Prolia Side Effects (Page 155) (Top voted first)


I would like to know of any side effects others may have experienced after receiving Prolia infusions. Up to now I have none.

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Re: Judy (# 2875) Expand Referenced Message

It's very sad to know that even three years off is not helping you. Crap! What exactly is your mouth problem? Well, I prayed like heck for an answer to all this. Doctors can't seem to help me. All of a sudden someone introduced me to ASEA. (go view it on youtube) It regenerates good cells and kicks out bad ones. I feel that it was kicking Prolia out of me finally, but I am now feeling at a standstill and wondering if it can go farther and get it all out for good. My mouth effect is that the outer layer of skin for my mouth and lips has vanished. The ASEA is growing it back. (not my lip skin yet, but the outer layer on the inside of my mouth's skin). Nobody can tell I have a problem, but to ME, it feels horrible, that nasty taste always in my mouth, and the feeling of "air" circulating inside my mouth and seeming to go up my right ear canal. I had a spinning sensation inside my body and could feel the skin on my chest, etc with a weird feeling of air on it. I can't even explain it. I feel like an ALIEN.Also when i walk, it's like i am walking on a cruise ship. Anyway, I was getting saliva always coming on too strong, and was having to wear a mouthguard so I did not have to taste it. It was so embarrassing going out in public. I hate always thinking about my mouth constantly because I am constantly having to swallow extra nasty tasting saliva and feel the weird air sensation in my mouth.(today, not so bad with ASEA. I only have the problem more toward evening.) I don't know if anyone else on the planet feels this way like me. ASEA can be ordered anywhere in the world. But it costs $150 a month for morning/night treatments. Also I purchased Coseva, to get toxins out of the body. It may be helping me too. I've been a month on both products ued together. I feel "half better" . if I can drive prolia totally out of me, I know I can be 100% again. You can google Coseva. It's a spray that can remove heavy metals and pesticides, etc from the body. but what IS prolia anyway?? Can it even be driven out if it has changed one's body???

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Re: Sal (# 2881) Expand Referenced Message

Well said, SAL!

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Re: Andrea (# 2884) Expand Referenced Message

I will do that, many thanks.

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Re: Gayle (# 519) Expand Referenced Message

Did you ever end up with side effects from Prolia and did you take any more injections?

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Re: Dawn (# 2892) Expand Referenced Message

Cheers to you. I wish you success, if you can include those o& us in the U.S., I’m in.
It is bad enough that this poison is peddled, but why do Dr.s not listen to us ? They tell us it is safe, then when we complain of side effects, they tell us no one else has complained of them. My Dr. was understanding of my decision to discontinue Prolia, but never came out and admitted m6 symptoms were caused by Prolia. This what happened with Opiates, Big Pharma convinced the Dr’s they are safe, and the Dr’s believed them. I myself am a chronic pain patient and was offered an opiate , this was early on , when I questioned it’s safety I was offered reassurance that it was safe, well, I , a “mere nurse “ didn’t believe it, why couldn’t the Dr.’s. ? I see a parallel here, the bottom line for Dr.’s, don’t believe everything Big Pharma tells them, and listen to patients. For patients, we need to educate ourselves, and be our own advocates.

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Re: Karen (# 2890) Expand Referenced Message

You are not alone in this. I started to have allergy/sensitivity reactions to all kinds of ordinary things post-Prolia. Some of them were metal jewellery, underwires, elastic, mushrooms, soy sauce, and even a local anaesthetic. I worried that I might have an anaphylactic reaction to something I could not predict, something previously benign.
Two years later I can eat or wear anything I like. It was a very unsettling episode.

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Re: Karen Wadman (# 2895) Expand Referenced Message

First, I wish you well, and hope you don’t receive much damage.

On the state of our health care, I could spend hours on the subject. Do you know that most bankruptcy cases are do to health care costs ? My niece was financially destroyed due to their child’s cancer, they had insurance, to make things worse, she died anyway.

Anyway, in Europe, they have a different model, instead of a business model, their taxes support health and education. Their tax rates are not that different from ours ( I know because all my relatives live there ), it is that they prioritize.

Best wishes on resolving you issue.

I am happy to continue the discussion offline. I don’t know how to that though.

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Is Prolia worth getting? Should Prolia be off the market, is it that harmful?

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Re: Hedy (# 2901) Expand Referenced Message

Oh this Dr. has supported me even those he disagrees.

So, a new Gallup poll has placed the Pharmaceutical industry at the very bottom of the list of respected industries.

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The first two shots I didn’t have any side effects. After the third however I had horrible fatigue, relentless constipation and high cholesterol. Abated @ fifth month. Will not take another shot

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Re: Sedona (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

This drug was poison to my body, mostly dental problems and joint pains and hair loss. Lost all of my top teeth and had implants. Unfortunately, I do not think I am through with my dental issues. Changed my life and not in a good way.

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Is prolia also given to dialysis patients in stage V renal failure.

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I want to get in touch with dialysis patients who have prescribed Prolia. What are the side effects and consequences and why is it also given to dialysis patients.
Who can answer my question, thanks in advance.

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Re: Dawn (# 2936) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Dawn,

I'm in Texas. The one thing I found was only for broken tibia's I think.

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Are there people in the group who dialysed and prescribed Prolia by their nephrologist ???

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Re: Karen (# 2949) Expand Referenced Message

Good for you. Reclast is as bad as Prolia.

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Re: Linda (# 2943) Expand Referenced Message

I am now scheduled to have another tooth pulled and another implant since it is in the front. I can’t begin to say how much this has cost me.

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Re: Sal (# 2967) Expand Referenced Message

I think my last Prolia shot was September 2018. It's made my asthma worse and I now have eczema and asthma related COPD/chronic bronchitis which I didn't need because I already had a laundry list of chronic health conditions.

I'm currently eating ovo-lacto vegetarian but I'm going to be eating vegan and raw, too.
Going 100% raw is something I couldn't do but adding more raw into my diet is a good thing. Jennifer Cornbleet has some great cookbooks. She has a recipe for marinara that is wonderful! I made it and put it over zoodles (zucchini spiral noodles).

{edited for privacy}

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Re: Sal (# 2969) Expand Referenced Message

What happened with your thyroid? I am experiencing extreme sluggishness, ongoing weight gain, dried out skin etc. Did not think about a link to Prolia. am currently on Thyroid meds but things not working well.

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Re: Lizzie (# 2970) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Lizzie,

My skin is horribly dry. I thought it was my thyroid since I had problems with it years ago. I found out I have eczema. If you haven't been checked for it, you might mention it to your doctor.

Hope things are better with you.


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