Propranolol Side Effects
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Hi all, I suffer from GAD and panic disorder I was recently given 40 mg of propranolol to take twice a day. I have also been taking 150mg setraline for 2 years. I've only been taking propranolol for a few days but my anxiety is causing me to worry about how im feeling once I take it. My mouth goes very mildly numb and so do my lips after taking it which makes me panic as I think l having an allergic reaction then my throat starts feeling a little swollen but I don't know f that's because I'm convincing myself that's what's wrong? I usually need to lay down for an hour or so after taking it as i feel very off balance and not quite with it... I can feel my body trying to have a panic attack but it doesn't actually happen while on these tablets which is life changing for me as I'm so used to having around 5-10 anxiety attacks a day. Am I looking too much into rhings or is this normal? Also I should add my throat has been sore almost flu like sore since taking them...

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I recently stopped taking this awful drug. I was prescribed propranolol for anxiety on an 'as needed' basis and took between 20mg-60mg per day for 5 months. However, I suffered a whole raft of side effects, as below. It would be interesting to see if others have also experienced some/many of these side effects:


- Cold hands with dark red fingers
- Feeling the cold more in general
- Erectile dysfunction with smaller, flaccid hang


- Black, sloppy poo
- Loss of appetite
- Dry mouth


- Anxiety
- Irritable
- Intolerant and impatient
- Depersonalisation
- Derealisation
- Felt overstimulated by sound or anything too ‘busy’
- Always in a bad mood, never happy, often angry
- Feeling like I have changed into a different person
- Really unhappy in my own company, feeling lonely


- Insomnia, cannot sleep as long
- Lose taste/interest in coffee and alcohol
- Occasional flutter/palpitations in heart
- Constant lack of energy, tiredness
- Occasional chronic fatigue
- Weakness in the gym, etc
- Poor recovery from exercise

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It would be best to have this checked out by your doctor, to be safe, in case you are having a bad reaction. No one can say whether or not you are just from the details in your post online.

The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, increased urination and hypotension.

Has there been any change, or are you experiencing the same symptoms?

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