Prolia Side Effects Ongoing (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I had my infusion Mar 4 2015. I have experienced severe stomach pains, leg pains that wake me up at night, a horrible dry cough, near migraine type headaches, very severe weakness, trouble walking, constipation, had to have dental work that I usually have great teeth, some trouble sleeping. My rheumatologist did nothing to try to help me with the symptoms but my primary doctor gave me medication that help with the stomach pains, take Excedrin for Migraines and enteric aspirin for back and body, and other meds to try and find some comfort. I'm somewhat better than the few weeks after the infusion but still have a lot of problems. Hopefully this doesn't last for 6 months.

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Daisy~Reclast and Boniva are the same thing. Do the Boniva and see how it does for you BUT any bone building meds seem to affect that eye of yours so I think I would go the natural route for awhile. Light weight bearing exercises and lots of calcium from different sources. If you have not had cancer or blood clots you can have Hormone Replacement Therapy again too. That's Mother Nature's way of making good bones. Be well~Pood

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Thanks but no good. I was on Boniva IV for 3.5 yrs. May have damaged my jaw but it definitely did not slow the progression of the osteo. I fractured my spine in 5 places...very, very painful. Still wear a brace occasionally. We are all different. I will not use Reclast as it remains in your system for at least a year. Prolia...after 2 shots, increased my bone density in some places as much as 24%. What kind of medicine has that power? The kind that can create bone masses where none is needed like on the bone socket of your eye. I have one the size of a lima bead. Began to grow after the 1st shot and doubled in size after the second. I have heard every lecture about exercise etc....but if once you fracture your spine and you live alone with no family to help, it makes you very frightened to turn the wrong way. Which is how I fractured my spine. I turned the wrong way in the car, reaching into the back seat. T10 and T11 fractured that day. Next day, in great pain, I sat at my computer and heard the 3 vertebra at my waist pulverize from just sitting there. And my density is not that low. It borders on osteo and osteopenia.

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Im sorry also
I had discussed PROLIA with my doctor. and had no problems during past years
(5 years). Then on 4/25/16 -WHAM. im still taking tests re edema. I'm not sure that I will ever recover.

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Denise~My Celiac is gone or as my Dr. calls it: in remission. How can it be in remission when it was caused by Prolia and when the Prolia was up so was it. Numerous people have Sjorgrens from Prolia. It seems to be much more common than mine was. I can only hope that it goes 'into remission' for you when your Prolia goes 'poof'. My Rheumy was the one that found it and apologized all over the place for making me take Prolia even tho I didn't want it. She says I have every reason to hate her but what good would that do - just cause me more harm! Once we are free of Prolia, I firmly believe our immune systems will recover and be 'normal' again. Some people take longer than others but it always reminds me of some good advice I got from a previous Veterinarian: "That which doesn't kill us only makes us stronger'. and to that I would add smarter because we know now we cannot trust our Doctors. Pood

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Denise~I just checked and yes Prolia does cause that. I would suggest your Primary sends you to the Cardiac Specialists so they can keep a check on that. That is one area of the body that should be monitored by specialists in my opinion to just be safe. It is listed now as a common side effect. Pood

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And, Denise, to date we have not found any legals willing to go against Amgen. We also have to remember there is a statute of limitations in every state and each state may be different. Where I live, it is 5 years from when the problem was first diagnosed. Diana was working on it but she ended up with cancer and is having surgery soon to remove it. I'm going in for more joint replacement so I won't be available either. I believe that Prolia is so new that it just isn't on their radar yet although we know it has killed up to 5,000 people. Hopefully, this answers your questions on where we currently stand. Pood

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Thank you so much poodle for researching my concerns about rapid heart rate that was so kind of you. I don't know if I've got Sjorgens or not but suddenly out of the blue my eyes completely dried up and am incredibly fatigued. I don't even know who makes the diagnosis - ophthalmologist? We have a good health care system here, but not THAT good and seeing multiple specialists is costing big time. I have rarely seen a specialist in my life of 68 years.

I've also got really itchy feet, itch all over and these little red blisters that pop up on my body. I look like I've aged about 10 years overnight. So angry but trying not to be.

I hope I'm posting properly am trying to work out how this board works just want to check in as you guys are the only ones who get what I'm talking about. I am so sick of it, so tired and depressed. Thanks for answer on legals too poodle. Wonder how I might launch my own action haha vs big pharma's. I know what the outcome would be.

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I now have a fractured right leg femur bone since Jan of this year. After seeing three doctors they all agree it's from Prolia. I'm also badly constipated, have a frequent urge to urinate, headaches. I went through a lot of testing before the final conclusion. During this testing they found a growth on my right lung which leaves me short of breath. I have no idea if Prolia contributed to this. But now I need major surgery to have it removed by my Thoracic surgeon. I have had several biopsies done, none were definitive for cancer including the PET scan. Has anyone else had these symptoms? I've been using a walker since Jan now I still in some pain after eights months. Can't drive or do much. I'm going crazy. I'm filing a report with the FDA. Should I sue on my own or file with a legal suit?

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So sorry. My repercussions not as sever as yours, but don't think I'll ever be as well as before the last PROLIA SHOT IN April. I've wondered about litigation also; but don't know where to turn. Now I am seeing a cardiologist (referred to by my primary doctor regarding Prolia).

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I have posted here in the past. I developed a tumor made of bone material over my right eye where the eyebrow meets the nose. This after taking two doses of Prolia. It grew larger after the second dose. I was terrified and made the rounds of specialists including Mayo Clinic. No one would go so far as to connect the tumor with the Prolia but all said "probably the cause." I recently saw my regular rheumy who is a research doctor. She informed me that they are just now recording numbers of patients who are developing bone-mass tumors under their tongues (lower palate.) My "eyebrow" tumor could have started from an injury to the area over my eye. She confirmed my guess that Prolia will deposit wild bone matter at the site of a previous injury to bone...if the Prolia decides to repair that injury. They are preparing reports on it on.

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I have received 2 doses of Prolia. My lips are numb and my face feels swollen. I will never take Prolia again. It has been 2 months from my last injection and still have the side effects. Anyone get these side effects?

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I had one injection of prolia and wound up with a pretty severe allergic reaction. Skin rashes and hives mainly on my neck and stomach and my throat was extremely irritated. Three months after prolia a fleshy growth appeared on the side of my nose. I go to an ENT physician who injects it with a steroid. It returns every 3-4 months so I continue with the steroid injections. I have alerted the prolia manufacturers about this. I haven't had
another injection since March 2016 and just take daily calcium supplements. I have severe osteoporosis due to early menapause and my physician says there are new medicines coming out this summer and wants me back on medication of some type in the fall. I am very nervous. Is there anything safe and reliable without all of these ugly negative side effects?

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Jan~what worked for me may not work for you since you have more problems with Prolia than I did. Mine was a severe weight loss--to the point they were very, very worried about it. I did get a cataract too and had it removed after the 6 months were up. Lost two teeth to Prolia and just recently got the implants put in. Please do go to an Immunologist to get help. They know how to counteract many of the Prolia problems. I recently found the secret to the hair loss from Prolia -- Saw Palmetto, B vitamins and also vitamin A. Many women reported their hair much better with just the Saw Palmetto but I seriously doubt they were on Prolia. Be well~

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Not worth it to me. I don't want to have suffer like this and miss my daily life. No more shots for me.

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It's called Endocarditis! Prolia can cause inflammation of the inner lining of heart, caused by infection. It is disclosed on the Prolia website.

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

My lastest update. Had my first shot July 7th 2017 and was whacked with a host of side effects. At this point i still have severe lower back pain, skin issues, and still feel fatigued. I am better than a month ago. Still i won't have another prolia shot it was to difficult to take me out of my life and still not be able to do my schedule to the fullest. I push myself just to get things done.

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Re: Lavettah (# 164) Expand Referenced Message

Yes on the Doctors. When I bring it up, they really tried at first to shut me down, but then I blew up on one of them...They only listen to the drug sales people and they do NOT do their research. They sit in seminars and listen to the drug companies and not their patients. We are fed up with all of them.

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Re: Daisy (# 157) Expand Referenced Message

Daisy, that's outrageous! It shouldn't matter the location, it should matter that you have it all.

As I'm reading the posts, trying to stay updated. My eyes are burning from unshed tears. This is horrific for all of us.


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TERRIBLE l know an 87 yr old on all these drug's for half her life & they did nothing

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Re: Wise up janie (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

Hi I wish I had read this blog a year ago. I started Prolia 2/2017. No noticable side effects. Second in Aug. I have been battling inflammations since Oct. First blepharitis both eyes very bad and infection was spreading fast. Never had this before. On antibiotic twice for this and went to quick care 2X, my MD, my eye dr and then an opthalmalogist. Finally got better. Mid Dec. I had infection in right jaw and that was heading down my throat. Another round of antibiotic. After another round, and a tooth extracted last Monday, the infection has returned with a vengenance. On antibiotic again!

The oral surgeon told me that the Prolia interfers with the healing and the antibiotic. So I now have high mgs with this one. Had not taken antibiotics for years. My daughter is a nurse and asked why I was suddenly getting inflammations? I didn't relate to Prolia until seeing the oral surgeon. Plus he was concerned if my jaw bone would have a problem. Fortunately, it didn't. Thanks for letting me vent. I feel betrayed by this drug and information I didn't have to make an informed decision. I thought I had done my research although it was hard to find out much about this drug. I have an appt with the specialist that gave it to me this week.

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