Prolia Issues And Side Effects (Page 4)


I am not going to have my next shot of Prolia due 11 June. I have already had two injections and lately have suffered horrible side effects such as terrible constipation, leg and foot cramps, skin rashes, stomach pain,etc.

I also found out that Prolia works by stopping the body's own bone production, causing old bone to become denser. This results in probable fractures due to old brittle bones, Prolia also causes low calcium levels in the blood, a weird side effect seeing it is supposed?to strengthen boned!

128 Replies (7 Pages)

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Re: Ida (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

Yes- after 5 weeks my hair is noticeably thinning and the loss is increasing daily. It is really awful.

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I'm a 41 year old male. My hair is thinning. So what? Can we put a stop to this constant vanity bickering. So you're losing hair. Guess what... it's called aging.

This crap is always blowing up the posts on here. Get over yourself, and your vanity. Focus on your HEALTH.

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Re: Mason (# 62) Expand Referenced Message

I suppose you are aware that sudden hair loss may be a sign of illness in its own right. I am not referring to male pattern baldness, which may be the cause of thinning hair in men.

You may also be aware that the majority of contributors to this and related threads have been diagnosed with osteoporosis and subsequently are suffering from side-effects of Prolia. The many and varied side-effects reported by contributors include those that are extremely serious and totally debilitating, life-altering, depressing, disfiguring, or just incredibly hard to live with. Hair loss is an issue for many.

My own experience with Prolia is mainly autoimmune issues: a variety of skin issues, massive lethargy and lots more. Then the has been the inability to work coupled with massive expenses for investigations and failed treatments. I have got off very lightly compared to most people.

The poster here mentioned factually that she is suffering hair loss. Most of us do. But how do you think it feels to lose your hair when you are already sick and miserable? Pretty darned depressing, that's what, especially if the anti-itch shampoo is stripping the color out and your skin looks like you are probably contagious with bubonic plague.

That's not my idea of vanity.

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Re: Anni (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I am 55 & high risk but I am terrified by what I have read about side effects. From what I have read it causes the same problems it is supposed to stop... I have been told I could have a fall, break my hip & end up in a wheelchair but this doesn't seem like a great alternative.

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Re: jenjioz (# 63) Expand Referenced Message

I don't have male pattern baldness in that sense. My hair is just thinning. I've never been the most attractive guy so I'm certainly quick to jump on those stricken by vanity. You're all grappling to a dying sense of superiority based upon your looks. It's pathetic.

Your ailments, while unfortunate, have in no way been proven related to Prolia, per se. My mother has terrible osteoporosis and I am quite familiar with it. There are many treatments available. None of which have been proven to be effective. If you want to complain about a drug you have voluntarily taken then rant away.

As far as debilitating, life-altering, depressing, disfiguring, or just incredibly hard to live with side effects.. you have no idea and you sound like an entitled teenager with acne. There are people out there with much, MUCH worse conditions than your symptoms from a drug you chose to take. Spare us your diatribe. No lawyer is going to back you and your "vengeance" falls on deaf ears. There is nothing to prove. Your words mean nothing.

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also low potassium. Some ladies get more calcium than is normal and Prolia makes bones deposit bones where they are not supposed to be and inoperable such as on the bone that holds in the eye, sinus area, top of shoulders near neck and heart. It takes about 3 different surgeons to work on the shoulder/neck bone deposit. Lovely drug and for the life of me I am unable to understand the reasoning for it being released in the first place. It simply was a wonder drug that wasn't. Be well~Pood

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Mason (# 64) --We do not choose to take it. It is forced upon us by our medical community. Look at the side effects which include death. That's something to be concerned about in my point of view. You simply do not know what we are talking about I am sorry to say. Please find a better place to focus your views because males can easily get osteoporosis too. Medical Fact! Be well~Pood

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Re: Mason (# 62) Expand Referenced Message

My understanding of this communication stream is that it is used to report possible side effects of Prolia and provide communal support for those experiencing them. Why are you here?

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Re: Mason (# 62) Expand Referenced Message

Mason, a natural event for a man. Not so natural for a woman. Most women will thin, but not until old age. Young women are thinning due to this drug. Yup, a vanity issue, but also an UNNATURAL event for 40 and 50 year old women. Again. Not natural unless you are male! Possibly, you did not know this?

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Re: Mason (# 62) Expand Referenced Message

You sir, are a troll! The other words I have for you I can't type in this forum. My health issues are not vanity. They are serious and continue to be. I already had a laundry list of health conditions I was dealing with before the Prolia, as many here were as well.

Your kind are not needed or wanted in this forum.


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Mason (# 64) --

Are you a doctor Mason ? By the way you are defending this drug while myself & other people are trying to help each other...l will say no more

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Re: Sharon (# 48) Expand Referenced Message
Muscle spasms with Prolia are very common. The best defense for this is to take a Magnesium supplement if you can tolerate it. One tablet at bedtime. Certain brands of Magnesium can cause diarrhea. Muscles are the only place the human body can have deposits of calcium and Prolia LOVES calcium so straight to our muscles it goes. As it eats the calcium it causes us a lot of pain. Hope this helps you. Do not take liquid filled capsules of it. It has to be in a 'hard tablet form' variety. Be well~Pood

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Laura (# 70) --Mason is simply a troll that got in here by mistake. Hopefully, the moderator will find his posts and remove them. Pood

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Re: Sue (# 59) Expand Referenced Message
Short answer 'yes' because Prolia diminishes our T-cells and T-cell helpers which keep our immune system in tip top shape. Without them to protect us, we are up for everything including cancer because it too is always in our bodies but a healthy immune system kills it before it can cause harm and grow. The same for all infections and viruses. Anyone on Prolia needs to be extra vigilant until the body is back to 'normal' again which seems to vary from person to person. Be well~Pood

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Re: Sal (# 57) Expand Referenced Message

I think a lot of it is the problem reported to the FDA. I had one a week ago and called them and they immediately sent out paperwork and requested photos and that I keep one tablet of the drug on hand for them to examine. This they cannot do with Prolia because it's already injected into us. I don't think they paid much, if any, attention of my problems with Prolia which were many.

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Mason (# 64) --

Well since you are unattractive, that's the reason you are here? You are only an internet troll that needs to be deleted by the moderators.

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Lizzie (# 67) --

It's okay. I just reported him to the moderator. He, with his posts, will soon be out of here. That is why we have the 'REPORT' option on the threads. It's supposed to keep the bad actors out and he certainly is one.

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Nikki (# 69) --

There is an option we have here to keep bad actors out. It's on the thread at the far right labeled REPORT. I used it and suggest the rest of you do too. The Moderators will ask why and we have to tell them. He has not written anything utterly suspect to cause a Moderator to go thru his posts.

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Re: Poodle (# 77) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you, Poodle. I didn't see it.


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Thank you for helping others sceptical about starting this rubbish

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