterproductive! Stay away from processed carbs and I suppose the weight will come off faster. Good luck. You will be amazed!

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Started taking Redotex 8/20/12 started at 190 its now 10/18/12 and weighed myself on Tuesday and Im at 158. I do diet and go 4 times a week to zumba classes....Ive had a lot of support with friends and family, thats what keeps me going....

8/20/12 Weight: 190lbs
10/18/12 Weight:158lbs

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Hello I took redotex got it from Mexico. Didn't work for me...didn't lose anything felt so so sick. I started a new program. It was a little pricey but so worth it. I lost 11 pounds in only 8 days. Didn't feel sick jittery or thirsty. I love the stuff.

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Dear Sylvia, Would love to know the name of the product that helped you. I am really desperate and redotex did not work for me as well. Please e mail me.

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redotex didnt work for me....i dont know if i just didnt do something right.. either way..i spent alot of money on something that didnt work.. what did you take.. and did it really work .. i weigh 230 but to be honest at 200 i look pretty good.. i want to lose those 30..

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Im in Lubbock Tx and wondering if anyone knows where to get talla baja here can anyone please help?

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I'm happy I found this forum. I have had alot of success with redotex and yeduc. I had stop taking both when I was pg. now I'm back on need to lose 30lbs. They help me alot . I get them in Mexico.

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I get them for $65 or $70 anymore than that is crazy.

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I took them for a long time, lost 14 kg... Gained back a few because i did not diet properly afterwards. The key not to gain back is this: when you take the pills your methabolism is faster and you have no appettite. So you eat less and have no craving. Once you get to your target weight, you stop taking them slowly. First you take pills two days and rest the third, after a month take a pill one day and rest the next. The next month one pill and rest two and so on until you leave the pills. Keep track of what you eat while on the pills. Then you know what you can it when you are off them and if you know find out you are eating more, you have to stop or your stomach will grow bigger and the cravings will come back once you are off the pills

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Please tell her I need some!!!

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Thank u so much for that Nik!!! I believe my blood pressure is high due to my weight....I'm only 25!!!! And never ever had any health issues....I've gained weight had 2 kids back to back and have no home for exercise I know I need to start but I want to get done weight off before so I can run without feeling like a ton of bricks lol

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Where can I get Redotex from? Can you give me the info? thanks.

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