Plavix And Leukemia (Page 2) (Top voted first)
UpdatedIs there a connection? My husband received 2 stents, one in October 2008 and a medicated one in November 2008. He was then placed on Plavix. In November 2009 he was diagnosed with AML leukemia, he passed away 6/2010 at the age of 56. There was no obvious reason for him to get leukemia, it is rare for someone that young to have AML. We know that his heart disease was genetic. He was very health conscious, always ate healthy, exercised and was in great physical condition. I have read little tidbits about Plavix causing bone marrow damage and am wondering if there are other Plavix patients that have or had Leukemia. Thanks, Chris
My husband has been taking plavix for about 6 years and has recently been diagnosed with MDS (Raeb-2). We also think its all because of Plavix.......( he is 70 trs. old).
My husband was diagnosed with AML after taking plavix for about a year and a half. He was diagnosed in October and died in December. Something has to be done about this. There are too many cases such as this. Is there a legal suit? I would be interested in stopping this drug from being dispensed.
Please let me know of a law firm that believes there is a direct correlation between plavix and aml leukemia. I can not believe the legal case regarding talcum powder. Why is nothing done about Plavix....? In addition he had cerebral hemorrhaging, etc.??? Please respond. My husband died in December 2015.
Please let me know how we can get this information out to the public to see how many other patients were on Plavix and were then diagnosed with MDS or AML leukemia. Every lawyer that I have spoken to and believe you me there are quite a few the focus is not on the leukemia just the bleeding. I believe there are many people who have gone through this and are still going through this. What other forum can be used to get added input?
My husband had the actual drug Plavix for about 6 months. After it was taken off patent he was given generic Plavix. The Supreme Court ruled that a generic pharmaceutical drug company can not be litigated against. Therefore there is no way an attorney will take the case. I am writing everyone. Congressman , newspapers, etc because this decision has to be reversed. Be mindful that 80 percent of drugs dispensed are generic.
It is imperative that we report the seriousness of Plavix or its generic Clopidogrel. The FDA takes suspected adverse drug experiences seriously and encourage you to submit a report to the FDA's MedWatch Program on your relative's behalf. This is the FDA program for reporting serious adverse drug events. You can report directory to MedWatch via the internet. You can find a link to the voluntary reporting form by going to the MedWatch homepage [] click on the red "Report a Problem" tab and then click on Consumer Patient tab found on the right side of the page. Alternatively, you can download the appropriate paper reporting form [found at] and either fax it to 1-800-FDA-0178 or mail it to the address indicated on the form. Please get the message out to them. There is a definite correlation between Plavix and Leukemia!!
There have been very rare cases of Leukemia reported in people using Plavix, however, the percent of occurrence has been less than 1%, so there has never been anything to definitively tie it to the usage of Plavix, but the suspicions are there. Therefore, proving it would also be a very difficult undertaking.
While it is rare for it to strike someone his age, it has happened and in a much greater percentage than the 1% associated with using the medication.
I am very sorry for your loss, losing someone so young is especially tragic.
Is there anything else I can help with?
Thank you
My dear friend and neighbor was on Plavix for just under 2 years. In that time, her doctor never did a complete blood count, and apparently this isn't recommended by the drugs manufacturer. She was diagnosed with AML and died four months later. She went from feeling wonderful on Monday, to exhausted and sick on Wednesday. On Thursday, she saw the dr., entered the hosp. and was sent home to hospice care a week later. I'd demand regular monitoring of labs if I was on this drug.
Thank you for your response KM. You are correct, blood counts should be required. Ihope this discussion will be helpful to many readers. I want people to be aware that leukemia might be a possible side effect of Plavix.
I'm not sure if Plavix causes leukemia or not. One thing I would be concerned about is the radiation from a CT angiography. That's the imaging tests doctors use when they place a stent in a person's artery. The radiation level, the actual absorbed dose, is 50-100 mGy.
That is a HUGE AMOUNT OF RADIATION! To put it in perspective, there are 3 radiation "dose ranges" in the Hiroshima A-bomb study aka LSS study and 100 mGy is the HIGH range. Many of those people died of leukemia.
When you hear a CT scan is a small dose, and the measurement is given in mSv, that is their estimation of the EFFECT of the radiation, not the actual dose you receive. The dose you actually receive, given in mGy is much higher. Effective dose aka mSv is just an arbitrary value, a s.w.a.g. that the ICRP came up with to be able to market CT as a low dose procedure to people and make them feel safe. The mSv dose is just made up! It's a lie to make you feel better. What really tells you the dose from a CT scan, the true dose, is the CTDIvol, which is always given in mGy. Always ask for a cd copy of your imaging tests, it should have your dose report showing how much radiation you received. That way you can keep track of your cumulative dose and it will show the CTDIvol for every scan. CTDIvol is closer to the measurement used by LSS cohort studies on Hiroshima to actually determine a person's risk, NOT the effective dose given in mSv. Again, that is their way of minimalizing the risk to you to make you feel safe. People need to be aware of how much radiation these scans truly put out.
Very interesting. Thank you for the great information!
My mother's situation is a repeat of your husband's experience. She received 2 stents in May 2008 and was given Plavix. She stayed on the drug for more than 2 years. This past week she was diagnosed with myelodysplastic syndrome or MDS a precursor to AML. Her blood count is down to 4 and she is expected to die soon. She is now in a nursing home because she is so weak she can't do anything.
I don't understand why her low blood count was not found before now. Three weeks ago she was going up and down stairs and doing her own laundry. Does anyone know of a lawsuit? I am so angry. I had been doing research into some of the drugs I take for my high blood pressure and high cholesterol and already am angry with the drug companies. Zocor has destroyed my short-term memory. I am looking for more natural means to treat disease and prevent it. I no longer have faith in the drug companies and FDA to protect us. In Europe and China they use herbs and natural substances to treat disease. The drug companies are so powerful here.
My mom is 73 yrs. old. She had two stents put in. This was in 2009. She has been on Plavix since. Two weeks ago she had bloodwork and her platelet count was low. She was told to stop Plavix. Next week she has an appointment with an oncologist. She never felt right while taking it.
I have tried posting my email address but this site won't let me. Try searching for the same info on Topix. People have been able to contact me through that posting---Chris Hill
Thanks Pat. Keep in touch.---Chris
Pat, are you on Facebook? I would love to speak to you regarding the lawfirm that believes there is a connection to Plavix and AML.
I am on Facebook, Ruth Brock, and you can message me thru my page. Would love to hear what you have discovered with your research. Thanks, Ruth
My mom was 70 yrs old and had been on Plavix because of a stroke 9 yrs ago. She was very active and had been babysitting for me in Sept when she felt shortness of breaths... she went to hospital where they found blood clots in her lungs and the bloodwork revealed AML in Blast Crisis... she died 3 days later. She had all of her blood work done in June and it showed nothing abnormal... I'm so sad and angry... and keep asking myself... WHY?
I am so sorry. I wish I had some answers for you but I do not. I believe now more than ever that plavix is the cause. Please keep checking this site and other plavix message boards for any updates that may come up. Best wishes, Chris
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