Petition - Stop The Dea From Interfering With Chronic Pain Patients. (Top voted first)
UpdatedI had signed an old petition "Stop the DEA from interfering with chronic pain patients and their medical professionals." and wanted to see if you could help by adding your name. Our goal was to reach 100 signatures and we need more support. * Update * this petition has been closed. Thanks!
The DEA is certainly scrutinizing Pain Management doctors and the types, quantities and frequency of the Opiate based medications they are prescribing, however it IS STILL the doctor's call. There are NO restrictions currently placed on this, except those that have always been in place. And because a small percentage of pain management doctors were negligent in their practices, leading to deaths from Opiate overdoses and arrested and prosecuted, especially in Florida, where I'm from, doctors are so afraid some of their patients may abuse and possibly overdose and die, that they choose to not prescribe any narcotics. Patients who suffer from legitimate moderate to severe pain are paying the price for this. There will always be people that abuse drugs, whether they obtain them legally or illegally. Doctors should treat each patient based on their individual needs and history and stop assuming that everyone they prescribe Opiods to are going to abuse them. If there is no history of abuse, then don't convict me of something I'm not guilty of ! Don't assume I'm going to abuse the medication, especially if I have a history that proves I don't
A lot of drs tell their patients it is the DEA when in reality it is the drs choice.
This evil organization is corrupt and bloated full of hypocrisy. They need to be stopped. They have become so bloated they are rearing their ugly head around to turn on us in an effort to try and remain relevant.
Get rid of the DEA.
Thanks for showing your support! The DEA interfering with a doctor's practice has been a long drawn out issue for quite some time. I don't know if there's an end in sight to this upheaval, but in this day and age it seems we all have to learn how to manage our problems differently (through other means) or continue down the path of helplessness reaching out for a doctor's hand that's not there, because its being cuffed by the DEA.
Petitions can be a great start to expressing the need for change. And while there is some doubt about how effective they really are when it comes to getting any recognition from the government or politicians, one thing it does add is a mindset of courage from those who want to stand up for their rights and it's that feeling of "I've had enough of this fermenting chaos!" that gets people up and fighting for a good cause. I wish everyone lots of success in carrying out whatever words or actions are on your heart to do. May you all get the opportunity to experience a pain free evening tonight!
Re: Kelly (# 12)
I heard on my local radio station this morning, San Francisco 107.7 f.m.,
"The Dea recently found that marijuana is one of the leading causes of opiate addiction."
Please, let's raise some hell!
Re: Grangerl (# 8)
This one looks interesting...
"The scope of the HCP abuse problem is described, along with a discussion of public concerns and comments addressed in the Drug Enforcement Administration’s (DEA) Final Rule designating HCPs Schedule II controlled substances..."
Source: "Rescheduling Hydrocodone Combination Products: Addressing the Abuse of America’s Favorite Opioid". Web. April 10th, 2015.
And another...
When the DEA Administrator has determined that a drug or other substance should be controlled, decontrolled, or
rescheduled, a proposal to take action is published in the Federal Register.
Re: Jeffrey (# 5)
It sounds like your Dr may be afraid of being shut down. That comes from the pressure the DEA is putting on the Drs. According to my Dr, the DEA can raid their office & go through everyone’s files & the Drs. perscription pads. The DEA has no right to do anything like that. They can’t even control the illegal drugs that are out there.
Obummer was useless, lets hope Trump can get it done. He's got a LOT of swamp to drain though.
I would like to see and sign a petition against the DEA!! They have no right under our constitution to stand between us and our doctor. That goes against everything America stands for. But they are doing it anyway because no one is opposing them from doing so. It can be done, and I see talk about banning together so come on. We need 100,000 signatures to get President Trumps attention. It not going to happen with 14 blogs. If we don't stand together the DEA is going to have it there way with a smile. Last year people gathered 150,000 signatures stopping the ban of Kratom in 10 days!!
Good Day To My Brothers and Sisters!
For those of you who are currently members of AARP, or are thinking about joining, I urge you to send an inquiry in their direction regarding the war on pharmacology. Given their grandiose oratory, rhetoric and hype to prospective members, perhaps they could put in a good word for us, the refugees stemming from the war of pharmacology!!
Who is familiar with he ACLU? In theory, they stand for the oppressed, the overlooked, the forgotten and neglected. I've sent in three separation inquires. They have a standard canned response, quite reminiscent of the response you'd get from any other bureaucracy.
If I may digress into a bit of sarcasm, you can find out more about the AARP, and the ACLU If you grab a dictionary and look up the term "hypocrisy."
You have a good point BL. It really does boil down to the doctor's decision (and their perceived degree of risk taking on behalf of the DEA's presence). I wouldn't doubt that they may be feeling just as insecure as their patients in some aspects relating to this, but clearly there are doctors out there who continue to prescribe whatever they please, within their own moral boundaries. It could just be a matter of them having to justify the reasoning behind prescribing certain meds in certain quantities in the event that they're being questioned by a higher authority like the DEA - something many doctor's apparently don't want to put up with, and as a result won't bother to take any risks at all. This is just my perspective anyway...
I’m a resident of NJ, who use to travel to Phila. Pa. For treatment of my intractable pain. I spent over 15 yrs being treated by my only treating dr of intractable pain.After being a functioning adult I’m now bed bound depressed & now only being able to look back to yrs of functioning.I no longer have desire to continue to live in this unlivable life because of Drs fear is stronger than desperate patients who no longer can stay in this state of non functioning & experiacing only severe unending pain that all dr refuse to believe the word pain or the life ending condition that results!!!
Re: Grangerl (# 8)
"Petition calls for FDA to remove ultra-high-dosage opioids from market":
"CDC: Withdraw Guidelines for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain":
Hope that helps get you started.
Re: Alan (# 17)
I agree that petitions are a good way to gain attention and create a paper trail that lends legitimacy. Successful petitions need to be presented to media sources. Candidates running for office need to get a copy also. Voter's are very important! It's unfortunate that Obamacare ever passed. This gave the government too much power to control our medical care. Thankfully those in power don't hold a majority in Congress presently. Somehow younger people, even some elders don't understand that socialized medical coverage doesn't equal medical care. Universal medical coverage only covers what the government agencies, the power people who believe they're superior allow. Medicaid for all but the wealthiest and most powerful in the World. "Pain Warriors" is a film that tells the truth about what is happening to us. You can Google the title to see a blip and learn more. I sure hope this is shared. We need advocates.
Re: BL (# 2)
This is true, The CDC is not pressuring your Dr. to cut you off or wean you to an amout lower that the recommendations. This is the problem. It is the squeak in the cog and needs to be addressed. My Dr is doing this to me trying to blame the CDC and His hands are tied. I am calling his bluff. He lied to me and caused me harm. I will let you know what the outcome is. I am fighting this all the way. I am done playing games and suffering to placate the EGO of some Dr. Time is up LETS DO THIS PEOLPE!
Re: Jeffrey (# 5)
Thank you Jeffery couldn’t have said it better myself my friend who stays in pain got his meds cut more than half Bcas supposingly thr DEA was on her butt she has a patient OD but didn’t die so she was cutting everyone so bcas one persons choice everyone suffers
Re: Jeffrey (# 5)
I agree 100% and pain management doctors wont give someone in severe pain hardly anything. They make it, it is out there and we should not have to suffer because others are abusing it. I have to take a U/A that shows everything, and no abuse from me, or most of the others, people just don't care about what they are doing to our lives!!!
Re: Jeffrey (# 5)
That could be fixed with a pain pump implanted. Then the DEA or any other company from accusing the dr or the patient. Then they can go back on the streets & stop the real abusers & leave us alone!
This petition has ended. Is there another petition for the same cause or is this the end?
Re: Laura (# 15)
Google, petitions for chronic pain support or similar. I signed and shared two today. One appeared on the page for the film Pain Warriors. Sharing information about the movie will also be helpful. We need to let our elected and appointed officials know that election time is coming up in the US and there are millions of voters with chronic pain.
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