Pain-o-soma Blister Pack No Imprint On Pill? (Page 2) (Top voted first)


Round white pill no imprint? HAB pharmaceutical licence #48/ua 2006

122 Replies (7 Pages)

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I took them and they were just as effective as name brand, if not stronger and I take somas all the time.

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Ordering Soma online is clearly a Felony now!

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I take SOMA on a daily basis to maintain my daily life. The Pain-O-SOMA works just as well as US brand and I see no failure with this product. If it keeps me on my feet and keeps the pain at bay, it is worth it to me.

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Re: Echo (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

The only thing my doctor will prescribe is Baclofen. It might as well be sugar or aspirin for all the good it does. I have never taken more than six at one time, but I can confirm that even taking two extra pills of the prescribed four pills to be taken across the day, I get nothing from it. I used to take SOMA. It helped my neck pain when it was coupled with OxyContin. And when they attacked OxyContin, they also went after SOMA. I have taken Carisoprodol - it is nowhere near as good as SOMA, but it does help some. I never tried more than two at a time, but it might be an interesting experiment. Perhaps adding one pill at a time over the course of a week - it could be worth exploring.

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How do you get Soma's (Watson)? I cannot get them in GA, and doc says same thing, suck it up, they will NOT prescribe it anymore! Iburpofen can only go so far!! I have gotten Pain-O-Soma's before, now I get Caritop, they do not taste as bad as Pain-O-Soma's, and it says they are Carisoprodol 350 mg for both. Caritop's are ALOT cheaper too!!

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Soma is the brand name. And is a muscle relaxer that works by blocking pain sensations. Pain-O-Soma and Carisoprodol are generic name. But they work the same I have been on them for 14 yrs. I take 2 to 4 at night since i have been on them for so long that is why i can take uo to 4 pills. If u haven;t been on them that long i would avise not to take that many. Everybody is different and can handle it ok and some can't. The people that i was ording from don;t have their phone number any longer so i have know way of ordering them anymore. So if anyone has a email address or number so i can call to place an order. I live in the States. My pills were coming out of India.

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Do not take these pills they will make you very sick. Made me throw up for 2 days. Don't waste your time and money on anything from these people.

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Your pills are from India... The pain-o-soma, right? So customs probably X-rays the package and when it looks like pills they may have the dogs sniff it, but they get no response so as far as they know it's meds for your dog... I figure they don't really have probable cause, at least not worth it for a possible sched IV at best... But they can't be sure... Plus they have bigger fish to fry. Agree?? (As you can see I'm still working up the courage...) :)

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You're not going to believe this... Well, maybe you will. My package... The second one I can't track from superdrugsaver, was sitting at the PO for a week! My postman did not leave a slip! I finally got through to the place and they said there was a delivery attempt last week! Well, at least I wasn't ripped off... And they are way cheaper. Oh, and I guess it's not actually a feather... Kind of... More like silver and off white flames... Whatever... So I have one delivery... Still waiting on customs for the other...

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Ha! There's hope still... glad to hear. And yes it is under the manage my mail option.

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So that sounds like a question, which I share with you... Do we know if they care so much about a schedule IV that they cannot be sure of... They X-ray it... Looks like pills, but it's wrapped up in bubble wrap so they can't tell what it is... Dogs sniff and get nothing. They can stick a small camera into the corner but with the wrapping can't tell if it's controlled human meds or something for your dog. Do they open it against the 4th amendment for the hopes of just a schedule 4? And, I would argue, without probable cause... What do you think? Are we safe???

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Could have been SuperSaver that put the slip on my one package from India

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So I've just gotten a notice... My package is in "custody"... I'm flagged. So that's it... I can't get any more... They'll check every package.... Right?

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I thought you got a different one as well? I don't think they check anything, especially if the slip taped to the package declares what is supposedly inside. Of course with international packages coming through to the USPS anything can be opened?

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My HMO gave out endless bottles. When my Kaiser coverage stopped they still gave me SOMA for two years? Granted things have changed and no I am not DEA. Go outside your HMO and find a Pain doc or a regular Doctor that can assist, even if that means crossing State lines?

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I'm in the Golden State too, and there are no special laws here. Doctor Shopping is when you go to more than one to obtain the medicine you require which you would not do! Nothing illegal in getting a second opinion or going to another doctor. I had free Kaiser for two years and somehow they never told the pharmacy I was no longer welcome. I had discovered early on the Soma was not being sent to my doctor for refills, just always approved! Now I pay about $3 for a bottle of 100

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Getting spinal surgery was the worst thing I have ever done! No one should slit open your throat to work on your back! SOMA does help but even my guy has been a little hesitant to write for SOMA. California should be a no problem State as long as you pay cash!

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Vermont, there are many ways of confirming such as these. The controls in India are the strictest outside Europe. Pain-O-Soma are an approved and quality controlled carisoprodol 350mg tablet. And by the way, Soma brand is not LICENSED to Watson but to MEDA. It is a matter of some mystery to me (and to intellectual property law) how any tablet manufactured by Watson could be embossed with that TRADE NAME. I actually thought Watson's CARISOPRODOL was marked 'DAN5513'...

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I take Soma too and got the weird blister pack from some place in ROUND ROCK, TX! Or at least that's what the return label said. I've never heard of this place! I got the same blister pack that said Pain-O-Soma and the pills are large & white with line on one side. I've bee prescribed Soma before and these are definitely different! (Like many doctors, mine won't prescribe them any longer even though I've bulging discs in 5 places). The real Soma has a distinct smell and works very quickly. This does not! Anybody know what this really is? And has anyone gotten their prescription from Round Rock, Texas?? I keep seeing that they're from India..

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Apologies, I forgot to include a link for more information on Carisoprodol:


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