Rash After Quitting Lyrica (Page 3)
UpdatedI took Lyrica (150mg daily) for 2 years. The medicine helped reduce my leg and hip gain greatly. In January I started working out daily and dieting and lost 30 pounds. I gradually have quit taking Lyrica and am having only a small amount of discomfort at times. The problem is that upon quitting the Lyrica the back of my knees started itching and welps appeared after I scratched them. It has been 3 weeks since I stopped taking Lyrica and I am still itchy. Has this happened to anyone else? Could this be a result of nerve damage?
yes I itched all over and had to start taking it again!!
Help!! I'm reducing pregabalin and have been by 25mg per week for the last month. I feel awful, mainly severe anxiety and a burning sensation on my chest and down my arms. Has anyone else experienced this? I had anxiety before going on the drug, in fact it was supposed to help but never did. This is nothing like anxiety I have ever experienced before. My husband will not accept this could be withdrawal. What does anyone think? Many thanks, Allotmentgirl
Hi Allotment girl - yes, the anxiety you are experiencing is one of the symptoms of withdrawal from Lyrica. I too experienced awful anxiety, insomnia, little hive like spots that itch beyond belief, twitching, shakiness and the list goes on. Pfizer is such an evil company, think they give two s**** about your long term health!? I agree with one of the previous posts that this Lyrica caused nerve damage and that many new nerve cells required for neurogenisis (new memories, learning, etc) were inhibited and now they're spawning and creating some symptoms. You have to remember that your body will always maintain homeostasis and the chemicals lyrica blocked are chemicals that excite the brain and body so they're now rebounding back pretty extreme. I pray for you all and please stay away from the drug, the FDA is well aware of the sometimes permanent side effects that ruin lives, marriages, employment, everything but its all about money, makes me sick. God bless.
I stopped taking Lyrica when I ran out and had to wait until my pharmacy got it in, which took 4 days! I didn't get the rash like feeling people are talking about but I did get hit with this horrible nauseas feeling everyday and it was horrible. Lyrica has helped significantly with my nerve pain and I only take 1 150mg pill a day! I was stunned. I will be speaking to my doctor about this at my next appointment.
I have just started itching and getting a rash all over my right leg. I have been put 250mg a day of Lyrica and have been taking them two weeks for nerve damage after getting pain injections in my spine. The rash is driving me mad and my leg feels like it is burning. After seeing everyone elses' experience with Lyrica, i will be weening myself off them.
Oh my goodness . I just missed 3 days of Lyrica this week and I was itching like crazy ! I went and got my rx filled and within 2 hours I stopped itching .
I have neuropathic nerve pain also have COPD and heart disease was put on Lyrica for the nerve pain in my feet and legs started this horible itch and rash on my chest and shoulder now arm and stomache please do not take this horrible medicine.
Yes I have had the itching and sleepless nights. I now know that I need something for the itching. I'm praying that Benadryl works
I took lyrica for a short time years ago I still suffer from the rash I have on my arms nerve endings on fire constant pain and itching. I have been to all types of doctors, no relief. Lyrica has ruined my life. My arms are scarred and I am always scratching until I bleed. I can't help it.
Hi, my MD prescribed me 75mg of Lyrica every bedtime to soothe the tingling and numbness on my fingertips (both hands). Been taking it for 10days when I noticed rash appearing on my arms. I stopped taking it immediately and is now applying OTC hydrocortisone cream on areas affected. How long before the redness subsided? My rash is kind of itchy but tolerable and not the kind that keeps me awake at night. I just want to ask if the rash left marks on your skin? Will be meeting with my MD again to ask what alternatives I have since I stopped taking Lyrica.
I have been on lyrica 300 mg q day for a number of years . I have fibromyalgia and have had 3 back surgeries. I do feel it has helped my pain but has caused weight gain. My Dr d c'd the lyrica "cold turkey". I have had hot flashes/ chills, nausea, acne,itchy irritated eyes, shakes & weakness, inability to sleep more than a hour a night , and almost the worst is intense itching from the top of my head to the soles of my feet. At this point I think I will go back on the lyrica and wean down instead of stopping cold turkey. I so hope the itching stops SOON.
How long until this itching goes away whip trying to go off Lyrica??
I took lyrica 75 mg for a week. In 2 days after taking it I developed a horrible rash. Was told to stop taking it immediatly. Had welts on face, unbearable itching, rash on legs, back, arms and chest. It stopped after about 2 weeks. Now, every few weeks to a month the rash comes back, itching is unbearable, welts are becoming more frequent and extremly painful, feels like glass shards are in my clothing or in certain blankets. Now it feels like my glands under my arm are swollen and painful. Will this ever end. Nothing has helped. My stomach is also distended. Worse drug I have ever been perscribed.
Hello! :) Mine didn't itch but the rash/welts disappeared after a week. Hope you're doing better now.
Have any of your doctors stated that it is from lyrica? I just saw my doctor and he said this whole nightmare is not due to lyrica must be an allergen to something else. Nothing has changed in my life with exception of taking that horrific drug.
After 8 years of being on LYRICA I am finally off! It worked well for my CIP neuropathy for many years. I was taking 300mg plus 100mg of Tramadol per day. Through the assistance of Dr. Deborah Meyers at the Meyers Medical Clinic in Long Beach CA I was able to ween off the Lyrica over about 3 weeks. The withdrawals were horrible but managable. Nausea, loss of appetite, anxiety, and insomnia. Eventually I felt human again about the 4 week mark. This is when the itching started. My Dr. warned me that some people can have side effects for months after they stop but for me other than feeling a bit anxious from time to time the only other symptom is the endless itching primarily in my hands and feet but also other parts of my skin. Not sure how long this will last but glad I found these posts so I can try a few things. BTW- the reason I came off the Lyrica was because I wanted to try a new pain treatment that works on the same neuro path as the Lyrica called Calmare therapy so you can't be on the drug when using the therapy. If you suffer from nerve pain or neuropathy you might want to look into this treatment. It's kind of like a TENS unit but they use a different algorithm that retrains your brain without the use of drugs. For some people they become completely pain free. Although it worked to a degree for me, I am not pain free but it's managable and I'm not on Lyrica any more which was my goal. I am now slowly weening myself off the Tramadol and have just started. So I guess I'll see what kind of side effects that brings but this itching is driving me crazy. Thanks for the tips everyone.
I was put on Lyrica and after 2 doses broke out in hives The doctor changed me to Keppra BUT 7 weeks and im still broke out on my upper arms,face and chest Doctor says he dont think it was Lyrica But thats the only thing he changed
I was on lyrica for a few years then my general practitioner wanted me to quit thinking it was contributing to my weight gain. I was told to stop cold turkey. I had a rash and severe itching, I couldn't sleep. It was horrible! When I talked to my rheumatologist ( who prescribed my lyrica) I was told it was dangerous to stop cold turkey that it must be tapered. She gave me instructions for tapering which I followed & have been off for about a year. My pain continues & is worse sense stopping. It did not seem to have any effect on my weight. After all I went through loosing some weight would have been some consolation.
Hi did you have any luck finding a solution to this. As the past 2 days, what you have described i am going through from the pregablin.
Re: marconua (# 20)
I have been on Lyrica about 4 years and had to stop because of the horrible side effects suicidal impulses, couldn’t speak/ couldn’t find the words I wanted to say, memory problems...the list is long. But I’m off it and have been for months and then developed a rash first on the lower back of my head then the back of my knees and insides of my elbows now it has spread from my thighs to my stomach and it is beyond any itchy bite I’ve ever experienced 8 weeks now and the steroid Meds and cream only give a little relief and it feels like stabbing shards of glass all over ...of course the doctors say it can’t be a side effect from lyrica even though I am still suffering from the other side effects but at a lesser degree. I was on 600 mg of lyrica a day and slowly reduce.
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