I found a pill and not quite sure what it is. I think it may be an antibiotic, but could be a form of Vicodin. It is oblong and white, but it is bigger and says GG N7. If anyone knows, please share with me. Thanks.
oblong white pill line in the middle one sde g 21 other side blank
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jamie Says:
oblong white pill line in the middle one g 21 vother side blank
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sic ric Says:
oval white pill PVK500 / 66-950 and a oval pill with Z3007
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autumn Says:
tiny round white waton one one side and 241 over1 i think,also large ovalpill w/ PD157 on one side and 40 on the other,also tiny blue pill w/ a 4 on one side and 6 letters way to tiny to read coulod start w/ an A,V or I it has six sides
4211 witha score thru it on the bottom is a cursive v
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Verwon Says:
93 089 is Sulfamethoxazole 800mgs and Trimethoprim 160mgs DS tablets. This is a generic for Septra and also sold under several other brand names and generics. It is a combination of two antibiotics, it is used to treat severe infections such as those that might occur in the urinary tract or intestines.
white oblong tablet nothing but scored line on front 93 089 on back
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Verwon Says:
NL 703
This is Guaifenesin 800mgs, Pseudophedrine 80mgs, this is an over the counter cold remedy, used to help treat cough and congestion.
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Verwon Says:
PGN 150
This is a fairly new drug on the market, it is called Lyrica (Pregabalin), this is the 150mg Capsule. It is used primarily to treat some forms of never pain, such as that associated with diabetes. These types of meds are not narcotic pain relievers, but often act on the same parts of the brain that cause pain, however they do not work for everyone.
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Kyleen Kirby Says:
white pill that is rectangle and says NL 703
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nathan raum Says:
the pill is white capsule that says pfizer PGN 150
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jeremyjohn Says:
if u need a pill I'D just call -*671800-222-1222(24hr poison control give a fake name and address tell them u found it in your son/daughters room & were wondering what it is/for