Percocet Vs Tramacet (Page 7) (Top voted first)


Hi. I'd like information comparing Percocet (Oxycodone / Acetaminophen) and Tramacet (Tramadol hydrochloride / Acetaminophen). Is Percocet a stronger more powerful pain killer than Tramacet? If so, by how much? If you have been taking Percocet are you likely to get the same effect from Tramacet? Is there a chart somewhere that compares or ranks all pain killers comparatively? If so please tell me where. Thanks - good health to you all

125 Replies (7 Pages)

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Same circumstance with herniated disks and WSIB. Over time the oxycontin will actually put you in more pain without you even knowing it. WSIB will cover your drugs but you will need a doctor who will jump through a hoop for you by writing a letter or 2 justifying why the non covered drug is a better option for you.

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The Tramadol is not actually a narcotic, it is derived from an opiated, but it is not actually one, so it is therefore nowhere near as strong as the Percocet, which contains a strong narcotic Oxycodone.

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Unless you're easily affected by medications, Tramadol is a big joke. If you have real pain you'd be best off with ANYTHING else other than the Tramadol. Over the Counter pain medicine has more effect. Of course that's just my experience with it.

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Tramacet is a joke, i have a slipped disk and muscle and tention damage in my lower back, i took it. made me vomit and massive headaches. i'm 23 and my doc says i'm too young for perks. so i get nothing.

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She asked about Tramacet not Tramadol. Tramacet is an opiate as is Percocet. As for the chart listing different opiates and their strengths, I would like to see that also.

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