Plavix And Leukemia (Page 2)
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Is there a connection? My husband received 2 stents, one in October 2008 and a medicated one in November 2008. He was then placed on Plavix. In November 2009 he was diagnosed with AML leukemia, he passed away 6/2010 at the age of 56. There was no obvious reason for him to get leukemia, it is rare for someone that young to have AML. We know that his heart disease was genetic. He was very health conscious, always ate healthy, exercised and was in great physical condition. I have read little tidbits about Plavix causing bone marrow damage and am wondering if there are other Plavix patients that have or had Leukemia. Thanks, Chris

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My father was on Plavix for 1 yr after a stent placement. He had been off Plavix for almost 1yr and was diagnosed with MDS in Feb 2015. It rapidly turned into AML and just passed away in April. My father was the most active, healthy 81 yr old. no other risk factors except age. Hiked, Biked, Skied all winter and played tennis 2 times a week as well as a very healthy diet. I definitely think Plavix played a roll and I will not be surprised in several years that this drug will be pulled.

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Keep us informed on what is happening with your CLL. Best wishes to you--Chris

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Hi Chris,
Thank's for getting back to me so quick. My Doc. felt the Plavix was not doing anything for me. I was taking it for blod clot prevention after my stents were put in. I have 13 stents and the last one was put in 7 years before I stopped the Plavix.

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Hi Chuck, I have not heard of that happening with Plavix but I have not heard of somerone being taken off it so abruptly. I wonder what his reason was? I am sorry to hear about the CLL. I pray that you will be able to beat it! Thanks for writing on the board---Chris

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I started taking Plavix in 1990 for stents. 22 years later my cardiologist decided to stop the Plavix abruptly. A month after stopping Plavix I was covered with a rash that would not go away.2 months after stopping Plavix my fingers were turning blue and very painful. I had no circulation in my hands and almost lost my fingers. Shortly after that I lost all circulation in my right foot and had to have it amputated. During all this I was diagnosed with CLL leukemia. I believe the Plavix caused the CLL. And stopping it so abruptly caused all the other problems. Has this happened to anyone else who stopped the drug?

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Lisa, You are right! I hope everyone that reads this message board has or does report their case...Please!

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That's because allot of people are not reporting it, my mother died of very low hemoglobin she bleed, she took Plavix had anemia doctor ne3ver said anything, my dad has Leukemia he has been taking plavix for 22 yrs. Plavix side affects are dangerous.

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I'm sorry to hear about your Mom and wish you both the best. This boggles my mind. My Dad Is in a similar position. They had him on Plavix for years and last year he stopped it on his own. Now he's been diagnosed with MDS and has significantly low platelets and red blood cells. I suspect this was caused by the Plavix. Are there any legal suits? This drug should come off the market.

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Oh my gosh Janet. I am so sorry. I hope her doctor can find a different med to put her on. Please keep us informed. You are in my prayers, as is everyone on this site.

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HI Jody,
Our stories are very similar. I keep hoping they will pull that drug off the market. Thank you for sharing your story.---Chris

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My mom had a stent put in on October 2013. She went to the doctors and had a blood test. The blood test showed that she had a benign Leukemia. We are going to take her to another doctor to have her tested. My mom was put on Plavix. Ever since she was placed on Plavix by her heart doctor. She has been going down hill. She has rapid weight loss, nose bleeds, having problems breathing and now signs of Leukemia. Before my mom had a Stent put in, she was 100% healthy all blood tests were normal. I believe Plavix has definitely given my mom Leukemia. It's very scary to see a healthy normal person wither away to losing over 20 pounds in two weeks. Short term and long term, Plavix is giving patients Leukemia, why are they prescribing this drug to normal healthy people? Someone needs to do something about this. Plavix needs to be taken off the market. Instead of this drug helping people, it's killing people. It's killing healthy people. I'm wondering if the Government has something to do with this drug in eliminating the population of people with heart disease. It's 10 months that my mom is taking Plavix. My whole family is very upset by this. I don't want to see my mom died. How are we going to help my mom survive?

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My husband was 46 when he had a blockage in his heart and was placed on palvix and asprin for over four years. He was very active; worked out every day, ate the right foods etc. A few months after he turned 50 we found out he had MDS, which is pre-leukemia. In a matter of weeks it turned in to AML even with chemotherapy treatments. After numerous blood and platelet tranfusions, chemo treatments, biopsies, and a bone marrow transplant (along with other tortuous treatments and tests) my husband died almost a year later. December 2013. He had a family history of heart disease but no known history of cancer in his family. We were asked numerous times by oncologists if he was on a blood thinner but no one would acknowledge it could be from the plavix.
I have read that a very low percentage of people could get leukemia due to taking plavix but even if it is just one or two it is too many especially if it is your loved one.

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Wow! I am so glad you are still here! And, glad you are are doing well. That is amazing that your cell coount went up so much after you quit the plavix. I don't what it will take before the doctors start to look at this issue! Thank you for your comments!---Chris

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I took generic plavix after medecaided sent for 7months......I felt sick my wbc 6.9 went to.1 the doc said it was not plavix so I took my self off and went up to 5.0 he said I was going to die ....I take one whole asprin I'm still here and it was the left widow maker the buy stock on this meds

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Make sure to ask a lot of questions. And find out if there is another medication available that you could use. Gods Blessings to you.

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iHad a stent put in Feb 30 2013 when i left the hospital my wbc were 6.9 2weeks later they are 3.4 on plavix now 8months later 3.1 I told doctor if i can get off plavix he said you want to die. ?..eather way i can die...

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Tank you Chris for answering my post. I just got the bloodwork results yesterday afternoon and being Friday it was too late to do anything. First thing Monday I am dropping my bloodwork off at my hematologists office. I get IV iron infusions every other week. My heart goes out to everyone who has lost a loved on because of this poison Plavix. It's a shame we are kept alive by something that can eventually kill us. Makes no sense. My best to all of you and you are in my prayers. Sue

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Hi Sue,
I would never want you to stop taking the med without talking with your doctor but I would like you to find answers to explain your white count and the way you are feeling. Kee after thise doctors girl! Good Luck. Thank you for the prayers.

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Hi I had a tear in the LAD artery of my heart and an 80% blockage in Oct 2012. I have felt horrible since starting it and 81mgs of aspirin. I have days I can barely get up and do anything. I had bloodwork done and my white blood count is starting to drop. I am going to get off Plavix since reading these posts my cardiologist said I would be on it for the rest of my life. No way. I am praying for all of you and hope my bloodwork doesn't mean it's too late to fight this poison they have given us.

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Hi James... I am so sorry to hear this. I wish someone would listen to us. I believe that the plavix is altering the bone marrow and allowing Leukemia to grow. I have no medical background but there sure seems to be a connection to me. Good luck with your fight. Never, Never, Never give up and keep praying.

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