Percocet Vs Tramacet (Page 3)
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Hi. I'd like information comparing Percocet (Oxycodone / Acetaminophen) and Tramacet (Tramadol hydrochloride / Acetaminophen). Is Percocet a stronger more powerful pain killer than Tramacet? If so, by how much? If you have been taking Percocet are you likely to get the same effect from Tramacet? Is there a chart somewhere that compares or ranks all pain killers comparatively? If so please tell me where. Thanks - good health to you all
I'm curious; why ppl compare Percocet to Tramacet. I believe doctors r putting everyone on Tramacet.
I've used both n they r totally different. I will never take either.
Omg im dealing with the same situations as u r. Not sure how to resolve issue. I think doctors r afraid now to prescribe pain killers cuz of new laws and its more paperwork so they don't want the extra work instead of properly caring for their patients. Sucks for all of us who r legit and in pain!
2 different drugs. Percocet is Codeine. Tramacet is a synthetic Opiate, highly addictive because it has an antidepressant in it as well. It may help at first but after 12 months your body starts behaving worse. My experience. I spent a month in hospital getting off it. Worse drug I ever took. I suffered serotonin syndrome n physical dependence which I've never had with other pain meds. I refuse to take this s***. Expensive n prescribed to keep honest ppl honest. It can't disintegrate like T3, Endocet, Percocet n the likes. That's why it the pain reliever if choice to prescribe but for chronicpain it's a nightmare once you hit the levels they want you on. Good luck!
However Percocet is HIGHLY addictive. Maybe the could be the reason for your headaches. They were withdrawn headaches. I asked my surgeon about Percocet after a total knee reconstruction. He was very reluctant to give me Percocet, only letting me take it for a total of two days after the initial three doses of morphene IV's. Tramacet is powerful however not as powerful as Percocet, BUT Percocet withdrawal has the exact symptoms you described. Those were not due to tramacet, those symptoms were due to the fact that your body has become dependant on Percocet. Which is not good. Coming from an EMT-P, even I am reluctant to give my patients Percocet.
I had sciatic nerve surgery 4 years ago. Best gift I gave myself after 27 years of suffering. Look into it. Like my friend said. .. Don't be an idiot they can fix it now! And they did!
I understand - the same thing happened to me after long term use. Horrid drug!
Stay far away from Tramadol. Very addictive! I have been on it for a few years along with baclofen and flexeral and anytime I would miss a dose I would go right into horrible withdrawals.
I told my doctor I wanted to get off of it so that I can see where I am at with my pain levels (car accident was 7 years ago) and what other things I can do to cope with pain. Mydr gave me Tramaset to wein me off of the Tramadol. I took my last Tramaset a few days ago and I am at this minute at a clinic to see if he can help me with the anxiety and mood swings until I can see my family dr in a few days.
Please understand that I never got high on the Tramadol so I am not craving that but I am really struggling with the body addiction. I will never take that poison again.
Tramadol made me nauseous too. After 2 years of it for my Spinal Cord Injury it was horrid trying to get off the stuff. Percocet I use when I can no longer take it. Not everyday like the Tram. Percocet is a Narcotic here and I get a prescription that has to be filed at the pharmacy within 3 days. Tramadol/Tramacet/Ultram ... all the same drug is Opiate (synthetic) like but not an Opiate.
"Too young" for pain management? Time to find a competent doctor!
could you please tell me what you were taking from Costco very much appreciated thank you
I need a hip replacement, but can only have it in three months time, I am taking Tramacet now, but try not to take more than about 6 per week, I am concerned that if I take 4 per day then by the time I can have the op. they will no longer work. is that so?
You must have mental issues like depression or Bi-Polar though. I have not had that effect at all w/ Tramacet. I find it's useless it does nothing for pain and mentally did nothing to me. I have depression and taking Paxil for it but I find that for pain I would be better off w/Tylenol 1 then Tramacet. It is useless but I guess it's different for everybody.
I also have RA and take methetraxate plus arava. I found that tremacet did help me. They aren't cheap though. I have no side effects!!!
My sister took oxys for pain and got addicted but only cus she had an addictive personality and I am afraid of having same problem my dr gave me tramacet which did help some with my back pain but I found that over the counter back and muscle pain pills from costco worked much better and only cost $4 a bottle tramacet $ 4 a pill and not covered by any health coverage at all then looking it up online freaks me out dr says they nonaddictive which is not true which makes me distrustful of all drs they dont even know what they are writting prescriptions for its insane
I have been using tramacet for over 3yrs for pain from two very bad car accidents. Yes oxy's are better for relieving pain and are way cheaper but tramcet is good because it does help pain and you can drive and work using them. I have cronic pain now after 12yrs. First accident was in 2000 almost broke my neck. Took 3yrs to get back on my feet then in 2009 drunk driver hit me. So I am back where I started from but worse this time. Tramacet is the only thing that keeps me smiling (barely) but it's so damd expensive it's insane. I am also worried about the long term effect on my organs. I now have fibromyalgia with artritis coming into my neck joints now. I"m only 49 and life ain't so great anymore. Was always an A type personality and thought i'd never get old..but I feel like I"m 80 most days. My life has changed so terribly. Anyone had an experience with actupuncture? I want to try that for pain. Sorry for the spelling in a hurry lol.
I would not BE on TRAMACET! WOW what is wrong with doctors this is worse than putting you on HERION!
Tramacet AKA Tramadol is NOT the same as Percocet and it a very dangerous addiction. Tramacet is for short term use if you start feeling depressed or suicidal speak to your doctor immediately it is most likely the Tramacet. It is the sertonin that affects the pain - but short term. After a year or more you will notice it doesn't work and that you either have to increase it or have mental health problems. SCARY! You can't mix this drug with numerous other drugs! NUMEROUS! It has been compared to Heroin addiction wise - and Percocet may have a physical dependence but nothing like Tramacets physcologic addiction and changes of you mind. It took me 3 months to get to somewhat normal! Now on it again thanks to a doctor that DID not believe ME - I am having a hard impossible time getting OFF! Good luck and if you CAN get off it immediately and never take it again! Too many people have killed themselves because of this drug!
Hello i am a 43year old male from SOUTH AFRICA i have BIPOLAR DISORDER and AADD(adult attention defficite disorder) i abused narcotics along time ago and now i am 8years sobber but i am getting the most intence crippeling cluster and tension headaches some days its so painfull i want to shoot myself my doctor has put me on TRAMACET and its not working i have read some of the other blogs here what pain killer would work best for me? Please i need seriouse help. Regards LESLIE.
you know on 2nd thought call the pharmacy and ask,I think someone made a mistake.Unless things have changed but I doubt it
tramadol also called ultram is not percocet.I don't understand how they could give one for the other
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