Phlogam Tablet Is For What Purpose? (Top voted first)
UpdatedPhlogam is a light yellow round tablet, what is the purpose of it?
phlogam details and what is use?
I have been prescribed Phlogam. I have lymphoedema on the left leg. I had knee replacement on the left knee in 2008 In October 2008 was hit bya car and have a 9 inch plate and screws on the leg. The swelling is now increasing esp near the ankle. Is this the right medication
What is phlogam?
My doctor has prescribed this medicine to use it.therefore I would like to know the details.
phlogam is a uniqe synergestic combination of bromelain , trypsin, and rutoside trihydrate,
Phlogam helps in first phase of inflamation, and faster onset of action superior efficacy, phlogam has fibrinolytic and thrombolytic activity, phlogam also helps in removal of celleular debris . ,
I had duedonal ulers for about three years and intense burning in the mouth. When I was operated after a car accident which followed a knee replacement I was in rehabilitation for three months and was given pain killers. The burning in mouth has now increase and have small ulcers on tongue. I wwas told to continue Pantocid and take Provicad -40 tablets and Rebagen 60 tabs but burning still continues. taking precaution in my diet
What is the use of phlogam i have swelling on my right leg near by foot is it useful to reduce swelling?
All three of these are enzymes. The closest product in US is wobenzym. Wobenzym actually contains enzymes which boost your immune system and this make your body respond faster to inflamations. So this medicine is givein in case of Injury for faster recovery.
any othr substitute for tablet phlogam
details about phlogam and its constituents
I have been given This tablet by My doctor i have problem of some small tumour under my arm , so alongwith Augmentine 625Duo , this is given , i would like to know the details of this drug..
My doctor prescribed it for Perichondritis after an infection due to high ear cartilage piercing .
Hai frnd's i m deepak. Phlogam is a product of Aksigen hospital care company and Aksigen is under collaboration with Bsv life sciences inc. USA, and i am the territory manager in Aksigen hospi. Care. If anybody want any information about phlogam, i most welcom.
It works as a wound heeler.also available ENZOMAC in the market. marketed by Macleods pharmaceuticals.packing is available with decikater.
please tel avlble in india or not
Thanks for the detailed information. It was very useful.
frnd, this problem have last 6 month , but no one doctor find out exact problem. now swelling is continuosly on face. kindly suugest
Dr I have problem with ED and early discharge. my age is 42 yrs. Rest I am okay. my father suffers from type 2 diabetes and mom Suffering from bp.
Sorry, this is not something available in the US and I cannot find any information on it.
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