Prolia Issues And Side Effects (Page 5)
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I am not going to have my next shot of Prolia due 11 June. I have already had two injections and lately have suffered horrible side effects such as terrible constipation, leg and foot cramps, skin rashes, stomach pain,etc.

I also found out that Prolia works by stopping the body's own bone production, causing old bone to become denser. This results in probable fractures due to old brittle bones, Prolia also causes low calcium levels in the blood, a weird side effect seeing it is supposed?to strengthen boned!

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I have now been diagnosed with myopathy; I am exhausted all the time and have painful muscle spasms; had my 3rd shot of Prolia and I more! Never felt so bad in my life!!

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Re: Gracie (# 39) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Gracie,
I was on Prolia a year-and-a-half and the bone density test showed very slight improvement. That was what finally got the doctor to get me off of the Prolia.


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Re: Gracie (# 39) Expand Referenced Message

I had dental issues and Prolia made them so much worse.. and with Prolia, can't do extractions because it's very difficult for jaw bone to heal afterwards per my specialist... so wait until minimum of 3 years... unless you have abscess and need extraction for health reason. Others have done dental work sooner~ I'd assume we are all a bit different but with my tract record, I'll be extra cautious and wait... if I can. My teeth have been so loose with my overall body weakness post Prolia but doing better bit by bit...

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Re: Gracie (# 44) Expand Referenced Message

That is wise. Even if we don't suffer side effects, there is still a chance for fractures, serious dental issues, etc.

It was when I found out that I had spinal fractures that I became frightened and vulnerable, agreeing to take it.

I am treating myself naturally ( see previous Post ). I am not yet due for a DEXA scan, but blood tests indicate that my markers for bone loss are now down.

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I'm so grateful for all these posts. I'm going to follow my hunches and not take Prolia. Perhaps try something else that may have less awful side affects. Anybody take anything else that works?

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Re: Sal (# 40) Expand Referenced Message

I'm afraid to take it because so many people have the same problems you had. Of course the drs say without it you could end up in wheelchair so they scare you.
I'm sure they believe this but I'm not sure I do. Thanks for your post.

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Well said, Anni. It is like remodeling a house on a cracked foundation. Eventually the remodeling will fail.

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I had improvement in bone density but question if the side effects are worth it - these new biologicals haven’t been around long enough to prove they are safe

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Re: Gracie (# 39) Expand Referenced Message

In my experience, I had recovered from major surgery, was finally enjoying life, when I took Prolia. A big mistake !
It took everything out of me. It has been baby steps recovering from it. The pain, weakness, fatigue, itching, brain fog, and I could go on.
Instead, I have explored alternative options such as : anti inflammatory diet, supplements , resistance exercises, yoga, especially Yoga poses for Osteo.

I have not fully recovered, and may never.
Never will I take Prolia, or any other drug

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I'm 80, active, working, etc. and just told I have Osteoporosis. Just recovered from surgery for Ovarian Cancer and finally feel really good again. Dr. wants me to take Prolia and I;m terrified of the side affects. I've had TMJ and dental problems for years and am very concerned, but also worried about not taking something if it can really help bone density. I'm wondering if anyone had improvement in their density in say a year or two?

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It has been 6 mos. and 2 weeks since my last shot of Prolia. I did NOT take the dose due this month. I am STILL experiencing muscle weakness and spasms, including the muscles of my face and head. I am miserable ! It has been my mission to spread the word about the negative effects of this drug.

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Just saw my Endocrinologist, who ordered Prolia. He is supportive of discontinuing it. The good news is that my markers indicating bone loss are low; a very good thing.

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Jan~did your Dr. ever test your immunoglobulins? It is reading to me like you may have a slight case of Celiac Disease. Prolia is a disaster because it brings out things in us that we never knew we had. It's a special blood test that goes to a totally different type of lab than ordinary blood tests. My iGA was 64 which is a HORRID number so my Dr. started working with an immunologist to get me back to 'normal' again. This is one test everyone on Prolia should have in my opinion. It's much better to be safe than sorry. Pood

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Thank you Poodle,

This explains why I can just barely keep my calcium levels in the normal range.

Very much appreciate the info.

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great decision Sal! I follow antiinflammatory diet and yoga as often as I can.

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Also, regarding calcium -- you need to take 600mg three times a day and preferably with an acidic stomach like with orange juice, limeade or lemonade. The acidity breaks down the calcium quickly and that is what we want. Do not exceed that amount or you can go into hypocalcemia which means too much calcium so we need a good balance here. Prolia LOVES calcium and if it cannot get what it wants thru diet and supplements, then it attacks muscles to try to find more and more and more. It's a vicious circle. Pood

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I hadn't attributed the Prolia to my sudden loss of hair. This really explains a lot. So many side effects. As I stated in another post, overall I've guess I've been fortunate to have "mild" side effects but I think I will try another form of treatment, probably holistic.

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I wanted to respond to your comment about how Prolia works. My physician, who was also my oncologist and familiar with Prolia as a drug given to bone cancer patients, explained that it actually works by extracting the calcium out of our blood and depositing it back into our bones to counteract the bone loss created by osteoporosis. This process is why those on Prolia need to supplement our diet with extra calcium. I take 1000mg of bariatric calcium a day. Having said this, I will not take a second inj. due to the side effects. While they were milder than most I've read about, I have experienced constipation which is compounded by the calcium supplements, mild depression, thinning hair, and I also believe a "foggier" mind.

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Yes- my hair loss is ridiculous- I need a wig to hide my male pattern baldness. I look more like my dad now... and I am his daughter!

My constipation is followed by days of loose stool- bloating - gas- and then randomly repeat that cycle.

Brain fog is so frustrating- I also have insomnia and everything noted here triggers my anxiety---

Also weakened muscles which include large muscles, small muscles, weak eyes- weak bladder muscle- I am 18 months post prolia shot-

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I have had high Calcium blood report lately after having 2 shots of Prolia

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