Prolia Side Effects (Page 156) (Top voted first)


I would like to know of any side effects others may have experienced after receiving Prolia infusions. Up to now I have none.

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Re: Maritere (# 2982) Expand Referenced Message

Sorry for the question marks at the end of my last postíng....dont know where they came from....

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Re: Betsy (# 2976) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Betsy,
The Prolia made my asthma worse and added asthma related COPD to my list chronic illnesses.
Lately, I've been having rapid heartbeat, feeling it pulse in my ears frequently. Tests from the cardiologist says there's nothing wrong with my heart. You're right about the frustration.

Does anyone know if there information about this on the Amgen site? Thanks!


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Re: Lizzie (# 2990) Expand Referenced Message

No and hope never. So sorry. You poor thing. If you live in Canada this may be grounds for a suit as this is not listed on the adverse effect list and therefore Amgen may be held accountable. It is worth a try.

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Re: Sal (# 2996) Expand Referenced Message

I'll have to see if I can find this article.
As far as I know I don't have fractures in my vertebra but I have deterioration in my neck and lower back from arthritis. Unfortunately, it sounds like the perfect place for Prolia to attack.

Sending hugs!

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Re: Sal (# 2996) Expand Referenced Message

I cant find the Prolia report mentioned on the Better Bones Blog. Can someone post it here??

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What about dialysis patients, can this medicine be given?
Who knows this.

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Re: Giralda (# 3001) Expand Referenced Message

I don't think it's recommended for dialysis patients. If you do a Google search for Prolia side effects you should be able to find the information.

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Re: Sal (# 3022) Expand Referenced Message

I ordered this book but I haven't done anything out of it yet.
I'm currently having iron infusions. I hope it will help with the energy needed to
do yoga and to walk my dog.

It sounds like this book will help me with the deterioration in my lower spine and neck. Recently, I was diagnosed with mild arthritis with both hips along with a bone spur.

Reading about your fractures is something I'll mention to the new rheumatologist.

I appreciate you and everyone here who shares their information. Thank you!

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Kazz ~ may I ask what relay drug you are taking? I stopped the shots but have not taken any drug. I DO feel back pain and feel I have to really pay attention to what I am doing in order to NOT break a bone!

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Re: Marion (# 3013) Expand Referenced Message

Since you stopped the Prolia are you on something else now? I have 1 more shot for this year and I really don't want to take it.

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Re: Janet (# 3034) Expand Referenced Message

No, it is not a good thing as anyone on this site will attest. I am so sorry that you are experiencing all these negative effects. There are other sites such as Save Our Bones and the Better Bones Blog for I go on diet and exercise for management of Osteo. Be well.

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Re: Janet (# 3034) Expand Referenced Message

Prolia is not a good are having some of the side effects of prolia....the side effects are many and varied and some are permanent. Drs won't tell you this... For them it's all about the $$$'s.

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Re: Kazz (# 3040) Expand Referenced Message

What about side effects of Actonel?

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Re: Sal (# 3041) Expand Referenced Message

I sometimes have a headache for a few hours on the day that I take it. That's it!
Such a contrast with the horrors of Prolia, at least for me.

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Re: JenjiOz (# 3042) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you. I will consider it, but I am very sensitive to drugs.

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So far Ive been ok on actonel slow release weekly tabs ...just have to drink lots of water...on the day you take it

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Re: JenjiOz (# 3038) Expand Referenced Message

So far Ive been ok on actonel slow release weekly tabs ...just have to drink lots of water...on the day you take it

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Re: Darcy (# 3032) Expand Referenced Message

So far Ive been ok on actonel slow release weekly tabs ...just have to drink lots of water...on the day you take it

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Kazz (# 3046) -

That's a good tip. Perhaps I can avoid my weekly headache by drinking more water on Sundays. Otherwise I've had no problems with Actonel.

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Re: sheila ross (# 16) Expand Referenced Message

How are you doing now? Did you stay on prolia?

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