Precription Drugs Besides Suboxone That Can Show Up On A Drug Test
Updatedi took a drug tesr and it can up positive for suboxone but all i take is abilify and viibrad and a antibotic
3 Replies
Hi Johnny,
Although I haven't located any details confirming the possibility of a false positive for Suboxone from either of those medications, I do have reason to believe that it's still a strong possibility due to the faulty standard drug tests they use today. A lot of these standardized drug tests have a fairly high false-positive response, where it seems as though anything is likely to show up, no matter what you took. To my knowledge, false positives are known to occur on them anywhere from 4 to 50% of the time.
One has to know that it's not the drug that causes the false-positive, but rather, it's their unreliable drug testing equipment that tells them one drug is actually something else. They have the choice to use better drug testing equipment, such as a gas chromatograph mass spectrometer; which has the ability to distinguish the exact substance in question. They just don't use it as often due to costs, so they would rather take the high risk of displaying a misreading than take a few extra dollars out of their pockets.
I would see about getting that type of drug test done on the original sample if at all possible. One site I typically go to when checking for false positives is linked below; however they don't seem to have information on some of the drugs you mentioned:
I hope this advice helps lend a hand to your case!
I took a 12 panel urine drug screen and the results came back positive for suboxone. I have not taken this medication since 9/2011. My dr. prescribes me lortabs and percocets for a broken ankle, and xanax for anxiety. Will any of these meds along with zantac, vitamins, vit b-12, vit d-3, prevacid, prilosec, zpak, nyquil cold meds, and robitussin, plus a migraine medication called bupap cause a positive rsult for suboxone. I dont understand, because I havnt taken it. If anyone knows the answer to this question, please let me know. Thank you so much. I dont want to lose my dr. over a positive drug screen for suboxone when I didnt take that medication. Thanks again!
I recentlyhad a urine drug test for probation and came up positive for morphine. I am prescribed oxycontin and oxycodone, gabapentin, valium, paxil, and remron. I haven't taken morphine or, as accused, heroin. Can I come up falsely positive for morphine from my meds I am prescribed?
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