Prepopik Laxative (Page 14) (Top voted first)


Has anyone in the US used this yet for colonscopy and what did it cost?

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Re: Done (# 287) Expand Referenced Message

I took prepopik and it worked in one hour. I felt like I drank acid. Today is first day after I the procedure and I have gone to the bathroom 3 times this morning it's bright dark yellow clear fluid and you can smell bile which is really strong. I have eaten but not hungry and food comes right out. I'm getting concerned.

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I sucked on a lemon before I took a big gulp (about 4 ounces). Then I sucked on the lemon again (about a 2 ounce gulp thus second time). Sucked on my lemon and finished the rest of the 8 ounces!
Best and easiest prep I've ever had. I cannot take NuLytely or GoLytely at all. Instant vomit!

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I accidentally took the Prepopik packages two hours apart instead of the recommended 5. Will this hurt me and will it hurt my procedure?

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I started Prepopik at 530 pm and second at 10 pm and have had 1 small bowel movement. My colonoscopy is scheduled in 7 hours what should I doing?

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Re: MaVan (# 283) Expand Referenced Message

Yes I'm experiencing the same thing! Eating bland food and taking probiotics. No dairy. Hope it works soon! I'm very tired. Also drinking lots of fluids to stay hydrated.

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How does prepopik taste? Very pleasant! Put iced water in and mixed! I had a slice of lemon to suck on, just in case...this helps too. I found drinking with a straw is helpful..slight aftertaste so best to brush your teeth right after drinking!

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This is my first colonoscopy test and was prescribed Prepopik. I took my first 5oz dose at 4pm. The taste wasn't bad at all. It's just about 5pm and so far nothing. I'lm drinking clear liquids as instructed and my second dose of Prepopik won't be until 2am. I'll keep you informed on its performance and or any problems.

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You are the first person that said they vomited so you probably should use something different. I have friends that threw up some of the others and then they could not get cleaned out. It stands to reason if you are throwing up the prep it is not going to do the job. I would have called the doctor. If you didn't throw up the second dose I would say it was probably anxiety. I think it does work a little slower on some people. I took 2 dulcolax that night since my appt wasn't tiki late the next afternoon. It is the only thing I will use. I can't get the other stuff down. Too much to drink

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I think I would call the doctors office about starting it earlier. There is no reason why you couldn't do that under the circumstances. Everyone's case is a little different. I would want to be done "going" by 2am just to make sure. It works a little slower than some of the others so you want to know you are clear.

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It should be out of your system I don't understand why you would have hade much in you after the procedure. They have to suck out anything that wasn't cleaned out otherwise they can't do a proper procedure as they have to be able to see everywhere. I think I would ask my gastro the same question.

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I have a slow system as it is as many iof us do. I was concerned that it was not working fast enough so I took 2 Dulcolax that night BUT my procedure was in the late afternoon so I knew I would be OK with the extra laxative. Not a good idea if you are having it early. It works on everyone a little differently. If one is concerned eating light for a day or two before might help.

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My doctor did not tell me to take. In fact my doctor had not even heard of this before I brought the info in. He wrote a prescription for it and said "try it". I had read on line that sometimes for people with slow systems it was ok. Dulcolax is used with a number of the preps. Like I said thou my procedure was not till late afternoon. This prep has been used in Canada for years and is really cheap. It has a different name. I am the one that originally started this thread

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Well,since my doctor had never heard of it there wasn't much he could say. It had only been approved in the USA a couple months before I took it. It is not unusual to have Dulcolax as part of the prep though.

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Since there is so little to drink I don't understand why you had trouble drinking it with just water. It doesn't taste bad like the other preps do. Tastes like warm Tang. How do you know it tastes bad if you mixed it with Gatorade from the get go? You should use water and its only about 8 oz's as I remember. Been a while.

Even some of the older preps are pricey. For the extra few bucks I think this is worth it.

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You can't possibly start a prep on the same day as the procedure. It is started the day before. Call your doctor. It takes hours to clean out.

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Try not to won't remember anything. The will sedate you so you will be relaxed. Everyone is scared their first time but the worst part is the prep and you have the easiest one to use.drink a lot of water after you take the prep but do it comfortably. Juice like apple juice is good, nothing with pulp like orange juice. Stay close to the john and try to relax. You'll be fine

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Not usually. It's probably your nerves. By the time you are cleaned out you will just have almost clear liquid coming out. Any little bit left they just suck out. You'll be in twilight sleep by then

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So happy I read yo report im on the throne now. But I'm having a hard time drinking all this liquid. How did u do it?

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Where is everyone at. I need someone

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All what liquid? If you are taking Prepotic there is only a little bit to drink twice ,like 6 oz hours apart and then over the next couple hours 4 glasses of water. If you can't do that one you wouldn't be able to do any of the others which require much more in a shorter time. What are you taking?

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