Percocet Vs Tramacet (Top voted first)


Hi. I'd like information comparing Percocet (Oxycodone / Acetaminophen) and Tramacet (Tramadol hydrochloride / Acetaminophen). Is Percocet a stronger more powerful pain killer than Tramacet? If so, by how much? If you have been taking Percocet are you likely to get the same effect from Tramacet? Is there a chart somewhere that compares or ranks all pain killers comparatively? If so please tell me where. Thanks - good health to you all

125 Replies (7 Pages)

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tramadol in my opinion is useless. I have taken oxycontin 40mg 4 a day (depending on severity 80mg at once every12 hours or 40 every 6 to 8 hours) i neededto add something for break out severe pain from shopping or driving ect. tramadol was given i gave it a month then 2 and asked for something else he gave me 100mg more of this garbage and 100mg tramacet at night. new pain management doctor here in southern ontario. Today i got spinal injections in my neck and they hurt so bad we had to stop half way though it was super painfull. What gets me is my compensation will not even pay for the stuff i was injected with or any form of tramadol. but they will the oxycontin. Been in pain for 12+years 6 years on oxycontin it is a God send i do not ever get high from sell or abuse my script but my dr wants me off it.Why wreck my life and leave me without relief....because of junkies thieves and crooks abusing these opiods we in need suffer and have to justify everytime we need refills why we need such life saving drugs. Without oxycontin i would be dead because the pain would force me into suicide

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My doc recently got me to try Tramacet instead of the 4-6 Percocet per day I usually take. I found it (the Tramacet) to be no where near as effective for pain control and in addition, I got the worst headaches I have ever experienced.
If your Percocet, Endocet... whatever are effective - keep taking them. The side effects are minimal compared to Tramacet.
(and the Tramacet is pricey.

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I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis a couple of months ago, I am on methotrexate, the pain has started to be come very severe, I was on tylnenol 3, but its just not doing anything, the doc just put me on tramacet, so I'm hoping for better results, any suggestions would be great

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If you have suffered from an opiate addiction, is tramacet safe to use. I don't want to risk doing harm to my sobriety.

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In my country, neither of these combination drugs are available. Oxycodone is sold as an instant release (OxyNorm) capsule and modified release (OxyContin) tablet, the i/r being either 5, 10 or 20mg and the m/r form 10, 20, 40 or 80mg. Tramadol, which, Verwon, IS in fact an opioid, is only available in 50mg i/r capsules and 100, 150 and 200mg m/r tablets. No combinations, and no generics; OxyContin, having been introduced in 1996, can not be made generically until 2016. Only the original brand is available. Same goes for the tramadol, only available from Grunenthal, brand-name ZYDOL (Ultram in the USA). As oxycodone is a MUCH stronger drug (I have taken 40mg an hour ago and feel the effect still, despite my having been prescribed them for a long time) I would imagine that the combinations would show a similar difference in strength. Tramadol, which they tried with me many years ago, just could not cope with my pain at all, and also had a few unwanted side-effects. Oxycodone is a much more useful drug for severe pain, but I imagine that tramadol would be useful for light to moderate pain. It is probably the weakest of the opioids. Personally I can't see the need for these combinations when low doses like 10mg OxyContin and 50mg Zydol are available. What difference would paracetamol make, save perhaps lowering a fever? It has never been much of an effective analgesic to me, but is extremely useful in the case of high temperature. Paracetamol (acetaminophen in the USA) is a very dangerous drug, responsible for more deaths than any other single drug. It is highly hepato-toxic, and its almost universal availability, even in corner shops, is worrying. So many teenage 'cries for help' turn out to be funerals because of this drug. As I said, I see no reason to make these combination drugs; low dose therapy on the pure drug would be more effective I should think.
However the answer to the question is in no doubt - any drug containing oxycodone will be a lot stronger and effective than one containing tramadol. For sure. Use a search engine to look for a 'narcotic equivalence table', most of which are geared towards a 'standard' of 10mg morphine, as benzodiazepine tables are with 10mg diazepam. I know of at least three tables on the net; the differences are minimal and the best show all the information relevant - half-lives and comparison with 10mg morphine sulphate being what one would want to be seeing.

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Just wanted to thank everyone for your responses. Isn't it amazing how we all have differant experiences with the same drugs? The human body continues to mystify me.

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Opiates Are The Answer To All Lifes Ill's And Quills. Doctor Prescribes, Drugstore Supplies, Who's Gonna Help You Kick It !!!! Gotta Pay The Piper !!

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I am 62 years old and since 2003 I am feeling pain in all my joints. And in 2007 they started to be very severe in shoulders, hips and knees. My MD prescript me Tylenol but it does not work while Tramacet is perfet. I just take one at night before bed time and that is all.

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I have been taking tramacet for about 6 months for chronic pain. It has been one of the few medications that worked. After I had surgery, I was prescribed percocet because apparently tramacet thins your blood, and I had to avoid it for a couple of weeks. I found absolutely no help from the percocet whatsoever.
Tramacet does seem to have more side effects in the beginning, but if it's something you take regularily, it's suppossed to be less addictive as well.

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My MD just prescribed Tramacet for me to relieve pain and inflammation due to osteoarthritis. I'm also taking Arthrotec at the same time.

So far I've found there to be next to no side effects for me. I haven't felt drowsy or had an upset stomach as some people apparently get. It's also done a great job in dealing with my pain.

As it is combined with paracetamol I expect it will also have the effect of reducing any inflammation.

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Hi to everyone,sorry for my English (not first language).Just wanted to say to everyone I have a sciatic nerve injury and it hurts as hell,I was taking Oxycocet,and Oxycodone now I can't get it anymore my doc says I will get addicted sorry but fxxk this story ! I got Tylenol 3 and Tramacet from which I ready to vomit every time I'm taking it.Well docs dont think about the pain you're going through anly thing they worry about the addiction.

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Alberta doctors prescribe Tramacet to patients they know who are in pain and do not abuse. They know Tramacet is useless. They tell people its like the effective opiods
in hopes that one believes it. Plecebo effect. The pill is not covered by health plans like opiods are. Tramacet is expensive and ineffective. Be prepared to be treated like a drug dealer or addict if you ask or have been prescribed an opiod in the past. Especially in Calgary.

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Tramacet IS Tramadol SMH!!!!!!!

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My dad is a dr and often the tramacet is written in lower doses because it has Tylenol. Tramadol is often higher in dosage. Just pay attention to the prescription. I'm only mentioning because I went through this and figured it out. I know it's same base medication. Often times people take 2 tablets several times a day and are taking way too much for liver to handle. I was feeling ill and was shocked at how high my liver count was. I stopped Tylenol and it's now normal. I just thought it was a helpful warning. Just ask for 50 mg tramadol not tramacet which includes tyl and take what u need.

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Nurse REPLY POST 107

I hope your not a nurse in real life since your pharmacological accumen is sorely LACKING !!!! Tramadol and tramacet are CERTAINLY NOT THE SAME the active ingredient may be but tramacet contains 325 mg. of acetaminophen aka Tylenol. Some folks unable to take acetaminophen might believe someone when they proport to be a NURSE just another example of misinformation being dangerous if taken literally

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I get severe migraines, and the doctor wanted me to try Tramacet instead of Percodan. It was completely useless. If you have real pain and your doctor won't provide adequate pain relieving medication, its time to find a new doctor. Percodan is addictive, so they have a valid concern, but as long as its taken as prescribed, you and your doctor should be able to reach an agreement on its being prescribed for your moderate to severe pain.

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I have a herniated disc in my neck (between C6-C7) and also osteoarthritis in my neck (C5-C6-C7). My family doctor prescribed me Percocet which works relatively fast and is totally effective. I then consulted a so-called 'specialist' so he could give me a referral for a cortisone injection and he prescribed me Tramacet. I must say that this stuff is absolutely F**CKING USELESS! It takes forever to work and then it barely does anything at all. If your doctor wants to prescribe you Tramacet to relieve your pain, just say NO! GIVE ME SOMETHING THAT ACTUALLY WORKS, DAMMIT!

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I have heard heard about Calgary and how doctors dont care about chronic pain. It sounds like they dont like to deal with patients with pain so they refuse to treat them. By calling you an addict, its a sure fire way to get the word around not to go to them because they know people talk. They have power. The patient in severe pain doesnt. The patient is at the mercy of the physician. Letting a person suffer because you dont want to be responsible for what may happen,which likely wont happen if you give a sufffering patient what they need is modern medivalism

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Having been a former opiod addict for 15 years now I can honestly say that we, as addicts, have an addictive personality. You do not need to be taking a strong painkiller to become addicted. It is possible for an addict to become addicted to simple asprin. Just take precautions, such as, ask yourself if you honestly need the next dose, speak with a drug and alcohol counsellor, seek relapse therapy. I hope this helps.

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Omg im dealing with the same situations as u r. Not sure how to resolve issue. I think doctors r afraid now to prescribe pain killers cuz of new laws and its more paperwork so they don't want the extra work instead of properly caring for their patients. Sucks for all of us who r legit and in pain!

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