Pain Medication Cut Downs (Page 9)
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Is it just me or is all the pain management docs trying to cut everyone down or back!!?? When I went to my last visit the doc had the nerve to ask me if I still needed my Oxymorphone 20mg ER (56). I was like YEAH, what do you think?! This is after they closed down for 3 months and I had to switch to Subutex to not get sick. And I got dropped from the 30mg oxymorphone. And by the way the 20'mgs are garbage. Then my doc asked me to get an MRI on my lower back, which I did the month prior. It just goes to show what a dumb ass he is and how they're so not in tune to what is going on! All they want to do is lower and lower your meds. Has anyone else had their doc try and taper them down or try and lower your stuff? By the way, I'm in south FL.

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Re: John (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Wow,John,you are a rare bird.What I mean by that, is you are from the medical community and are experiencing what us "patients " have to go through, I am truly sorry for all the hurts you are having to go through. I wish you well.

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Re: Tbones89 (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

I guess they figure that not as many medications are needed since we are killing ourselves due to pain
AND when they reduce supply even more deaths will take place when people cant get pain under control when they can no longer get their scrips filled!

But Hey .... Getting a gun is still easy to end the missery!

They seem to have it all figured out!

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Re: Beth (# 30) Expand Referenced Message

I have not lost all my medication ... YET! In 2 months my doctor. Cut both long acting and break thru mefs by half. This came after a large cut a few years ago!

With a doctor visit I am terrified of ... My plan is in place as my medication is not nearly enough as it! Doctors are killing us!

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Re: DyingOfPain (# 31) Expand Referenced Message

It must be nationwide! Here in Tennessee too! It's awful! Just like the 2nd amendment protecting people from the government telling them what to do with their guns, to me its the same thing as the dea (the government!) telling doctors what to do!! This is not a legal issue but more a medical one!!! Yes, there are crooks everywhere, but drs should not be afraid or scared to treat their patients! Something has to be done to appeal this law and the DEA’s bulls***! They really need to be on the border!! Any ideas out there???

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I am also in South Florida and took some cuts about 3 years ago but in just two visits both my long acting and break thru meds have been cut in half. If that is not enough the doctor would not see me when I called to tell him I was having a very difficult time. My last appointment when he reduced my medications for the second time... when I tried to tell him I was already having a difficult enough time; he told me if I did not like his treatment plan I needed to find another doctor which I am sure is what he wants. I wont go into what all has happened since his quick taper but it is far from pretty. I lost 20 pounds and can no longer take care of myself. I am currently staying with a good friend but I am going to have to do something else for the long term. I am only 60 years old and pain is no way to have to live but knowing that there is medication that helps that I can no longer get is killing me!

I am damn tired of hearing that these medications do not work for chronic pain! They are brainwashing people and getting those that do not need them to believe that lie!

I will never let another doctor do surgery on me. That was the start of my hell! I had pain before that but nothing like they left me with after the surgery that was supposed to get me back to my job as a flight attendant!

Lastly, I would look for another doctor but I know this is happening everywhere because the DEA have our doctors afraid of losing their licenses or worse.
In California they are using the database that was to make sure patients were not using more than one doctor to get medication but in California they are tracking every person who overdosed and using the database to see who treated these people with what drugs before they died. They are investigating the deaths. California doctors like doctors everywhere, are afraid to treat patients with pain! Below you will find a link to that article.

Source: "'Death Certificate Project' Terrifies California Doctors". Web. August 30, 2018

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Yes, a year ago this month I was cut off oxymorphone from 2 ten mg IR and two 20 mg ER. I was on them for 6 years. I was given a 60 pill script of 5 mg pills to wean. What a joke. I was told I tested positive for morphine and I have never had or done morphine outside of a surgery in my life. I tried Suboxone and my pain was horrible so now I'm on methadone; best decision of my life!!!

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Look up agenda 21, the United Nations would just assume get rid of us all together. Pretty soon will we be told what to eat and where we can and cant live. Agenda 21 is already in motion . Talk about scary a future. We haven't seen anything yet , tapering our pain medications is just the beginning of how we are are going to be controlled.

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Re: CityguyUSA (# 25) Expand Referenced Message

Look up agenda 21, Not just robotics but the United Nations would just assume get rid of us all together . Pretty soon will we be told what to eat and where we can and cant live. Agenda 21 is already in motion . Talk about scary a future. We haven't seen anything yet , tapering our pain meds is just the beginning !

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Hey just for everyone's 411, if you plan on stopping suboxone only to get back on it a short time afterwards, you will be forced to seek counseling or some kind of drug rehab here in the USA unless you're already taking it. If you have been on it for 4 or 5 months you are grandfathered in to where you don't have too. If you are going to switch doctors or anything like that you will have to seek drug counseling. It's the new law that has just been placed on every doctor here. If you don't they can not treat you. Like its not expensive enough and degrading already!!!

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Re: Big red balloon (# 22) Expand Referenced Message

The actual amount is five times the nicotine found in a cigarette.

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Re: Big red balloon (# 22) Expand Referenced Message

I think the government wants as many people doped on pot as they can get. Jobs aren't what they used to be and the prediction that everyone is going to be replaced with robotics becoming scary to people because there's no plan on how we're going to address this let alone that whole climate change issue which could be a huge problem or it could pass we don't know. All these big unknowns with a President that scares the bejesus out of most of us and there's no better time to quiet the public and dope them up which will relieve the general anxiety and keep the government from being overthrown.

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Shoot, I've had friends that have been completely cut off after being on high doses of pain meds for over 5 years and all of a sudden just cut off completely... no explanation, not asked to set appointment to discuss it, nothing for the withdrawal, no going over what they are probably going to experience, nothing. Just cut off. And I don't know how they expect people to cope when that happens.

My friends had lost hope. They have chronic pain and we are just a number and it's the president of the United States who's having doctors do this cuz they're such an epidemic. But the people that really need them don't get them anymore! If doctors didn't overload themselves with patients and they might be able to know what's going on and you wouldn't be a number with an insurance claim. You would be an actual human being with a first and last name, but that's never going to be the case so what do you do!

You find a doctor who does care, one who actually has more than 3 minutes to sit down and listen to your situation and a doctor who wants you to get better ... not a doctor who doesn't. Shoot, if you're better, how are they going to make any money if you don't have to come back in a week or two? Think about that. There are good doctors out there, trust me. You just need to find one that will know you by name when you come in and will actually listen to your situation because they're a good doctor and that's what they do. So look around, that's my advice!

I was asked the other day to fill out a 3 page form about my symptoms and my past surgeries, allergies and so forth, and when I got to see the doctor he said "have you had any surgeries or are you allergic to anything?", and every question that I answered on that form. He asked me because he didn't have a minute to read it before he walked into my room. I had waited 20 minutes past the time I was supposed to be there and he spent three minutes with me. He told me that I'm depressed after I answered three questions and handed me a script for antidepressants. All that transpired within 3 minutes of him being in the room. It was laughable really.

My daughter was scheduled 3 months out because they didn't have time to do it any sooner than 3 months. We waited the whole 3 months, finally got to see the dermatologist, and the dermatologist laughed at my daughter and gave her some cream. And that happened in about 4 minutes and cost us $325 cuz it was a specialist that we had been referred to. So it's just a terrible terrible industry and it's a crime. Really, you're not alone, and I feel your pain. I'll pray for you!

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Re: Joseph (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I have been through this battle for 14yrs and suffer horribly because since they changed the class of drugs...Ex: hydrocodone helped but my dr is afraid to prescribe it so now the only alternative for me is Tylenol 4 ..It's pure craziness and look up how toxic Tylenol can be..Lord help all who are suffering for others bad choices.. We have no control over our bodies unless of course we want to have an abortion (take a life)?? It's just pure evil all around.

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Re: Beth (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

I agree with you. I have also been saying that the plan is to get all pain patients on "legal" marijuana. Big huge money for the government in the taxes ... look at the tax on cigarettes, alcohol, well actually, look at the tax on everything we consume. It’s not so far fetched to believe or think, hmmm they want to force us to consume cbd and smoke marijuana to reduce pain. Long time ago I heard that there is as much nicotine in one joint as there is in a whole pack of cigarettes. Don’t know how much truth there is in that, don’t have the energy to research it. Guess if they get us smoking pot up goes the amount of people needing lung treatment. I seem to be losing track here with my wayward thoughts. I don’t even like pot, hate that buzzed in the brain feeling, the body aches, and lazy, don’t feel like doing anything but sleeping feeling pot gives me. Funny, my start on anti opioid 7.5 seem to be doing the same thing to me. Conspiracy theory that they want the tax money on pot I think that in the coming months the conspiracy will be realitym it’s all about money.

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I'm in Australia. I think same is happening here. All it seems to take is some famous rock star to make a pig of themselves and have too much because they are so depressed with all the $$ they are making. Media gets hold of it and everybody in real pain pays the price and has to put up with pain. Either that or there's a lot of shares in Suboxone getting sold. I've actually heard of people going into precipitated withdrawals with it. Also heard it's no wonder drug, just about impossible to get off of, plus the mental side depression etc. My opinion on what i have seen. Thanks.

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Re: Joseph (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I am in the east coast as well n was getting from my family dr fir fibromyalgia. Was on a 7.5 mg twice a day but it was not helping anymore n pain was getting worse. He would not give me anything else n referred to PM. Thankfully got a really great PM dr who is very empathetic. Am now taking 10 mg. 3 times a day if roxicodone. My fiancé is also seeing him for broken discs in his back n neck due up an auto accident n he is giving him 15 mg oxy 4 times a day plus Fentanyl patches. There are stil some good doctors out there u just have to find them which is very difficult

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I can relate to everything that has been written here! I have been trying to find a pain management doctor who will take me in my area that also takes medicaid. Have been looking for the past 3 years. I've had 7 orthopedic surgeries since 2013. I am constantly being told that I have to live with this pain! This has become very depressing!! I have a theory though that the government has finally got it through their head that they are & have missed out on tax Money they could have been making all this time on the sale of marijuana!! And I've taken plenty! I swore that I'd never quit, but I did!! And I was shocked at myself!! I loved it! But think about it, the Gov. is taking away legal pain medication and coming full circle with marijuana!! They can bring in lots of tax money that they can't with prescriptions!!! Many years ago when I was much younger I tried a lot of different drugs as many of you. And yes, even heroin for short time. It almost killed me! Went to rehab in the 80's & never done it since! But recently the thought of it and thinking I know what would help my pain, but Bless God I didn't dwell on it!! I'm just saying for many of us this in severe pain I don't know what's going to happen??? Or what the answer is??? But the Government needs to listen to us!!! We put most of them in office!!

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The doctors r quacks these days, they don't know s*** about us and never will cause it's all about money. Think about it, a MRI costs more than the pain pills.

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I've seen the list somewhere. It's been a while but effectively there's an upper limit that they don't want anyone to go over but most of us are already over. The theory is if less medication is prescribed there will be less on the streets. Yes and there will be less for the people that need it but this is their grand plan to save all the street junkies from themselves.

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Tbones89 - well put. I agree with almost everything you said, except for a couple of things. First, the part about pot being a gateway drug. I think alcohol is more of a gateway drug, but they keep that around because it too is a huge money maker and ingrained into culture as a socially acceptable thing to do. In my opinion medical marijuana CAN offer therapeutic effects, but they should seriously dedicate proper resources to studying it. But I digress. And I don't know, is the head of the CDC really an ex nazi? That seems a bit far-fetched. Not that I outright refuse to believe you, but I'd appreciate some sort of citation or more information to prove that. Are you talking about either of the directors Robert Redfield or Anne Schuchat from the CDC leadership page? Neither of them were even born before WWII.

Anyways, thanks for sharing all that. It pains me to read about what you're dealing with.

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