Pharmacist Refusing To Fill My Script Of Suboxone. What Do I Do??? (Page 10)


I wet to my doc 7 days early because of running out early. I took my new script to pharmacy and said, this is early so I won't be using insurance. My doc said you can call him if necessary. Well no one wanted to. They filled two per day for three days. On the third day I asked to fill the rest on insurance for the next day. I was one day early. When I called the next morning to have my daily two filled the pharmacy manager said no we won't be filling it for another 5 days. Go to the ER for your withdrawals but don't come here because I won't give it to you. Has this happened to anyone else????

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Just wanted to reply or comment on how the ER Doctors treat Chronic pain pt. very disrespectful as if we are one of the bad apples. Lying to them and we ate drug users when we are forced to go to hospital due to the Pharmacies are not capable to refill our long time prescription. I have heard every excuse in the on why no refill and the when then the Pharmacists working for large chains of stores become very rude and dishonest on excuses why no refill and treat you like a street drug addict too. This is one of the most degrading, disrespectful humiliating, abuse given time over refill prescription. I have been yelled/talked to as if I was a low down dirty street drug abuser asking for free drugs to feel high. I would never dream I would be forced to endure this in this day and time just to get proper meds. It's discrimination. I'm a paying customer with insurance and at last minute being ohh we are out at Pharmacy and didn't know we will get in...Tell me just go to ER...You go there and upset why should you have to, be nice to know before they didn't have your meds but pharmacy refuse to advise you until day before refill. Get to ER and the Doctor talks and treats you same way. Your Doc has gone home no one to call so your sick and hurting really bad while being verbally abused more...How horrible these medical workers are to do this just because they can. Medical staff should not perform that job or have license to perform if they get some satisfaction of abusing sick patients. All the while I never provoke are start the abuse because what good would it do and I don't believe in being disrespectful to anyone. We don't have change who we are just because of these rude and down right out cruel individuals. This issue along with refills for those that really need and depend on these meds for their life.

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Well said CHRISSY! You really do have to see things from their side sometimes.. And yes,we all know why it is like this.... THANK YOU DRUG ADDICTED LOSERS! Now don't get me wrong, I love the way my meds make me feel sometimes, and you wanna know what? I EARNED the right to feel like this! So please, save the bulls h I t "oh you're part of the problem" ect... I have NEVER been part of ANYBODYS problem...just a quick comment from a slightly itchy,slightly elevated individual... HOUSE!

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Don't wait around till your out of meds next time. Make SURE your DR. knows whatever dose you'd been taking wasn't holding you. Work it out before the door slams on your thumb!! I'm a Tennessee Bail/Fugitive Recovery Agent...and a Certified Addiction Specialist that privately works in Opioid Addiction...seeing that 75% of the folks I seem to bail out have drug issues/charges. I have to take pain meds due to an auto accident I had and usually once a year I wean myself off for the summer months. If you REALLY want to do can to. And during the winter, I'm on the meanest my Dr. can prescribe, I'm also the only one that comes to him on an as needed basis, but he also knows why too. You've got to keep things in perspective, don't wait till your scripts are out...BE HONEST WITH THE DR...And I do mean your one and only, Pain med Dr. Dr. Shopping will get your ass behind bars with felonies so fast....

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?!?!? Wtheck? Reply to mean--nothing i said?

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You MUST talk to your Dr. BEFORE the prescription runs out!! Don't wait till the last day and then scream about it. If they must, cut BACK on what you had left. The one guy this entire system of messages have come from is exhibiting over-usage AND drug seeking behavior. There are some pharmacies that could have kept the prescription, and called the Dr. if they feel drug seeking behavior is exhibited. Course it'd be hard to do seeing as the Dr. wrote the script himself...less it was a refill. Tennessee's gotten RIDICULOUS over this sorta s***. If a Dr. writes the scrip, and the patient says he's run out or the script has been changed....the Pharmacist should just fill it and keep their opinions to themselves...or that's MY opinion...especially with the way people take or steal people's drugs and such now days.

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So sorry House...i misinterpreted (must be the drugs Lol...& then it sent to soon. Ignore prior scrambled message!

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Suboxone is not made to treat Methadone. Suboxone is a agonist/antagonist..Methadone is a full on Agonist, Schedule II, Synthetic Opioid, that's used for both opioid addiction, and pain management. It was originally created by Nazi Scientists in 1943 for treatment of pain, for the Allies had cut off their Poppy sources...and they called it Para-Codeine...

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Especially seeing that Opioid Addiction is now looked at as Chronic Medical Condition..
And Pharmavists, are NOT M.D.s....I don't care WHAT they think. Some of them let it get to their heads that they CONTROL the situation...Withdrawals and misery, or give him or her their meds. Bungholes...

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Especially seeing that Opioid Addiction is now looked at as Chronic Medical Condition..
And Pharmacists, are NOT M.D.s....I don't care WHAT they think. Some of them let it get to their heads that they CONTROL the situation...Withdrawals and misery, or give him or her their meds.

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Buprenorphine is a semisynthetic opioid derivative of thebaine. It is a mixed partial agonist opioid receptor modulator that is used to treat opioid addiction in higher dosages, to control moderate acute pain in non-opioid-tolerant individuals in lower dosages and to control moderate chronic pain in even smaller doses.[3] It is available in a variety of formulations: Cizdol, Subutex, Suboxone, Zubsolv, Bunavail (available as buprenorphine HCl alone or buprenorphine and naloxone HCl (see buprenorphine/naloxone); typically used for opioid addiction), Temgesic (sublingual tablets for moderate to severe pain), Buprenex (solutions for injection often used for acute pain in primary-care settings), Norspan and Butrans (transdermal preparations used for chronic pain).[4]

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No, you are reading it wrong! I have a hard time filling oxycodone and dilaudid at the local chain pharmacy's. They do treat you like a street thug! I'm not talking about filling early either...I'm talking the day I was released from the hospital with a neck brace and hospital tag on my wrist?

Tired of hearing ahhh, we're out, but will have some next Tuesday....or well, we only have 70 of your 180 script...ok can I get the remaining 110 next week. No, you'll need another Rx from your doctor. It is ridiculous!! They get you hooked, collect as much $$ and then kick you to the curb!

I consider myself lucky!! I've been through @ 7 surgeries in the past 15 years and I always get off the meds ASAP. I've been on for 2-3 years & get off for a couple years...round & round we go???

Cannabis does help me with minor pain management - a great fill-in for when I stop using opiates.....good luck all....I know it's a challenge every day!!

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Lol....oh ok,I thought it was some kind of code...T.C...H

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Yes been to ER for Pain. Meds I must take having a pain pump just taken out of my body. I got no warnings. Just a bunch dishonesty and stories that did not make sense and when I questioned anything I got rudeness and was dismissed from the store. Now to date I have never been rude or disrespectful..but boy have these Pharmacies employees and most Pharmacists when questioned have treated me poorly in public. Would have been nice to be warned make arrangements for pets and I'm a care giver for my mother now because lack of family ect.Quite frankly I just got out after 60 days with MRSA from pain pump removal operation fighting for my life. I dont want to go back. Same response "go to the ER" and this would happen on the weekend .Uhgg..!.The day before they would say come back tomorrow. its all okay and then tomorrow would be Saturday knowing can't get much done and I would get caught with the we don't have any of your prescriptions meaning both of them in stock and don't know when. You can't see your Doctor. here goes one game " Go to the ER " Guess how the ER treats you there? It's not good at all and the Doctor there at ER has said to me on one visit..".Sure they told you to come here" In a very sarcastic way...Blew my mind since I was new to all of this game playing with lives and these Medical professionals seem to think it's funny, well withdrawals are NOT funny

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I had a very rude pharmacist for years at my local Walgreens, then I discovered a small mom and pop pharmacy next door to my pain management building. Never any attitude, fills my script for morphine, norco etc. every 28 days no problem. Get away from the chain stores, they don't have a clue what it's like to deal with chronic pain!!! It's a shame how they treat us as customers. Same copay and much, much better service!!!Go small business!

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I could NOT have said this better myself! Please people, don't put up with a lot of rude, condescending,no it all jerks!!REMEMBER.....,they ultimately work for YOU AND I!!

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Chrissy, if you were "What the hecking" me, I apologize..I was talking to somebody bad..

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I have done that. Just last week I was 6 days early so I paid cash for the 6 days. They had to call my doctor and he told them it was ok. On the 5th day I called to get them filled and the store filled them. CVS and walmart would have never did that.

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What pharmacy does that? I'm on Duragesic and Dilaudid...go to Walgreens, and I'd probably slap someone for acting a Pharm God...but they know I'm a Bail Agent, and always fill my scripts later than the very first day they can get them filled. In also a Certified Addiction Specialist working in Opioid Addiction. When your there, early the first day you can fill them after calling and bothering them...THATS drug seeking behavior. They can report that to your Drs. Just letting you know!!!

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Totally agree, i always mix it up...dont really run short but dont like waiting until the last minute...but i will Intentionally wait if im having a good month...& go on 30/31 day another time if i need on 28 it wont be prob!

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House that is where you are wrong, they do not work for us and you as you put it, first of all they work for them self then they work for the store.. definitely they do not work for you, besides by law they do have the right to refuse you your meds, especially when they see you are trying to get them before the due date, that is what gives them the idea that you are abusing your meds, if you have rough days then talk to your doctor explain that at times you might take another pill and ask if maybe instead of 30 if he can prescribe 35 for those days and that way you should not have any problems with your pharmacist. I've been on pain meds narcotics for over 5yrs and i used to have same problem with insurance not approving meds or anyother reason that at times i would go 1month without my meds. Then one day i was referred to a pharmacy names IWP since then I have no worries, i overnight the prescription in there provide prepaid envelope's and they overnight my meds to me by ups at my door. They handle all the paper work after one thing is they will not let you go without your meds. I give them a 10 for there cust service and there pharmacist which are all awesome.

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