Prolia Side Effects (Page 156)
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I would like to know of any side effects others may have experienced after receiving Prolia infusions. Up to now I have none.

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thanks for info on injection in spine, will pass it on to my friend, she,s 84 and desperately needing some relief from the pain, she refused 2nd injection of prolia due to affects, so is hoping for some relief from low spine jab.

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Thanks, have being reading up on it and Figured out it may just be the Prolia, took Boniva for a year the pain in my Hips was awful. Hoped the Prolia would work. I have Osteopina. Not to bad yet but need something to reverse it maybe.

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Deb, if you read the adverse effect information here:


You'll see that it is known to cause joint pain and generally when a medication is known to cause one type of pain, it isn't very surprising that it may also cause other types of pain issues.

You should definitely discuss it with your doctor.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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Started my Prolia 6 month shots in July of 2011. In late Sept. Started have middle back pain coming around under my rib cage in back and around to front on my right side. The pain had let up around Dec.but went back for my next injection and the pain has Started back and nothing makes it go away. Is anyone else having this problem. I go for a follow up the 16th. of Feb. Hopefully The Doctor can give me some answers.

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I have no side effect from the spinal injections and it helps for 3-4 weeks of less pain.Its not going away completely.
My pain specialist wants to go and give me injections in my spine from top to bottom. I'm not sure if I will go ahead with that.

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l have posted before for my friend who had one prolia shot and suffered pain and illness, now nr a year ago and the side effects have decreased quite a bit. In a couple of weeks she goes for the spinal injection for the worsening back pain, along with meds to build the bone up, re pagets, osteo, she,s hoping the spinal jab will help, re susan can you say if and how much the spinal injection helps you, so l can pass the info on, she,s a bit worried over side effects from that, but needs it.

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After the first shot the pain was not so bad, however it got progressively worst. After finding this web site and reading all the reports i was convinced not to have anymore shots.
My pain clinic now has several patients with the same results as I had. I'm now of the shot since September 2011 and hope to start feeling better.

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Susan, I am so sorry to hear this how did they convience you to take the second shot? I was done after the first one. So much pain related to this drug!

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I have been on Prolia since it's approval, Had 3 injections so far and the side effects have been terrible.
Pain throughout my whole body for 1.5 years now.
I have been told not to take it anymore, presently getting injections in my lower back to reduce the pain and also on Endocet pain killers.
I wish I had never started this stuff as had had previously bad side effect from Fosamax and Actonel.
I'm wondering how long it will take before this is out of my system.
I'm 72 years old and hope to have some more years left without the pain.

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I had my first shot of Prolia 7 days ago. since then I have developed small sores on my arms and hands. I have pain in the bones of my arm mostly stabing pains that dont last long but hurt like heck. Severe Upper back pain as well as numbness to the skin where the back pain is. Not sure if it is related but today my ancles swelled up kinda unusual because I take water pills for my blood pressure. I hope the symptoms don't continue to get worse.

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Alexis you are one lucky lady ;-)

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I hope I won't lose my teeth, besides the bloating, the sore throat, the numbness and all the other symptoms that I had and wrote previously are still there,including had some blood in my left ear this morning.

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I had my first Prolia injection in July, 2011. I have had no side effects that I can tell at all. I have osteoporosis, and was on Forteo for 2 years. The Forteo didn't do that much to correct the osteoporosis, and I needed something else. My endo didn't want me on Boniva, or any of the others, but did recommend Prolia. I hope it helps my bones, but haven't had the followup scan to see yet. I suspect the dr. will want to wait a year at least for that to see.

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I took Prolia in October. No problems till day 10. Then I was taking a shower and noticed numbness in my right leg and foot. Didn't really think it was Prolia until next day when it went to other leg and foot, both arms, and tingling around lips. It's January 1st and I am no better. As a mater of fact I got up this morning and my left arm is really numb. I've had a chronic dry cough but never thought anything of it till I read these posts. Also my numbness and tingling are down the inside of my arms and include both my thumbs and index fingers. Both my legs the numbness is down the outside of my legs, and the heels and the big toe and second toes of both feet. It's been 3 months and has not let up at all. I definitely will not be getting my second injection in April

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Now that I quit taking the Prolia I am starting to feel better. I was suppose to take it Oct 24 but refused it.
To all the people that are still taking the drug please talk to your Pharmacist about it. I did and new right away I never should have taken the drug. I have COPD and it just made it worse for me. Please please, talk to your Pharmacists .
Merry Christmas SedonaIV

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I started Prolia July, 2011 after having been on Boniva over 5 years. Started having side effects after one month. These include pain in neck and shoulders,skin irritation,dizzyness,headache and fever,sleep disturbancesand most unusual of all - brown spots od all sizes appeared on my arms and legs. I will not take the second shot and hope my symptoms decline in time.

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I had no side effects with my first shot six months ago. I had my second one five days ago. First my arm was sore then my entire back was very sore which kept me up for the past five nights.I also had a dry chest cough. I am feeling the discomfort slowly lifting. I am too frightened to continue the medication.

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After reading of your problems barbie, so much is simular to my friend jean, she also has ic, that is how l met her, through the ic group. l know about her other health problems, re pagetts and osteo, diagnosed following a fall and broken arm, which led to the prolia,
she also has heamo, hiatus hernia and is coeliac, a few other things, but she has also found difficulty with her swallowing, having to have tiny amounts, feeling that same pressure in the abdomen, which she puts down to the hernia, reflux, and leading to some breathing problems, think much is due to immune problems, as l and others with ic often have other simular conditions,
ibs, rhinitus, skin probs, reaction to penicillin few others,
so it seems as someone posted previously, and common sense l guess, those with immune problems are more likely to have bad reactions to drugs even the well tested ones, which prolia isnt not long term, my friend past her 6 month 7-8 wk ago, she,s not as ill as she was, though her back pain and ability to walk more than a few yards hasnt improved, she is now referred to a pain clinic with a view to getting a spinal injection to help with pain, still waiting till end november. But she always states to me and anyone involved including dr,s she thinks prolia made her worse. l will copy and send latest comments, will def relate to the abdomen prob amongst other symptoms, but she appreciates reading latest. Anyway best wishes to all.

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Well my 6 months are up tomorrow i have been sick this last six months with one thing or another. I will not be taking another shot of this poison.

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Hi, this is Barbie again...More complications from Prolia...(5 Months now)I was told I had walking pneumonia and shown X-rays...was on 4 courses an antibiotic and more steroids....My primary doctor felt she had given me the strongest meds with inhalers and nebulizer and she tried to admit me to the hospital for IV meds and more extensive testing and as she walked me out of her office told me she felt I had heart failure....they couldn't find a bed for me in admitting and sent me to ER....and after waiting for a Doctor on a gurney in ER for 8 hours and original orders for testing changed....I was sent home after being told, they were not familiar with Prolia and it wasn't on there formulary of drugs, and it wasn't posted on my record I had the Drug Prolia and that I had an allergic reaction to it....weeks later I was sent for testing in Pulmonary and only got the one same test my primary gave say the least I was very confused... I also saw a Pulmonologist and her diagnoses was I didn't have pneumonia, I had a Reactive Lung Inflammation to the Drug Prolia. I had an echocardiogram for my heart and now after 18 days, they can't seem to get me the results, telling me they are not in yet....having had IC, interstitial Cystitis, for over 30 years and in remission with meds, I now have severe spasms in my bladder...
The severity of pain in my esophagus and swallowing and extended abdomen is having me see my gastro doc, for an endoscopy.....Plus my teeth are still in pain and I still am not sleeping...the Oral Dental Surgeon has told me the drug will be in my system at least one and a half years and I only had the one injection of Prolia......Thanks everyone for your support....Barbie

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