Percocet Generic Report On Phasing Out Opioids By The Year 2021 (Page 2)
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I got a report to read from the FDA sent from the DEA on generic Percocet from a friend's family member that works for the FDA. The report said that in their discussions they came up with a plan to stop people from dying from overdoses & addiction. Said Generic Percocet is the most abused medicine on the market. They have in place a 20% tolerance on generic pain medication and they deemed this wasn't helping the abuse of Percocet. People have been complaining in the thousands about Rhodes Pharmaceuticals and others not putting the correct amount of opioid in generic Percocet plus it seems to be making people sick.

In the report not only are they decreasing the 20%, but also adding 50% to the 20% so you're getting 70% less of the active ingredient in Rhodes/Purdue Pharmaceuticals medication. So say you're taking Rhodes generic Percocet 10mg - you're getting around 4% of the active ingredient and in the 5mg you're getting 2%. Not only are they cutting the medication your doctor prescribed but adding fillers that make your stomach hurt making people stop taking opioids altogether. This plan has a goal by the year 2021 to phase out opioids altogether with the exception of hospitals. After reading this I said this must be Trump's doing? They said look at the date. It's from the year 2014 and is an Obama administration idea, not Trump. So no matter how many complaints reports you fill out, you're wasting your time. They aren't addressing these complaints because the two agencies are in on stopping opioids by 2021. Only in America.

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That 20% tolerance in difference of potencies between name brand in generic means that the generic 5mg Oxycodone (for example) could be up to 20% stronger, or 20% weaker than the roxis. And I don’t think it’s actually 20%. The number used to be lower. I dated a man who owned a chain of pain clinics and he hated generics for that reason. It doesn’t always mean they are weaker, though I can’t think of a time when I’ve thought they were stronger. If I misunderstood you and you were saying that they’re secretly reducing the amount of oxycodone in the Percocet, I’m sorry. And by Percocet you mean the actual oxy/acetaminophen pill, not the plain oxycodones? That seems odd.

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Re: Tommy (# 25) Expand Referenced Message

Ok, what ever you all say, I know you are all scared and I understand it. The fact is yes in mnany areas it a lot harder to obtain your meds but untill there is a non opiate pain relievers invented there will and even after that will be opiates. Don't believe me but we are a very far away from a medication that can do what opiates do for moderate to moderately severe pain and above.

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Re: Happy Man (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

Once again, enough with the freaking pill crackdown. All computers are linked. Problems have been solved already. Now people like me are for the first time not able to work or deal with the extreme pain. Just watch the ssi applications grow like crazy!! The freaking stupid politicians who started this epidemic should work on the illicit drug epidemic they now started.

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Re: Donna (# 24) Expand Referenced Message

What the frack! We have representatives but they do not represent us. We pay taxes and we pay doctors to manage our pain. Why do we pay all these people? We have no voice. We have no rights. We have pain. We must be mistaken cause no one hears us. The Veterans Administration hooked me on opiates. For years I controlled my decency but VA would rather throw pain pills at me instead of treating me. Now, I still have the same problems but now my dependency has turned into an addiction and VA cause of public outcry won't prescribe pain pills. I have no voice, just an urge that is getting harder and harder to quit. The only ones happy about all this is the CIA with tons and tons of Afghanistan opium. Don't believe me? Watch the true story of a Pulitzer prize-winning journalist who exposes the CIA drug running and formulating crack to get a rich man's drug into the ghettos and their public apology to East LA.

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Re: H ROSEN MD PA (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

Don't believe me, but Trump said what I've been saying. He's an ***** but he said I'm going to get my ppl to work on a non addictive pain medication. He went on to say these opioids have to go. So he backed up what I've been trying to tell you. There will be pain medication but it's not going to be an opioid pain medication. Again, not an opioid pain medication. You'll get pain medication but without the high of opioid medication. It'll relieve ur pain without the high. I'm sure opioids will be around for cancer patients but opioids are coming to an end. Sorry.

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Re: Kim P (# 22) Expand Referenced Message

Ahhh, You are so right..We get Labeled! They switched me from Oxycodone 30 mg to Methadone 10 mg... I am a diabetic with serious Neuropathy..had ulcer on bottom of foot, they amputated my toe & sanded Amp site & ulcer also took bone spur off heel. Also had back surgery that went wrong. I have osteoarthritis, osteopenia, bone spurs, herniated discs, pinched nerves, etc. Every surgery I get scar tissue so walking is painful & balance is off. I hurt my opposite ankle & it's been 10 months of walking with foot at 45° angle & new Dr. Says in Nov. Well check it out..(we'll see)..I wobble & fell backwards 2 months ago & split my arm & wrist & just got 4 pins & metal bar off. New Dr. Cut me from 3 to 2 Methadones a day & at times, I still need 3, so I suffer a couple days without. & Now he stopped my muscle relaxers..boy there is NO EMPATHY...As they don't suffer with pain & spasms! I've Suffering from Anxiety & occ panic attacks but, afraid to ask for anything. When I asked Dr. Why he cut me down he said " DEA Watching" Lol.. Sad Ppl with Chronic pain are LABELED! Went to ER & said I was on Methadone & got a dirty look from Dr. Said there PRESCRIBED for Me! I felt like a piece of Crap! I'm on Disability, as I had injuries at 18 & 21, I recovered & was a nurse & lifted a patient & pain went from a burning neck to a ruptured Thoracic & Lumbar. I'm 61 now & Am an Addict, Not by Life! When pain meds are cut for ppl who really need them, yes there will be more suicides. I've heard ppl say, go to rehab.. That's great..The pain will still be there..due to injuries! You are so right Pam...The more pain, the more quality of life diminishes..Sad that we have to suffer! Your article is Sooo true, We're belittled, looked down upon for something we can't control! Thank you for listening, most ppl don't understand or care. Hope you find another Dr. You shouldn't have to suffer. Take Care. I understand.

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I am in pain every day and was told that I Ave rhumatoid arthritis and fibromyalga and am allergic and have side affects to multiple medications so they decided to take me off my medications now I I am mostly a couch potato,I was taking oxycodone and was just beginning to feel able to function normally I also was on tramadol and now they say they can't treat me for pain,but they will still accept me as a patient,

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One recent poster said:

"You cannot take away their meds and no one wants to live in a hospital. They're not gonna take away pain meds. It's unethical."

Yes they can and they do. We're not in Kansas anymore Toto.

There is no longer any 'ethics' within the medical community when it comes to treating people who live with chronic pain. Many who have served our country and have come back wounded have been marginalized and their pain medications have been summarily taken away and very sadly many of them have committed suicide. You will not hear about them except that the medical community will try to portray them as drug addicts. The whole opioid scare is nothing but a lie that the CDC started with their report and have since backtracked from but the damage and the intended effect has been done.

I have a cervical spinal cord injury, at the very top of my spinal cord at the base of my brain. I should be dead but by the grace of God I am not. I should not be able to move, but again, by the grace of God I can. However, I do have constant pain that increases by audio and visual stimuli in my environment that excites my sympathetic nervous system.

It is from a well-documented, congenital vascular malformation, that has bled numerous times since my teen years. In 2011 it bled and cause me to be tetraplegic for a week and slowly I regained movement, first on the left side then more slowly, with therapy the right. I am spastic and weak on my right side and my left side has no feeling - hot/cold, wet/dry, pain.

I had been taking hydrocodone and morphine at the same exact levels since early 2012 until Oct 2017. I never went to any other doctor, never filled a script for anything other than what was prescribed by my PCP. Never filled an Rx early, went to only one pharmacy. Peed in a cup nearly every time I had to go get my Rx paper, subjected myself to sit there while they counted my pills to make sure I had the correct amount and so much more demeaning, dehumanizing treatment, from the girl who answers the phone to the Ameritox lab technician. (A conflict of interest per a Federal Court, but that’s a whole other story of corruption down another rabbit trail, Alice.)

So on Oct 4th 2017, I went for my, pee in a cup - count your pills health-Scare appointment (they never ask about my health, only about my pills) subjecting myself to be treated like a criminal, an addict, a low-life worthless person. Don’t dare ask any questions that point out their lack of actual healthcare or knowledge about your particular health issues or concerns, that just makes them defensive.

They marginalize, stigmatize and humiliate patients so that they can feel self-righteous when they mistreat people. If they claim, in their vaunted medical OPINION, that you are a problem, an addict an abuser, etc. then they can mistreat you in the name of medical care.

After being interrogated, evaluated, accused and treated like a convict and waiting for three hours, when I was the 2nd appointment of the day, I had the audacity to ask if my Rx scripts had been printed and were ready, I was dressed down in the lobby of the clinic by the nurse who told me loudly that “If I didn’t like waiting...” that she would not give me “your drugs”. Now who is it that has turned opioid treatment therapy into nothing more than a drug-pusher type of transaction?

BTW, this is the same nurse who, just that morning, I had overheard laughing with another employee about how she was looking forward to cutting off so and so patient - but would wait until 9 AM to do so and when that patient had a problem with it how she was going to relish telling her off. It made me sick to my stomach. Even if, and that is a BIG IF, that patient was an abuser, that does not call for such glee and laughter among these so-called professionals.

I was stressed for days leading up to these impending inquisitions, knowing the inhumane treatment, the marginalization and stigmatization I would have to endure that I stood still for a moment and a clarity hit me that comes from no longer being afraid, and I looked her in the eyes and asked, "Why are you people like this?" I then turned and walked out of the clinic.

A week later I got a letter that said I should seek medical help for my drug addiction and hinted at mental issues. They labeled me a drug addict! I WALKED OUT! I choose to no longer subject myself to their beyond evil treatment but they get to continue to label and marginalize and destroy lives because they have a degree that says they sat through two years of courses at the local community college and got a BA in nursing or something.

That is correct, they are NOT medical doctors. My MD at the clinic sent me to them, the vaunted “Pain Management” portion of the same clinic to get pain medicine because the clinic doesn’t want to put their MD’s at risk with the DEA for writing Rx’s for pain medications.

So I am now living in great pain, I am back to having to walk with my walker, something I haven't had to do since late 2012. My quality of life has been greatly impacted for the worse, but according to the medical community, I got what I deserved, I am an addict.

How many truly addicted drug addicts walk away from a drug supply? How many drug addicts have the behavior I claim above?

As horrible as the physical pain is and how much harder it is for me to move about now, I will never return to the medical community, sans an ER doctor if I ever have an accident, as they actually do try to help people. I am no longer a puppet for them to play their masochistic games with.

Even within the constant pain I have my dignity, I have peace of mind, I am a child of God, a follower of Jesus Christ and I will no longer sully the body of Christ by willingly subjecting myself to these Godless, soulless people.

Jesus said, These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. John 16:33

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Re: Happy Man (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

Not all users are abusers and Oxycontin is THE most abused drug. While it's a form of Percocet, it's Extended Release and far more dangerous. I'm disabled and on low dose hydrocodone. Percocet makes me hallucinate, have sleep paralysis and makes me sick as a dog. Hydrocodone works better and less likely to be abused but you have to treat those with chronic pain. You cannot take away their meds and no one wants to live in a hospital. They're not gonna take away pain meds. It's unethical. Think about new cancer patients or those with debilitating diseases, broken legs, backs, etc. GET REAL. We need to stop ILLEGAL use, not legal use. The laws in place make it hard enough to get new people hooked. Oh, and if one CVS does something, all of them must so that's a blatant lie as I use CVS. However, I've gotten Rx's filled that made me sick so my pharmacy sticks with a good brand.

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Hmmmm, ok. Please don't give any credence to these or any report. Yea there going to be no opiate pain killers except for hospitals is the most untrue statement I have ever heard.

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Re: Happy Man (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

Do you believe me now? You said I was lying about phasing out opioids by the year 2021. Seems like Trump has upped it to ASAP for a non-opioid pain medication. I did read the report & just because I can't put the content on MedsChat didn't mean I was lying. They are going to phase the Norco you take out too. Not sure why you tried to bully me into saying I was lying. I would like to hear your comments on phasing out opioids now. President Trump said it on tv so maybe you'll believe him.

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Re: Lady c (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

I went through same circumstance. Every month for months I’d never know what generic brand I would receive from 2014 & each one headaches, stomach issues, overwhelming fatigue as if I was being poisoned. 3mos ago I spoke to my pharmacist who then switched me permanently by noting on my account Record “MEDICALLY NECESSARY ENDOCET GENERIC PERCOCET ONLY” ENDOCET is the highest grade generic & is identical to Percocet formula as it’s made by ENDO MANUFACTURING who makes PERCOCET. I go to a non-chain family pharmacy which makes a difference in loyalty & communication. I suggest you do same as I did. I feel like “me” again AMEN!

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Re: Roy (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I read a story on Wikipedia about Purdue/Rhodes Pharmaceuticals tampering with opioid deterrents in their generic percocet and other medicine. In the Wikipedia search, put "Purdue Pharma L P 2007" and read about it. I've searched Wikipedia and had documents saying this but couldn't release it to the public. But I found a 2007 document about this problem because Rhodes is owned by Purdue Pharmaceuticals and their Percocet are making ppl sick because these ppl are adding and tampering with their Percocet generic medicine.

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Re: karol (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

I just think this is the beginning of the end. I hope I'm wrong and it's nothing to this & like you said it's not for ppl already getting meds but new ones, I think? But I'll never go to CVS even for batteries, they are just a drugstore among many to choose from. I've never used CVS except for getting film developed, & u know how long that's been since we used film to take pictures. Thanks

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Re: Tommy (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

I do know I've been pain management for 9 years and my Dr don't know anything about new laws other than I know in TN all cvs r giving a 7 day supply no matter if u have a 30 day. Not going change anything other than go to another pharmacy.

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Re: Happy Man (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

Ok and you act like ur name, Happy Man. Just sayin ease up a little on these folks.

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Re: Tommy (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

Opinions are wonderful Tommy Boy, but it would be ignorant of me to not correct opinions that could harm other less informed readers. Keep your rose colored glasses on buddy......

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Re: Tommy (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

What's the matter Tommy?? You a drug abuser and don't want to hear the truth?? Explain to me how I am wrong about Norco and Percocet? I didn't think so. Don't know why I am wasting my time helping people who obviously don't want help and would rather spread rumors to a blog site....LMAO Go back to sleep Tommy Boy

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Re: Diane (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Please don't pay any attention to Happy Man, sounds very bitter. Bitter Man should be his name. Must have gotten kicked out of his pain clinic for abuse of the medicine he was prescribed. Mad at the world

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Re: Happy Man (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Happy Man you don't sound to happy, ever. I think ur the one is full of crap. Stop downing ppl for giving their opinions. Move on to another forum we don't need ur input if ur gonna act like a know it all. Thanks

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