Phentermine Anyone Have Strange Side Effects? (Page 17) (Top voted first)


I just started taking this medicine for weight loss. I am having hot flashes and cold chills, terrible headache and a tingly head. I feel awful. Has anybody taken this and had the same reaction? If so did it pass after a few days? Gotta say this...I am not ever hungry! Like to hear from anyone that has taken this med. Thanks :)

355 Replies (18 Pages)

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Re: Deana (# 184) Expand Referenced Message

Absolutely. I suck on my teeth constantly to the point I now have 3 loose teeth, a sore tongue and my teeth and gums hurt and are swollen

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I’ve been taking phentamin for about a year. Severe hair loss and swollen prostate are my side effects, any thoughts?

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Re: Peter (# 27) Expand Referenced Message

I also am experiencing bad taste and smell. Was looking all over the net to find if it's something in my home or just in my head. My heart rate is high and hard to breathe. I took this product in 2019 and didn't have this many problems. I definitely will discontinue taking it. It does work and I lost 8 lbs in one week, just not worth putting my health at risk with all the side affects.

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Re: J (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

Yes I have the same symptoms. I have also found it hard to get and maintain an erection. Also reaching orgasm is so hard to achieve.

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I have been using Phentermine 37.5mg pills since last week and have started observing a bit of loss in my body weight but I am also facing some major issues that are ruining my day. Whenever I try to eat anything I do not feel like eating it due to which the energy level of my body is decreasing. According to the Diet Plan booklet sent with the pills, I am drinking a lot of water but it's not really helping out. Can anyone offer any suggestions? Also, I have been feeling like I'm a bit drugged which is affecting my work. Is there anything that will nullify this effect?

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Re: Deana (# 184) Expand Referenced Message

I have the same side effect and it also is driving me crazy! Have not found a solution!

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Re: J (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

samething happen to me, year ago when i was taking phenteemine, when i went to use the restroom, strong pain in my testicles area and then semen leakage.. i stop taking the pills and everything was normal after that..

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Re: Micki (# 40) Expand Referenced Message

Yes! I've been talking them for a month and a half and I smell this often. I just looked this up to see if I was the only one, and I found this.

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Just started taking Phentermine today. And the dosage does go higher than 30. I'm on 37.5.

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IS phentermine 37.5 present in Delhi, India . I want to buy it please help

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I just started Phen yesterday, I took it ten years ago with good results but came down with thyroid issues three years ago and gained weight due to that. Trying Phen again and this is day two. Hot and cold flashes, cold hands and feet as well as headache and insomnia. Restless energy with anxiety but waiting a few days to see if I adjust which most people do. How is everyone doing that started it this month?

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Yea.... Since the medication acts like dieuretic, I expect that's one of the things you can count on. I have a glass of water all the time and I still have that problem as well.

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I'm a 31/F. Heaviest weight: 250, current weight: 200, goal weight: 175. I always take my pill within an hour of waking up. The biggest problem I had was the dry mouth, but as long as you drink TONS of water, amount of water you should at least consume: (your weight) / 2= minimum amount of oz of water you should drink a day, it shouldn't be too terrible. For those of you with having trouble sleeping, take half the pill and see how that affects your sleep, and if you still are able to control the hunger, if it works just take half the pill and DON'T take the other half throughout the day. Another thing I found is I'm much more jazzed to stay busy, which I think helps me sleep (I don't have a problem sleeping, some days I stay up a little later than others but that's more to a 2 year old running around problem. lol). I work out, by push mowing half an acre of grass, ride my bike several times a week with a toddler trailer connected up and down hills for several miles, and heavy weight lift 2-3 times a week. I've lost 50 lbs in 8 months (and only actually been applying myself to taking it everyday in the past 4 months).
Another trick my DR said to do is after I feel I'm "stuck on a plateau" to go off the pill for a week or so and still watch my intake during that time, then go back onto the pill, and it should help boost that weight loss. I need to lose another 50 to be at my "BMI ideal weight" but honestly I'd be extremely happy at another 20-30 because then I'd be back at my high school weight.

As for the manufacturer/different pills aspect...ABSOLUTELY!

Wal-Mart is who I have always taken the Tablet from, for some reason they were on back order for an indeterminate amount of time, found out that WalGreens and Wal-Mart use the same manufacturer/distributor so I had to go to CVS. Those were a waste of my time and money. At Wal-Mart their generic is elongated oval (not very oval but more elongated) and many blue specks, CVS is nearly a 1/3 smaller and very oval shaped with less blue specks. I usually only have to take 1/2 of Wal-Marts generic and it last me all day (and on busy days I will take a whole pill) with no grumbly tummy. CVS pill I was getting the grumbly tummy within hours and it gave me no boost whatsoever, that was me starting out at half, then taking a whole pill and still having that problem. So that tells me right there that CVS' distributor is not a quality product pusher and I paid nearly $10 more through CVS than at Wal-Mart (which I pay usually anywhere from $12-$16/30 days, I don't know why it varies month to month). I called my doctor and told them this and they cancelled my remainder refills through CVS and reissued them back to Wal-Mart once they were back in stock.

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yep started it 2 days ago and i have all that plus like 6 more side effects.i feel like i'm going to have a heart attack at times and i only take 2 a day.

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Hey there I enjoyed reading your blog, I'm a 31/f I am weighing in at 312, been taking the pills for about 2 weeks & I'm still having the desire to eat like crazy..I have taken this pill before & lost crazy weight before. .I wasn't nearly my current weight, I have boost up my water in take along with taking a tea to make me relieve more waste, I'm taking 37.5 & some days I take half. .do you know of anything I could be doing wrong..i need to see at least 10 a week disappear..

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You have to stay hydrated, I would suggest Propel for the hot flashes.

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I am new to Bend... can anyone tell me where I can get some prescribed. What Dr I can go to or anything?

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I just started my second round of Phen 37.5 yesterday and I am also on Topamax for migraines. I am just wondering if anyone else has taken these two together? I looked it up online and the only thing I could find was that the two together speed up weight loss. Either way, I want to keep taking the Topamax but I don't want to die, haha. I am weird about medications...Also, it seems like the second time around, once again I am dealing with horrible headaches...anyone found a "cure" for this yet?? :o)

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Hi I just started today an I took a1/2 an i feel like danceing I'm at work but i have a head ache should i keep going or stop? can someone tell me please.....

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I read at one medical forum that people who take Phentermine may have problems with digesting? Is it true?

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